UCSD Lactation Educator Program

Lesson Plan

TOPIC: Risks of Not Breastfeeding


By the end of the session the student will be able to:

1. List 3 risks of not breastfeeding for mom

2. List 3 risks of not breastfeeding for baby

3. List 1 risk of not breastfeeding for partner

4. List 1 risk of not breastfeeding for society


When a client knows about the risks of not breastfeeding, they are able to make an informed choice; defend their choice; and this increases their confidence.

Learning Strategies:

Teacher/Learner Activities:

Put participants into small groups and have them list the risks of not breastfeeding associated with each group.

Materials Needed:

No materials needed.

Lesson Plan

TOPIC: Anatomy and Physiology of Breastfeeding


By the end of the session the student will be able to:

1. State 1 infant reason and 1 maternal reason for baby having a “high suck need.”

2. State when milk production begins in the breast

3. Describe 1 breast change and 1 nipple change during pregnancy

4. State the tummy size of an infant and the milk volume of the breast


When a client understands the anatomy and physiology of the breast and breastfeeding, there is a reduced chance of unneeded pacifier and artificial breast milk use; increased time at the breast, which increases the length of breastfeeding; and she has options for success based on her anatomy.

Learning Strategies:

Teacher/Learner Activities:

A visual activity using the broccoli model for the anatomy of the breast.

Materials Needed:

A head of broccoli for visual aide (real, fake, picture).

Lesson Plan

TOPIC: Positioning and Latch


By the end of the session the student will be able to:

1. List 2 different breastfeeding positions

2. List 1 latching technique

3. list 2 signs of milk transfer


When a client knows about correctly positioning and latching their baby for breastfeeding it can increase confidence and success.

Learning Strategies:

Teacher/Learner Activities:

Give each participant a doll, pillow and blanket and have them practice the different positions.

Materials Needed:

Baby dolls or stuffed animals, pillows and receiving blankets

Lesson Plan

TOPIC: Getting Enough


By the end of the session the student will be able to:

1. List 3 feeding cues

2. State the expected feeding frequency of a newborn

3. Explain what a growth spurt is


When a client knows how to identify when their baby is hungry, how often the baby should be eating and what happens during a growth spurt, she feels more comfortable in knowing her baby is getting enough from the breast and will be less likely to supplement with artificial breast milk.

Learning Strategies:

Teacher/Learner Activities:

Show a short video with clips of babies demonstrating the different feeding cues.

Materials Needed:

Television/projection device and DVD/internet access.

Lesson Plan

TOPIC: Breastfeeding Plan


By the end of the session the student will be able to:

1. List 2 reasons why skin to skin contact is important following birth

2. List 2 reasons why limiting visitors in the hospital after giving birth is important

2. List 2 ways to comfortably breastfeed in public


When a client understands the importance of skin to skin contact at birth and limiting visitors, it empowers them to make post-birth decisions that are best for them and baby and to express their beliefs with friends and family. By giving a client the tools to breastfeed comfortably in public, they will be more likely to be less nervous and more confident in feeding their child wherever they are.

Learning Strategies:

Teacher/Learner Activities:

Have participants use the baby dolls and receiving blankets to practice breastfeeding with a cover

Materials Needed:

Baby dolls and receiving blankets.

Lesson Plan

TOPIC: Common Concerns


By the end of the session the student will be able to:

1. List 2 common causes of sore nipples

2. List 2 ways to relieve engorgement

3. Define what jaundice is


Many women have heard horror stories about sore nipples and engorgement and the pain that is commonly associated with breastfeeding, therefore, by giving woman simple tools to combat and relieve these ailments, they have more confidence in breastfeeding and are less willing to give up. If women understand what jaundice is how it is treated, they will be less likely to over-supplement with artificial breast milk and to continue for longer than necessary.

Learning Strategies:

Teacher/Learner Activities:

PowerPoint with major points of lesson.

Materials Needed:

Projector, computer and screen.

Lesson Plan

TOPIC: Maternal Nutrition, Medications and Methods of Birth Control


By the end of the session the student will be able to:

1. State one general rule for eating while breastfeeding

2. List one resource to use when questions arise about taking medications during breastfeeding.

3. List 2 methods of safe birth control during lactation


Eating well and understanding where to be able to turn for answers regarding what a woman is putting in her body (both medications and birth control) canaffect her ability to continue breastfeeding. Without proper knowledge, a mother might stop breastfeeding or take something while breastfeeding that could harm her child.

Learning Strategies:

Teacher/Learner Activities:

PowerPoint with major points of lesson.

Materials Needed:

Projector, computer and screen.

Lesson Plan

TOPIC: Pumps, Hand Expression, Other Equipment


By the end of the session the student will be able to:

1. List 2 different types of pumps available on the market

2. Explain how to hand express breast milk

3. List two other products available to breastfeeding mothers


Although many products will not be necessary for a breastfeeding mom, the amount of products available on the market (including breast pumps) can be overwhelming for a new mom. Exposing them to these products, explaining their uses and for whom they may be helpful can reduce that overwhelming feeling a new mom may experience and help them to understand which, if any, may be useful to them. Furthermore, the knowledge of how to hand express may help them to realize a pump is not necessary for them.

Learning Strategies:

Teacher/Learner Activities:

Show a variety of products available on the market.

Materials Needed:

Pumps (manual, single, double), nursing pads, nursing covers, breast shields, nursing bras, etc.

Lesson Plan

TOPIC: Going Back to Work or School, Time Out


By the end of the session the student will be able to:

1. Explain how to prepare to return to work or school while breastfeeding


Many women feel they do not have another choice except to turn to formula when they return to work or school. By giving them the correct tools for pumping and by sharing the law with them, they know they have other options for feeding their children once they return to work or school.

Learning Strategies:

Teacher/Learner Activities:

Show a variety of products available on the market.

Materials Needed:

Wallet sized cards of the breastfeeding laws for mom’s to carry.

Lesson Plan

TOPIC: Myths of Breastfeeding


By the end of the session the student will be able to:

1. Debunk 2 myths of breastfeeding


As a woman is preparing for birth and making feeding choices, she will hear many myths about breastfeeding – dos and don’ts and musts and must nots. Giving her the facts will arm her with the ability to debunk the myths she hears along the way and give her confidence in making the decisions she makes.

Learning Strategies:

Teacher/Learner Activities:

PowerPoint with major points of lesson.

Materials Needed:

Projector, computer and screen.

Lesson Plan

TOPIC: Breastfeeding Support Systems


By the end of the session the student will be able to:

1. List 2 reasons why having a support system is important while breastfeeding

2. List 2 people/groups where you can turn for support for breastfeeding


Although some women have a very easy time implementing and continuing breastfeeding, others aren’t so lucky. Knowing where to turn either within your family or outside of it, can be crucial in successful and long-term breastfeeding.

Learning Strategies:

Teacher/Learner Activities:

Get in small groups and discuss with each other who you can turn to for support once your baby is born.

Materials Needed:


Lesson Plan

TOPIC: Breastfeeding Resources


By the end of the session the student will be able to:

1. List at least 3 breastfeeding resources available in your community


There are so many breastfeeding resources available to a woman, but sifting through them all, while handling a new born baby, can prove to be difficult. By giving her easily accessible information, it will aid her in finding what she needs, when she needs it.

Learning Strategies:

Teacher/Learner Activities:

PowerPoint with major points of lesson and handouts.

Materials Needed:

Projector, computer, screen and handouts from/with available resources.