Community Action Plan
(A Grassroots planning document of Male (CBO Baloch & EIGs Farmer Group, Livestock Group and Skill Group) Wanda Khaliq Shah,
UC - Band Kurrai Tehsil Pahar Pur District D I Khan)
Male Community Based Organization Baloch
EIGs Farmer Group, Livestock Group and Skill Group)
23 December, 2013
Geographical Location
Social Mobilization in Village Khaliq shah
Objective of CAP development
Our Vision
FGDs and Transect walk………………………………………………………………………………………… .5
Socio-Economic Situation
Agricultur, Livestock………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6
Education,Health...... 7
Water and Sanitation…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ..8
Pie diagram,Seaonal calender
Wealth Ranking
Needs Prioritization…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …11
Action Plans...... 12
Needs Prioritization of EIGs………………………………………………………………………………………………………………13-15
Situation analysis...... 16
Project implementation procedure……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17
Village Map:...... 18
Community Action Plan (CAP) is the planning document of CBO Baloch designed by the male community members, main objective is to collect detail data of the community to identify their prioritized problems ,to explore possible solutions, to determines the resources needed and to prepare a concrete plan of action which spells out who will do what ,when and how. In other words it is a process by which community itself define their needs and determines approaches and actions to meet them.
Male CBO Baloch is the northern part of village Khalid Shah. It is a Mohalla based organization; majority of the residents belongs to Baloch tribe that is why it is called Mohalla Baloch. It consists of 46 Households. The main tribes are Baloch, Syed, Qureshi, Karlo and Damani.
Geographical Location
CBO Baloch is northern part of village Khaliq Shah having 46 households, located in UC- Band Kurai Tehsil Paharpur District D I Khan. In the Eastern side village Shahbaz is located at a distance of 1-Km, In West CRBC canal, In South village Uatra at a distance of 1 Km while Cha Parati is located in North at a very little distance.
Social Mobilization in Wanda Khaliq Shah
Khaliq shah is one of the undeveloped village of UC Band Kurrai where People are deprived from the basic facilities of life. It was badly affected by the 2010 flood. Their houses were damaged, crops were affected and most of their livestock was lost during flood and the people had to migrate to Paharpur for some time. There are 350 households in this village. Mohalla Baloch is the Northern part of Khaliq Shah village .Due to its Vulnerable condition the KP-SADP field team selected this village for its interventions as no development work has been done after the flood in this village. SADP team first met the potential leaders of that community, introduced program objectives and strategy. After few days the team conducted community awareness campaign at Government Primary school in the village with the support and cooperation of these community leaders and successfully organized Mohalla Baloch having 46 households. Furthermore as a result of the social mobilization carried out by KP-SADP staff, now there are 2 male CBOs i.e. Baloch and Khaliq Shah Janubi so for with the membership of 46 and 45. There is also one Women CBO Hashmi Basti Syed Muhammad Shah having 38 memberships. There is too much potential in the village Khaliq shah as it consists of more than 350 HHs and most of the area is irrigated .The members present at the moment reported that Community Organizations have provided community with platforms to identify their potentials and enhance their skills. CBO being a Mohalla level organization focus on the needs, issues and resources of the concern Mohalla, therefore a need felt of community organization to bring socio-economic change in the village.
KP-SADP facilitated the community for their strategic felt need and conducted community assemblies both for men and women. In the community based meeting, they discuss their needs, opportunities and organized into Community Based Organization.
Male CBO Baloch members developed their village development plan through intensive 4 hours participation in various exercises and focus group discussion.
According to community members no other organization either from government side or non-government side, didn’t launch any intervention in the process of development of the area or inhabitant’s capacity building.
Objective of CAP development
Objectives of CAP formulation includes following;
- Identification of villages level developmental issues and challenges.
- To suggest and develop mechanism for community based developmental interventions.
- To plan and strategize for overall community development through analyzing community issues, resources and opportunities.
- To contribute in improvement of living standard of target community.
Methodology, Information for CAP formulation is collected through different interactive methodologies which include:-
Transect walk
Social mapping
Daily activity charts (Time managed activity)
Seasonal calendar
Need Identification
Pie diagram
Wealth ranking (poverty ranking)
Focus Group Discussion (FGD)
Group work
Group discussion & transect walk
Focus group discussion and group work held with community men incorporated in community action plan. KP-SADP DIU DI Khan staff attended and facilitated the sessions and documented the gathered information. Through the mentioned techniques community set their development vision for future.
