Hameldon pondHameldon scarp

PFO Lancashire HotPot Weekend – Final DetailsDay 2: Hameldon Hills. 7th October 2012

UK Cup Final & Individual Long Distance Races. Level B.

Travel/Park:Exit at M65 Junction 9, travelling in an easterly direction only. See details/map below.
There are 3 car parks A, B & C. £1 fee. Dogs on leads at parking only.

Assembly:From 10 minutes from the nearest up to 20 minutes walk from the furthest car park.

Facilities:Toilets: Portaloos at Assembly, plus emergency loos at car park ‘B’.
Traders: Compass Point. NWJS fundraising Cake Stall. Marcelle’s O-Snax - H&C drinks & food, plus Lancashire HotPot special and vegetarian options.

UK Cup Men & Women:Mass starts: Men 12:00, Women 12:05.
Competitors should assemble at Registration at 11:45 ready for short walk to start. Clothing will be taken back to registration. Please provide your own bag.

Bibs: UKC competitors must wear a numbered bib, which will be issued at Registration.
E-cards: High capacity v6/v9 dibber for 40+ controls will be required. Please provide your own or hire at £1.
Legs: Both men’s and women’s courses have 3 parts with butterfly loops. Parts 1 & 2 return to the map exchange control, which is the end control of that part and is punched only once on each visit. The map exchange control is also marked (by a circle not a triangle) as the first control of the next part. The map exchange position is close by and is not separately shown.
Maps: Sealed Leg 1 maps will be issued at the start. Leg 2 and Leg 3 maps must be drawn from the bamboo cane, which carries your competitor bib number.
Control descriptions will be shown on the map only, as the leg and loop combinations preclude individual loose descriptions. Numbering will be continuous through the 3 legs.

Spectators: The courses have been planned so that spectators can see most of the action in the early stages of the race. We encourage as many people as possible to come and watch our top men and women in fast & furious action.
Spectators should assemble with competitors at registration at 11.45. You can then walk to and watch both starts. After 12:05 the Spectator Viewing Point will be revealed. From here you will be near to the map exchange control and will have a clear view of the early stages both races. See also separate downloadable Planner’s Notes.

Future Champions Cup (FCC) Long Distance Finals:
M20, M18, W20 and W18. East start – follow Red tape. From 10:30 to 11:30.
Numbered bibs should be collected at Registration.

Individual Long Distance: Level B, NWOL, Vet & Junior Selections. Start from 10:30 to 13:00.
All age classes White to Black.
- White and Yellow – West start – follow Yellow tape.
- Orange to Black - East start – follow Red tape.
String course £1 – 200m from Registration.
Course details below. All courses close at 15:30.

Pre-Entries:All Pre-entries: Adult £14.00. Junior (or Adult on W/Y/O) £5.00
On line at (closes 30/9/2012)

EOD Entries:Registration open from 10:00AM till 12:30.
Special EOD rate: Adult £14.00. Junior(or Adult on W/Y/O) £5.00 (subject to map availability)

Timing:SI electronic timing will be used. £1 dibber hire, or £30 if lost.

Starts:East start – follow Red tapes, 250m. 4 minute call up for your assigned start time.
- Call-up at –4 minutess, loose descriptions at –3, blank maps at –2, final information at –1.
- Late arrivals will be allocated first available slot. FCC gaps of 4 minutes will be maintained.
West start – Yellow tapes, 250m. Free start times. Punching start. Last start 12:00 noon.

Finish:All courses finish near to Assembly. Club tents may be pitched here.

Prize giving:There will be a short prize giving after completion of the UK Cup Final and FCC races.

Terrain:See also separate downloadable Planner’s Notes.
There are two areas of woodland, part deciduous and part coniferous, plus the large area of the Hameldon Hills, which is open moorland and new to orienteering. There is a craggy and contoured scarp, the lower slopes of which were once a military firing range. Above is an area of intricate quarry, rock and mining detail. Elsewhere there are other quarries and bell pits from earlier coal extraction. Generally areas marked as marsh, or indistinct marsh, are very wet after recent heavy rain and will be slow.

Crossing points: Do not cross any walls or fences other than at marked points or obvious breaks and stiles.

Map:New map. 1:10000 for Short Blue and longer courses, 1:7500 for Green and shorter courses.
Maps printed on A4 waterproof paper. Control descriptions on the front.
There is no symbol key on the map. Loose symbol sheets may be obtained at Registration.
Survey and cartography by Rod Postlethwaite 2011/2012.

Safety:No-whistle, no-go! The controller has determined that whistles must be carried.
Waterproof/windproof jackets: If the weather prospect is poor carrying weatherproof jackets will be made compulsory. Bring them with you – just in case.

First Aid:Cover will be provided by Rossendale & Pendle Mountain Rescue Team. Juniors and parents will be interested to see the range of equipment carried in the team vehicle for the vital service they provide in the wild parts of Britain.

