DE Committee meetingnotes – April 24

Committee members present: Srujana Tumu, Linda McAllister, Jeff Lamb, Vinh Phan, Chelsea Cohen, Ann Buchalter, Scott Godfrey, Alexis Alexander

Committee members absent: Ed Loreto, Phillip King, Chriss Foster, Chioma Ndubuisi

Guests present: Jason Cole, Theresa Rumjahn, Inger Stark, Mike Orkin, and consultant Kevin Kelly

Agenda Item #1 – update and discussion on Train-the-Trainer stipends

  • Jason got confirmation from the Chancellor that funds are available, however the chancellor requests that the DE committee develop some objectives and accountability measures associated with distribution of funds
  • Additonally, DAS has requested clarification about the use of TTT money – they also want to know what people will be paid for and how that’s determined
  • Committee discusses objectives and accountability measures
  • Committee still feels strongly that the college’s should have a degree of freedom in use of the funds (stipends, ICCs, etc.) and the committee agrees that the funds should be available during this fiscal year with any unused funds rolling over for use during summer and/or fall
  • Consensus arrived (Jason to share with the Chancellor) on the following: the committee requests that each college receive money in a lump sum, for fiscal years FYI17 and FY18 with the following outcomes and accountability measure for the use of the funds (funds monitored by college president or designee):
  • Each college will develop a team of (about) 20 people who will:
  • Successfully complete the Canvas Train the Trainer program
  • Demonstrate the ability to employ best practices in designing a course in Canvas
  • Serve as part of a team,during the 2017/2018 school year,who will help/support their college’stransition from Moodle to Canvas with activities including: structured learning activities, hold peer-to-peer office hours, and lead professional development activities
  • Agenda item #2 – Canvas roll-out plan
  • Jason received a request from DAS for a transition rollout plan – the committee discussed this and the following points were made
  • There is already a basic roll-out plan; it was developed by this committee and is available on the PCCD DE page at:
  • The plan was developed after much deliberation over multiple meetings (during fall of 2016)
  • The committee is disinclined to revisit the roll-out plan at this point and recommends (consensus on this) that VC Cole review the existing plan, possibly in conjunction with consultant Kevin Kelly (and Inger offered to help), to determine what aspects of the plan need further development; after that, the committee will revisit the plan for recommendations and to add detail where appropriate
  • A number of committee members pointed out that the committee’s role is not operational and that the district really needs a transition team to further develop, operationalize, and implement a transition plan
  • The committee asked Srujana, and she agreed, to pull the following data from Moodle:
  • Total number of “open” or active (i.e. used) Moodle shells for Fall 2016 and Spring 2017 as a data point for planning; Srujana will send these data to the DE Coordinators and to Jason
  • The DE Coordinators will then add useful data about their college’s use of Moodle and forward data to Jason to coordinate into a data set that can be used as part of additional planning for roll-out.
  • The big picture planning must include the transition of face-to-face classes as well as online/hybrid
  • Jeff reports that in fall of 2016, there were 348 online/hybrid classes
  • Inger agreed to attend the next DAS meeting (on May 2) and update the senate on DE activities, and to address their requests/concerns
  • Agenda item #3 - Discussion with Kevin Kelly (consultant) about a needs analysis survey
  • Kevin will be conducting a survey of faculty as part of a needs analysis – the draft survey was projected for the committee to review and discuss
  • Committee requested that the draft survey be available online for review after the meeting – Kevin will send link (via Inger) to committee members
  • Committee suggested that the data from the recent CCCO online student survey be reviewed and used as part of the needs assessment
  • Note that BCC didn’t participate in the CCCO survey
  • Inger agreed to inquire about when/how Peralta can get access to those data from CCCO
  • Each college (via DE coordinators) will also forward to Kevin & Jason the summary/data report about the info they submitted to the CCCO about it’s Distance Education (the survey was completed in March)
  • One suggestion is a question to identify people who already using Canvas
  • Kevin requests committee member offer input about content questions to ask peers in survey
  • Deadline end of day Friday for committee to respond about survey
  • Survey will be sent out next week via Peralta email with a link to Survey Monkey – note to have subject line that is encouraging
  • Kevin: note about @ONE doing a free webinar – will forward info
  • Note: all college’s must remember to include/invite Srujana to Canvas and transition activities on the college campuses
  • Agenda item #4 - DAS forwarded to Jason a request for a faculty presentation to DAS and they sent him a list of requests
  • They include:
  • Updating AP 4105, more detail on TTT, Improved roll-out plan, Budget info, accommodations for DE students, enrollment projections, info about F2F use of new LMS (these were projected onto the board) and the possibility that the DE Committee become a subcommittee of DAS
  • Discussion
  • Resistance to change in De Committee because it was developed as part of the overall, district-wide, shared governance structure (under Education Committee) to include faculty, staff, administrators, and students. And reconsideration of the DE committee could only be done in conjunction with review/revisions of larger shared governance structure and with consult of Ed Committee (which the DE Committee is a subcommittee of)
  • Agreed that colleges and this committee need faculty voices and expertise in decision making regarding all DE matters
  • Noted that the existing committee has faculty on it and they often lead discussion and recommendations.
  • Colleges currently plan to have their own DE Committees under college senates – so in this way DE decisions will be closer tied to senates
  • Committee suggests next agenda will include a discussion on 4105 and the committee will make recommendations for changes and will forward those to DAS, DEC, PFT and administration
  • Jason requests that the committee clarify roles and responsibility for DE Committee, therefore the next agenda will also include a big-picture review of:
  • Where the committee will/should focus for the final mtg., the summer, and fall/next year
  • Review DE Coordinator Duties
  • What’s needed in terms of a transition team (for planning and operations)
  • Before the committee closed, Inger let the committee know that she has recommended to Jason that the district return to having a District Faculty Coordinator (with some load release) to help with coordination across colleges, shared governance groups, DAS, PFT, and to support Jason in building a smooth transition to Canvas. Further, in the name of transparency, Inger indicated that she’s interested in the position if there is one.