2004 North Dakota Trapshooting Association Board of Directors Fall Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order by President Louis Kuster at 10:15AM CDT, December 3, 2004 at MDU Resources Office located in Bismarck ND. Board members present were: Vice President William Suda, Sec./Treasure Marc Cunningham, ATA Delegate Jeff Wagner, Bob Ralston, Jim Schumacher, Norris Olsen, Chester Nelson Jr., Jeff Zwarych. Board members absent were Dave Harmon, Jerry Bergeron and Scott Phelps. Also present were association members Barb and Duane Reister.
President Kuster then called on the Sec./Treasure to read the minutes of the previous Fall Board meeting, Marc read the minutes, Chet motioned for approval, Jim 2nd and motion carried. Marc then read the minutes of the “summer” board meeting held at the ND State Shoot in Minot, Norris motioned for approval, Jeff Z. 2nd and motion carried. President Kuster then called for a Treasure’s report, Marc reported a check book balance of $7,657.00 with no outstanding debts and Piper Jaffray savings account balance of $8,640.44. William S. motioned that the Treasure’s report be approved, Bob R. 2nd and motion carried.
Chet N. than gave the Gifts, Grants and Memorial report, reporting a balance of $415.00, Marc C. motioned the report be accepted, Norris O. 2nd and motion carried. It should be noted that these funds $415.00 are in the NDTA checking account and are included in the total balance of $7,657.00 mentioned above.
Jeff W. then gave the Delegates report discussing new ATA rules, construction progress of the new ATA grounds in Sparta Illinois etc.
Old Business:
- High Overall Average Award:
After much discussion about whether the recipient of this new award should or should not be allowed to also claim his/her category team captain award Marc C. motioned that the recipient receive both the HOA award and the Team Captain award, motion was 2nd by Chet N. motion carried. Then after discussing what the new award type should be Chet N. motioned that it (the new award) be a plague similar to the All Sate Team awards but larger in size or more authentic in appearance, William S. 2nd and motion carried.
New Business:
- 2005 Stipends:
Jeff W. motioned that 2005 stipends remain the same as 2004 with the exception that the alternate receive $100 instead of $50 William S. 2nd and motion carried.
2005 Stipends:
16Yard Champion - $250, Alternate $100
Ladies 16 yard Champion -$200
Vet. and Sr. Vet. 16 yard champion - $200 ea.
Jr. and Sub Jr. 16 yard champion - $200 ea.
ATA Delegate - $500
Yearly Sec./ Treasure salary -$400
Chet N. then motioned that the Stipends and entitlement be published in the State Shoot program, Jeff W. 2nd and motion carried.
- 2005 State Shoot date: Jeff Z. motioned that the 2005 State Shoot be held on July 21,22,23 and 24th, motion was 2nd by Jeff W. motion carried.
- 2005 State shoot trophies: after discussing Thursday and Friday trophies Chet N. motioned that a Sr. Vet 16 yard trophy be added on Thursday and Friday, motion was 2nd by Jeff Z. and motion carried.
- 2005 State Shoot added money: William S. motioned that 2005 added money remain the same as 2004, Jeff W. 2nd and motion carried, NDTA added money will be $1,450.
- 2005 State Shoot trophy money: Marc C. motioned that the NDTA and the host club provide the same amount as in 2004, Norris O. 2nd and motion carried. NDTA will provide $5,000 and host club to provide $1,800 with an additional $150 if needed to come from the Girard fund for Jr, Sub Jr, Vet. and Sr, Vet for Friday’s 16 yard event.
New Business (cont.)
- Gifts, grants and memorials: Jeff Z. motioned that the Gifts, grants and memorial fund including contributors be printed in the state Shoot Program yearly, Norris O. 2nd and motion carried.
- ND State Shoot special category shooters: Jeff W. motioned and Bob R. 2nd that special category shooters can also qualify for class trophies but can only win one trophy per event as per ATA rules, motion carried.
- Jesse Kittleson‘s eligibility for all state team: There was question as to Jesse’s actual residency (ND or California), after discussion Chet N. motioned and Jeff W. 2nd that the board consider if Jesse has a ND membership card that the Board accepts his residency for the ND all state team for the 2004 target year and the 2005 Team (understanding that dual residency is possible), motion carried.
- NDTA Saturday night dinner money: William S. motioned and Jim S. 2nd that the NDTA again provide $250 to the host club for hors d’ oeuvres, motion carried.
- State Team Awards and requirements:
Chet N. motioned that the Board remove the Vetern’s doubles requirements, there was no 2nd. After discussion Jeff Z. motioned that Veteran doubles remain the same, Norris O. 2nd and motion carried. Veterans must shoot a minimum of 500 doubles.
Sub Junior requirements: Jeff W. motioned and Norris O. 2nd that Sub-jrs. Be required to shoot a minimum of 200 doubles, motion had opposition therefore President Kuster called for vote by show of hands resulting in five-for and 4 apposed, motion carried.
Junior and Sub-Junior club rule: Jeff Z. motioned and Marc C. 2nd that the “three club rule” be eliminated for Juniors and Sub-Juniors, motion carried.
Jeff W. motioned and Chet N. 2nd that a new all state ten man team consisting of Juniors and Sub-Juniors (5 ea.) be determined by the results of the High School and Junior High competition at the State Shoot, and this “team” remain separate from the regular all state team, motion carried.
- NDTA Safe Deposit Box: The current safety deposit box is located at Wells Fargo Bank in Bismarck, after discussing the “real” needs of such a box and it’s contents Chet N. motioned that a safe be purchased and the contents of the Wells Fargo box be emptied and terminated, the safe would remain in the hands of the NDTA Sec./Treas. Jeff w. 2nd and motion carried. Chet N. and Jeff Z. will handle the transaction.
- Telephonic shoot: William s. motioned that the NDTA continue to provide $300 for trophy money, Norris 2nd and motion carried.
- Hall of Fame: no candidates were submitted.
- 2005 Shoot dates were reviewed, Chet N. motioned that the schedule be approved, Norris O. 2nd and motion carried.
There was no other business, Norris O. motioned the meeting adjourn, 2nd by Bob R, meeting adjourned @ 5:00 PM
Respectfully Submitted
Marc Cunningham
Sec./Treas. ND Trapshooting Association