UH Managed lands –Project Proposal [FK1]
for projects anticipated to be classified as having “Minimal Impact”
Name: [FK2]
Project Name:
- Brief Description of the Project
BRIEF.Example: Install an external, above-ground diesel storage tank with secondary containment
- Identified Land Use (see HAR § 13-5-22 through 13-5-25)
- Identify the existing CDUP this proposal alters or affects[FK3], if any
- Identify University of Hawaiʻi exemptionper HAR § 11-200-8(a), if any
- Tax Map Key(s): 4-4-015:009 – Mauna Kea Science Reserve (por.)[FK4]
- Proposed Commencement Date:
- Proposed Completion Date:
- Estimated Project Cost: $
- Total size / area of proposed use:
Project Purpose and Need
- Example: why is itneeded; what function does it serve; is there a health and safety reason; does it make operations more efficient; reduce energy needs; is there a cost savings,does it enhance scientific activities; is it a replacement for an existing part/system, address a lease or CMP requirement, etc.
- Identify if professional peer-review has occurred.
- Identify if any additional permission is anticipated from OMKM, either related to or independent of the requested activity.
Existing Conditions at Project Site(s)
- Geology, Climate, & Hazards
- Flora, Fauna, Ecology, Water Resources
- Cultural Resources
- Recreation
- Built Infrastructure
For example, if adding camera to a building, identify other cameras currently on the building (exterior) and what other equipment is on the portion of the facility where the camera will be added.
- Landscaping & Visual Conditions
Description of the Project
- Describe the process of completing the project.
Equipment/parts, includedimensions, quantities, material composition, color, etc. Provide illustrations and/or photos when appropriate.
- Location
Narrative description, include map, diagram, or photos
- Who will do the work?
Contractor or in-house staff, students, quantities of people on the mountain, etc.
- Equipment & Transportation
Identify if project requires large trucks to transport materials and equipment to the summit
Measures to protect the environment and/or mitigate impacts
- Protective Measures
Copy and paste all applicable project conditions as found at Suggest other conditions as appropriate.
- Compliance with Lease, Sublease, or Comprehensive Management Plan (CMP)
Submit a draft of the CMP matrix as a separate excel file. Or, identify if the project is a lease or sublease compliance action.
- Identify other required or associated permits
- Five Year Outlook
Identify if this project was included in the Five-Year Outlook, the designated consultation status, and any changes from the project described in the outlook (Observatories and MKSS only).
Community Benefits
- Benefits to other Maunakea entities and/or global astronomy community
- Benefits to the Hawaii Island community
- Will data, publications, or other products be free and available to the public?
DLNR Evaluation Criteria[FK5]
After approval by the Maunakea Management Board, the Department of Land & Natural Resources or Board of Land & Natural Resources will evaluate the merits and approve the project based on the following eight criteria (§13-5-30). See
- The purpose of the Conservation District is to conserve, protect, and preserve the important natural and cultural resources of the State through appropriate management and use to promote their long-term sustainability and the public health, safety, and welfare. (ref §13-5-1) How is the proposed land use consistent with the purpose of the conservation district?
- How is the proposed use consistent with the objectives of the Resource subzone of the land on which the land use will occur? (§13-5-13 The objective of this subzone is to ensure, with proper management, the sustainable use of the natural resources of those areas. This subzone shall encompass: lands necessary for providing future parkland and lands presently used for national, state, county, or private parks. Land suitable for outdoor recreational uses such as hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, and picnicking. [And other lands not applicable to Maunakea.])
- Describe how the proposed land use complies with the provisions and guidelines contained in chapter 205A, HRS, entitled “Coastal Zone Management”.
- Describe how the proposed land use will not cause substantial adverse impact to existing natural resources within the surrounding area, community or region.
- Describe how the proposed land use, including buildings, structures and facilities, is compatible with the locality and surrounding areas, appropriate to the physical conditions and capabilities of the specific parcel or parcels.
- Describe how the existing physical and environmental aspects of the land, such as natural beauty and open space characteristics, will be preserved or improved upon.
- If applicable, describe how subdivision of land will not be utilized to increase the intensity of land uses in the Conservation District.
- Describe how the proposed land use will not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare.
OMKM Project Proposal Request2016-04-07page 1 of 4
[FK1]Per community board request: projects must use style, outline structure, font type/size/colors, footer, etc. in this template.
[FK2]Identify the entity submitting the proposal to OMKM. The formal “applicant” to DLNR will typically be the University of Hawaii
[FK3]For example, if modifying or adding something to a building, what is the CDUP that authorizes the building, parking lot, etc.
[FK4]For projects at the summit.
4-4-015:012 - Halepōhaku
[FK5]Please provide succinct responses. See for example responses.
[FK6]No response is typically needed with initial submissions. OMKM will assist with submitted content.
[FK7]Contact OMKM before preparing a proposal if subdivision of land is anticipated. Otherwise, no response is typically needed with initial submissions. OMKM will assist with submitted content.