Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG)/ Homeless Prevention (HP) and Rapid Re-Housing (RRH)

Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG)/
Homeless Prevention (HP) and Rapid Re-housing (RRH) Programs -
ClientPoint SP5.12 Entry/Exit Workflow (Families)

This document provides instructions for entering the following information into HMIS using the ServicePoint 5.12 software:

·  Entering each family member’s information into your agency’s program for the first time

·  Adding a Release of Information (ROI)

·  Entering Client Record Creation

·  Entering Entry and Entry Assessment fields

·  Adding and updating Services received while in the program

·  Exiting the family

Please see www.nh-hmis.org website for printable versions of the HMIS forms.

Please see our Sub-Assessment Helper Guide for help with the HUD Verifications.

Note: If your default provider log-in is not the program where data is to be entered. Click the “Enter Data As” function (upper right hand corner) to switch to the correct program.

Note: Click “Back Date” mode (upper right hand corner) if entering data from a previous date that is not the current date. Change the date to the correct date.

1.  Log into ServicePoint using your User Name and Password.

2.  Enter client information:

a.  From the Home Page Dashboard, click on ClientPoint from the menu on the left side of screen.

b.  Search for an existing client:

i.  Enter the client’s First and/or Last Name and/or partial SS# and US Military Veteran status.

ii.  Click the Search button. If correct client displays in the search results, click on the client’s name (highlighted in blue) or the pencil icon.

c.  Add a new client:

i.  Enter client’s information, then click the Search button. When client not found, click the Add New Client with This Information button to add client to the database.

3.  For households without an entry into HMIS, click the Add Client and Add New Household (little house with green plus sign) icon. To add an individual (for example, the head of household) to an existing household, click Add Client and SEARCH Households (little house with glasses).

a.  Household Type: Select the type of household from pull down menu.

b.  Search for all individuals or enter their name to add them to the Household.

c.  After all members have been added to the household, click the Continue button.

4.  Household Information:

a.  Ensure that the Household Type and client count are correct.

b.  Change the Head of Household status to Yes for one individual (Note that only one person can be the Head of a Household in a family). Once you select Yes for Head of Household then Relationship to Head of Household will automatically populate as Self.

c.  Enter the Joined Household Date: Date member entered into the program.

d.  Continue completing Household information for each member (Head of Household should be NO for all other members of the family and Relationship to Head of Household should be filled out.).

e.  Click the Add/Delete Member button to add or delete a family member from the household.

5.  From the Client Profile Tab

a.  Select the Head of Household on the left under Household Members by clicking on name to highlight it in blue.

b.  Make any changes to the member’s record by clicking the pencil to the left of Client Record.

c.  Enter the NH Client Record Creation information:

a.  If client answered Yes to veteran status, choose Discharge Type

b.  Date of Birth: D.O.B of Client

c.  Date of Birth Type: Should be full or partial

d.  First – Fifth Race: Race(s) that client identifies as (up to 5 choices)

e.  Ethnicity: Hispanic or Non-Hispanic origin depending on individual

f.  Gender: Gender the individual identifies as

g.  Add any Notes, Files, or Incidents

h.  When finished with Client Record Creation, click Save

d.  Once the Client Record Creation information has been entered for the Head of Household, click Save. A green check box will appear next to the household members name on the left side under the title Household Members to indicate that this member’s information has been added to the database.

e.  Continue to enter the Client Record Creation for additional Household Members by selecting each member (on the left side under the title Household Members) and then completing the same Client Record Creation as the Head of Household. When done, all members should have a green check box next to the household members name on the left side under the title Household Members.

f.  When the Client Record Creation section has been completed for all Household Members, click the Save Exit button.

g.  A popup display titled “Review Household Data” displays asking you to review the data or accept it as is. It is always a good idea to click “Yes” and double check all data elements.

