EHUF 475 Wetland Ecology

EHUF 475 Wetland Ecology

Exam 1 Review Questions

1. In class and in the textbook, examples of wetland water balances were demonstrated using box diagrams. Be prepared to give your best approximation of what the values (in centimeters of water) should be for each hydrologic element of some examples.

See pp. 119-123 in Chapter 5 of the 3rd ed. of the textbook or pp. 76-81 in Chapter 4 of the 2nd ed. of the textbook for examples.

2. What kind of hydrology leads to a wetland dominated by surface flows? By precipitation? How do different hydrologic regimes affect productivity? What kind of vegetation would you expect under different systems? What kind of water characteristics would you expect? (Cf. bog, mangrove, bottomland hardwood, etc.

3. In the water budget equation, the terms for precipitation, surface flows, groundwater and evapotranspiration have a seasonal and a geographic variation. Choose a geographic region and describe (or draw a figure describing) the seasonal fluctuation in the 4 terms.

4. The primary reason for the existence of a wetland is usually either a) local climate or b) local topography and soils. Can you give an example of two wetlands, one formed primarily by local climate and one formed primarily by local topography and soils (describe each wetland). Explain what it is about the climate in your example that leads to wetland formation. Explain what it is about the topography and soils in your example that leads to wetland formation.

5. In any part of the world (specify the part), explain how the regional climate interacts with landforms to create wetlands, and give an example of one kind of wetland that is formed there as a result.

6. Set up an HGM (hydrogeomorphic functional evaluation method) spreadsheet comparing the functioning of a project wetland with the functioning of a restoration wetland.

7. Describe five different ecological functions of wetlands.

8. What characteristics would make a wetland effective in altering flood flows? In removing pollutants from water?

9. What are aerenchyma, and where and how are they formed?

10. What is the best time to do the construction work for wetland restoration? What is the best time to do planting for a wetland restoration?

11. What are three major reasons for the failure of wetland mitigation projects to meet performance standards?

12. If you were doing site assessment for a proposed wetland restoration, what would be some important things to look at?

13. Explain three general effects that salinity has on plants.

14. What is osmotic potential? What is osmoregulation? What are compatible osmoticants?

15. Plant cells may employ compartmentalization when dealing with high cellular solute concentrations. Can you explain?

16. Consequences to plants in saline environments include altered plant access to 1) nutrients, 2) salt, 3) water and 4) energy. Can you explain how access to each of these is modified and what the effects are on plants?

17. What are some morphological and physiological effects of elevated salinities on salt marsh plants?

18. What are some plant adaptations to existence in saline environments?

19. Explain the difference between a bog and a fen. Between a swamp and a marsh.

20. The Cowardin system uses five classifications: Marine, Estuarine, Lacustrine, Riverine, and Palustrine. Define a palustrine wetland. Describe a PEM wetland; PSS wetland; PFO wetland.

21. What two Kppen climate types (principal groups) are most conducive to wetland formation?

22. In what world climate type is wetland development and peat formation most prevalent?

23. Why is peat formation more common in the subarctic than the tropics? What conditions in the wet tropics might facilitate peat formation?

24. What is the overriding characteristic of the swamps of the Amazon?

25. What plant species characterize northwestern U.S. coastal marshes?

26. What climate characteristic determines the distribution of coastal salt marsh versus mangrove swamp?

27. Explain the difference between a bog and a fen.

28. Explain what is meant by "wetland hydroperiod."

29. Name three ways that wetland hydrology affects organic accumulation.

30. What are the three parameters used to identify a wetland in the federal and state delineation manuals?

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