UFAS Webinar Meeting Agenda, January 25, 20171


Pete Heiman, the UFAS Chair will call the meeting to order and determine whether a quorum is present for the conducting of business. Attendees will be asked to introduce themselves by name and affiliation, both in person and over the phone/webinar.

2.WECC Antitrust Policy Open Meeting Reminder

All WECC meetings are conducted in accordance with the WECC Antitrust Policy and the NERC Antitrust Compliance Guidelines. All participants must comply with the policy and guidelines. This meeting is public—confidential or proprietary information should not be discussed in open session. Please contact WECC legal counsel if you have any questions.

3.Approve Agenda

Pete Heiman will introduce the proposed meeting agenda. We will hear any discussion, addition or correction to the published agenda at this time.

Request for a motion to approve the proposed agenda.

4.WIUFMP Administrator Update

  • Pete Heiman will provide a brief update on the selection and introduce SPP as the new Administrator.

5.Discuss Proposal for a vote at the MIC/OCJoint meeting on the ‘Ad Hoc’ WIUFMP Cost Allocation Proposal

  • Pete Heiman will lead a discussion on the WIUFMP cost allocation Methodology proposed by the Ad Hoc Group.
  • Review any additional data Peak can provide related to the proposaland discuss any changes to the recommendation.
  • Discuss if a vote should be called for at the joint MIC/OC meeting later in the month or if this should be passed on to the UFC (once formed).
  • Discuss what type of vote (straw or formal) to request.
  1. Discuss Sun-setting of UFAS and Transition of Responsibilities from the WECC UFAS to the Unscheduled Flow Committee (UFC)
  2. Pete Heiman will lead a review of the most current UFAS charter and a discussion on the responsibilities assigned to the subcommittee.
  • Discussion shall include recommendations to the OC on each of the listed responsibilities for where the subcommittee feels each task should reside or be dropped.
  • Discuss any outstanding items and how best to dissolve the subcommittee.
  1. Address New WIUFMP Administrator Questions
  • Pete Heiman will lead a review of the questions submitted by SPP on WIUFMP implementation as the new Administrator.
  • Identify responsible entity (WECC (as the Administrator) or WIUFMP) for each question.
  • Address questions as time permits.

8.Upcoming Meetings

Discuss if there is a need for any additional meetings to address outstanding UFAS related issues.


The meeting is expected to adjourn by 3:00PM MST.

Western Electricity Coordinating Council