UDC, for instance, 004.056
First, patronymic and second names[1]complete information is given in the footnoteof authors separated by commas
The abstract which also should exactly underline the research results, namely: what is done, what effect it produced, and the field (150-250words in a single paragraph).
Key words: 7-11words or word expressions separated by commas whichare different fromthe article title.
The text of the article theses (exactly20,000-25,000 characters) is to include the following headings: introduction, intermediate headings, summary, and bibliography.
The article theses without a formalized problem solution are not recommended for publishing.
All formulae are to be numbered in round brackets on the right, for instance:
where G-gin, V- vermouth.
Figures and tables are to be consecutively numbered as they are mentioned in the text with references thereto in round brackets, for instance: (Fig.1), (Table 1). In addition, figures are to be submitted in tiff or jpg formats.
Fig.1. Figure description
Table 1.
Table heading
Seq. No. / Box 1 / Box 21 / Meaning 11 / Meaning 12
2 / Meaning 21 / Meaning22
If the thesis text contains elements of a program code it is to be given in a fixed-width font, for instance:
if bit==0 then
Thesummaryis to mandatorily underline the following: what is done, what effect it produced and the field. A separate paragraph is to be exactly dedicated to practical application / authenticityof the scientific solutions proposed.
If research has been financially supported (for instance, due to RFFI grant) it is advisable to stress itin the end of the summary (or in a footnote).
The items inbibliographyare to be numbered as they are mentioned in the text (example references in the text: [1], [2, 5-7], [3, p. 123]). The number of sources shall be15-25. It is strongly recommended to refer to journal articles in elibrary.ru for the last 5 years. Reference to the unclassified sources includingstandards, anonymous publications, andnon-scientific sources (for instance, Wikipedia) is to be avoided. Bibliographical items are to be given in compliance with any standards.
The scientific supervisor or advisor(if allauthors have no academicdegrees or titles): full first, patronymic and second names, academic title, academic degree, position, place of work, and email. None of authorsmay be the scientific supervisor / advisor.
TranslationintotheRussianlanguageofthearticletitle, information about authors, abstract, and key words.
[1]First, patronymicandsecondnames, academic degree, academic rank, organization name, city, email, ORCHID