Medical:Competitors with existing high risk medical conditions are asked to notify the organisers at Registration of relevant information. This will be kept confidential.

Stock:The moor is home to a small herd of good-natured cattle who spend most of their time ruminating. They will however stand their ground and observe you as you pass. We cannot predict their whereabouts on the day but the moor is sufficiently large that you may not see them at all. Should you encounter them we recommend circumnavigating them by 10m.

Officials:Controller – Tony Carlyle AIRE,
Planners – Steve & Catherine Wilson PFO
Organiser – Tom Gray PFO. 07837-227894

HAMELDON PARKING arrangements have changed. All car parks are within walking distance of Assembly.

Parents with juniors should use the two nearest car parks to Assembly, ‘B’ and ‘C’.

SatNav set to BB11 5ST.

Three areas will be filled in the order 'A', 'B', 'C' and, if required, the overflow car park 'D'.

Recommended approach is to exit at M65/J9 then follow O-signs SW along the A679.

Note: From the east on the M65 there is no exit at J9. Therefore, continue to J8, exit and turn back to J9.

Note: If approaching from the SW along the A679, please proceed to 'D' and U-turn around the roundabout.

All car parks are then a safe left hand turn. Marshals will indicate when a CP is full. Proceed to the next.

There is a parking fee of £1 per vehicle, which will be collected on arrival.

TOILETS: At Assembly, plus emergency toilets at 'B'.

CATERING: Marcelle's O-Snax (H&C drinks and food, including Lancashire HotPot and vegetarian options.)
Originally intended to be at car park ‘B’ but now will be at Assembly.

The distance and walking time shown below is from the car park to Assembly:

'A', 1600m/20 mins: Agra Restaurant car park. Adults only. Parents with juniors, go to 'B' or 'C'.

'B', 1200m/15mins: Tack Shop hardstanding. Large vehicles - mini coaches and campavans.

'C', 600m-1200m/10-15mins: Roadside parking on a private road.

[Overflow car park 'D', 2700m: Network 65 Business Park. Ample parking for all.]

Contact George Crawford-Smith on 01282 812075 if you are bringing a mini bus for drop-off instructions.

Remember to TAKE all your necessary belongings: club tent, O-shoes, dibber, spare clothing, money, children,

whistle (controller has decreed no-whistle, no-go), cagoule/WP jacket (obligatory if weather prospect is poor), etc.

WALK from parking: take care crossing the A679 to the pavement opposite.

Juniors M/W16 and under must be accompanied by an adult as this is a busy road and the pavement is narrow.

Walk to Miste Farm lane (at the corner of the wood) where there will be a marshalled crossing.

Do not use any of the public rights of way to access Assembly as these cross the competition area.

Marcelles's O-Snax (at Assembly), The Hapton Inn (between 'A' and 'B') and the Agra Indian Restaurant (at 'A')

will be happy to serve you after your run!

EXITS: For safety, turn left when exiting from 'A' or 'B'. Exits from 'C' & 'D' are at roundabouts so you may proceed in any direction.

Day 2 - Hameldon Hills

UK Cup Finals:

Course / Details / Km approx
UK Cup Men / Assemble at 11:45 for walk to mass start at 12:00 noon. / 10.4k / 500m
UK Cup Women / Assemble at 11:45 for walk to mass start at 12:05. / 8.2k / 435m

FCC and Individual Long Distance Courses:

Course No: / Course / Map Scale / Km / Climb /

Start Tape

1 / FCC M20 / 1:10000 / Apx 8.0 – 9.0 / East / Red
2 / FCC W20 / 1:10000 / Apx 8.0 - 9.0 / East / Red
3 / FCC M18 / 1:10000 / Apx 6.5 - 7.5 / East / Red
4 / FCC W18 / 1:10000 / Apx 6.5 - 7.5 / East / Red
5 / Black / 1:10000 / 9.7k / 450m / East / Red
6 / Brown / 1:10000 / 8.3k / 395m / East / Red
7 / Short Brown / 1:10000 / 7.0k / 335m / East / Red
8 / Blue / 1:10000 / 6.2k / 305m / East / Red
9 / Short Blue / 1:10000 / 5.4k / 255m / East / Red
10 / Green / 1:7500 / 4.1k / 205m / East / Red
11 / Short Green / 1:7500 / 3.2k / 175m / East / Red
12 / V. Short Green / 1:7500 / 2.7k / 110m / East / Red
13 / Light Green / 1:7500 / 3.2k / 125m / East / Red
14 / Orange / 1:7500 / 2.8k / 110m / East / Red
15 / Yellow / 1:7500 / 1.9k / 85m / West / Yellow
16 / White / 1:7500 / 1.2km / 50m / West / Yellow