6.  Back Date Mode

a.  A new Display Box will appear asking if you would like to use the current system clock time (the time on your computer) or a time in history (Back Date). It is important to ensure that data entered into HMIS matches the date that the client entered the program.

b.  Select the Date the client entered the program or the System date by selecting either “Set New Back Date” or “Use Current System Date” buttons.

c.  The Household information displays on the Household tab. At the top of this screen, notice that the Release of Information displays “None” in red. Verify the household information first, then continue to the next step to add the ROI.

7.  Release of Information (ROI)

a.  Click the Add ROI button located on the Summary page under the heading Release of Information or click the ROI Tab.

b.  Select the checkbox next to Household Type (for example, male single parent). This will apply the ROI to the entire family.

c.  Next complete the Data elements accordingly:

i.  Provider: Ensure the proper provider name is in the box (should populate from original entry section)

ii.  Release Granted: Should be Yes if the Client complete an Acknowledgement Form.

iii.  Start Date: Should be the day that the client started receiving services or entered the program. Should correspond to the entry date.

iv.  End Date: The date that the ROI will expire. Date entered is dependent upon program or program specifics.

v.  Documentation: Should be “Signed Statement from Client” or other form of documentation provided by client during initial intake

vi.  Witness: Anybody who witness the signature of the Client Acknowledgement Form.

d.  Click the Save Release of Information button.

e.  If the ROI information is filled out correctly, green text at the top of the screen under the client’s name that says “Release of Information: End” and the end date should display. To make any changes, click on the pencil.

8.  Entry/Exit for the Household

a.  Click on the Add Entry/Exit button

i.  Fill in Provider or ensure it is correct (if populated from EDA)

ii.  Type: Choose HUD

iii.  Entry Date: Date the individual entered the project (Should be the same date as date entered system with Back Date)

iv.  Click Save & Continue

9.  Entry Assessment

a.  Ensure that all entry, depending on type of project entering data, questions are answered.

i.  Relationship to HOH: Since a single client, should be Self

ii. Does the client have a disabling condition? Select answer

b.  Disability Type Subassessment: Click on the HUD Verification Icon to the right side of the screen. The HUD Verification: Disabilities window will display.

i.  Within the HUD Verification: Disabilities window, select the answer No (HUD) at the top of the window. This will auto-fill No for all of the Disability Types listed below.

ii. Select Yes, for any disability the client has from the list below. For each Yes, an Add Recordset: Disabilities window will display.

1.  Disability Determination: Is there a determination for the client?

2.  Expected to be long-continued duration: Does the client have a long-term disability?

3.  (If yes) Documentation of the disability and severity on file?

4.  (If yes) Currently receiving services or treatment: Does the client receive services for long term disability?

5.  Enter Disability Start Date: Date client entered project

6.  Disability Note: Enter any notes regarding this disability

7.  Above condition is going to be long term? Choose Yes if expected to be of long, continued and indefinite duration and substantially impedes client's ability to live independently.

8.  Enter Disability End Date: Date client exited project or disability ended.

9.  Click Save.

10.  After completing for all disabilities, click Save & Exit button. The HUD Verification icon will be green if all fields have been completed.

c.  Health Insurance Subassessment

i.  Covered by Health Insurance: Select appropriate answer from menu.

ii. Click the HUD Verification icon on the right of the screen. A HUD Verification: Health Insurance window will display.

iii.  Click No at the top of the window, which will autofill No into the fields below.

iv.  Go down the list and click Yes for any form of insurance the client has.

1.  Start Date: Date client entered your project

2.  Health Insurance Type: Select Yes if client is covered by any of these types of insurance

3.  Click Save & Exit when all the client’s health insurance providers have been selected.

4.  Click Save & Exit. HUD Verification icon will be green if all required fields have been completed.

5.  If you wish to add an End Date, to reflect the date client exited your project or health insurance ended, click pencil icon on to left of insurance provider. An Add Recordset: Health Insurance window will display. Fill in end date.

6.  Click Save.

i.  In Permanent Housing? Did the client move to permanent housing?

ii. If yes, enter the Date of Move-in

iii.  Zip Code of Last Permanent Address: Enter Zip Code of client’s last permanent address and select Data Quality

iv.  Housing Status: Select client’s housing status prior to or at project entry

v. Residence Prior to Project Entry: Select where the client was staying before entering the project

vi.  Length of Stay in Previous Place: Select the amount of time from previous question

vii.  Client Location: Choose COC where client is located

viii.  Continuously Homeless for at Least One year:

ix.  Number of Times the Client has been Homeless in the Past Three Years

x. Total Number of Months Homeless in the Past Three Years

xi.  Total number of months continuously homeless immediately prior to project entry: Partial months i.e. 1 day - 30 days = 1 month

xii.  Length of Time Homeless - Status Documented? Choose Yes if client has documentation concerning their homelessness

d.  Income from Any Source? Choose Yes if client has income.

e.  Click on the HUD Verification icon on the right side of the screen. This will cause the HUD Verification: Monthly Income (Cash) window to display.

i.  Click the No button at the top of the window to prepopulate No into all fields below.

ii. Read down the Source of Income list, selecting Yes for each type of monthly income the client is receiving. For each Yes, an Add Recordset: Montly Income (Cash) window will display.

1.  Monthly Amount: Enter amount of monthly income

2.  Source of Income: Check to see that prepopulated answer is correct

3.  Receiving Income Source? Make sure prepopulated answer is correct

4.  Start Date: Date client entered your project

5.  End Date: Date client exited your project or the income ended

6.  Click Save.

iii.  Click Save & Exit when HUD Verification: Monthly Income (Cash) window is completed. The HUD Verification icon will be green when all required fields have been completed.

iv.  Total Monthly Income: Add up all sources of income and enter monthly total here.

f.  Non-Cash Benefit Subassessment

i.  Non-cash benefit from any source?

ii. Click the HUD Verification icon on the right side of the screen. This will cause the HUD Verification: Non-Cash Benefits window to display.

iii.  Click No at the top of the window to prepopulate all fields below.

iv.  Read down the Source of Non-Cash Benefit list, selecting Yes for any non-cash benefits the client receives.

v. Click Save & Exit when all sources have been selected.

vi.  If you wish to add an end date, click the pencil icon to the left of the non-cash benefit source. This will cause an Edit Recordset window to appear.

1.  Amount of Non-cash Benefits: Enter amount of benefit

2.  Source of Non-cash Benefit: Choose source from the list

3.  Receiving Benefit? Choose Yes if currently receiving benefits from this source

4.  Start Date: Date client entered your project

5.  End Date: Date client exited your project or the income ended

6.  Click Save if done or Save and Add Another if entering multiple non-cash benefits

g.  Domestic Violence

i.  Select Yes if this person is a victim/survivor of domestic violence

ii. If yes for Domestic violence victim/survivor, when experience occurred

h.  Is Client Homeless? (required by BHHS State of NH for All Clients)

i.  First Time Homeless?: Has the client been homeless previously (required by BHHS State of NH for All Clients)

j.  Is Client Chronically Homeless?: Does the client meet the HUD definition for Chronic Homelessness?

k.  Employed: Does the client currently have employment?

l.  Employment Tenure: Is the client considered a Full Time or Part Time employee?

m.  Click Save and Exit to save the information when finished entering client

n.  Complete these same questions for each family member. Make sure that the member’s name is highlighted in blue on the left side of the screen and complete the Entry-related questions as you did above for the HOH.

o.  As you complete each family member, the green check mark should display next to their name. If it does not, you will need to ensure that all the questions were answered.

p.  When Entry questions are completed for all the family members, click the Save Exit button to save the information.

10.  Add Services family received while in program

a.  Click on the Service Transactions Tab located to the right of the Client Information Tab.