Transect walk Group Discussion
Our Vision
Empowered community with problem (needs) free environment where people will have facilities of health, education and skill enhancement with increased participation in decision making through viable institutions through the project intervention.
Socio-Economic Situation
All the information in this portion is collected from community through a designed and thoroughly discussed checklist, these information are the CBO based. Baloch is a Mohalla of village Khaliq Shah consists of 46 households. In the same village there are communities of five different tribes, out of which approximately 62% Baloch, 15% Syed, 15% Qureshi 6% Karlo and 2% Damani. It is a part of a larger village, at Mohalla level decision they consult within their Mohalla but for village level decision there is Jirga system. Jirga has only representation of men but making decisions both for community men and women. Therefore women are ultimately excluded in traditional village level decision making process. Community of the said locality categorize in different categories of wealth ranking ranging from poorest of the poor to well off having varying access to resources. The living arrangement and construction of houses also varies, most of the houses are muddy, some are bricks and mud made, two houses was found cemented so for seen during transect walk. In Baloch wala 90% of the houses are muddy 9% semi pakka and 1% houses were found cemented respectively.
Agriculture The main source of income of the CBO/Inhabitants of Mohalla Baloch is agriculture. Most of the land owners belong to Sadat (Syed) tribe, other tribes’ people are directly and indirectly involve in agriculture. Beside other income sources like Government and private services, business, skilled labor and unskilled labor these people have little bit 5-10 kanal land for cultivation and they cultivate it as per their requirement or in other words they do it like a part time additional job. According to information shared by the community members 50% of the peoples are involved in agriculture. More or less tenancy and farmers ratio is the same other than the big land holders in the area.50% of the peoples earning proportion of population totally depend on agriculture for their livelihood that haven’t their own land but cultivate on 50-50 crop sharing bases, expenses made for Agri-inputs would bore by both landlord and tenants. It is an irrigated area a canal CRBC and canal Paharpur passes in the Western side of Mohalla and the whole village as well. Land structure is plan and fertile soil. Larger portion of the Agri land engaged in sugarcane and in remaining portion they cultivate rice, brassica in Kharif and wheat, and mot in Rabi. Farmers/tenants use tractors and thrashers for sowing and harvesting crops while some farmers even in this modern era still using bull in place of tractor for plough. They use spray machine and other modern appliances to prevent plants from insects and weeds grown in the field that affect the productivity of the crops and human lives from various diseases prevail out of it. 80% land is irrigated and 20% is barren due to water lodging. As the community has landholding and cultivate crops such as, sugarcane wheat, Brassica, Rice, maize/Jowar, and along with that they also cultivate green fodder for livestock in both seasons. While discussing issues associated with agriculture sector community mentioned that the community has no timely access to fertilizers and certified seed at their village due to extreme poverty of the farmers. Unavailability of improved seed in time and other modern technology and technical expertise for agriculture also persist. Some farmers could not afford good quality of seed and fertilizer at all due to poverty.
As known to all that agriculture and livestock is part and parcel to each other, community of CBO Baloch also depends on livestock both for domestic and earning purposes. Therefore they used to keep goats, sheep, cows, buffalos, donkeys and poultry within their houses. In this village there is considerable number of livestock mentioned below.
Type / Number / Type / NumberGoat / 170 / Cow / 240
sheep / 40 / Donkey / 32
Buffalo / 80 / Poultry / 830
The above table shows that livestock raring in village Khaliq Shah is also found and they both rare them for domestic and earning purpose. Both the community men and women are supposed to do livestock raring and management. But it is mentioned by community that they are using traditional old methods for this purpose and never attended training on the subject matter. There is also lack of facility to provide cure to livestock related diseases having no linkages with service providers. The community members demanded Civil Veterinary Centre (CVC)/Civil Veterinary Dispensary (CVD) to prevent livestock from various diseases and control livestock mortality.
The Academic situation at Primary level is to some extent good as compared to other villages. Education in rural areas suffers badly due to non-local staff but here the situation is different as there is local staff doing their duty. There is one Government Primary School (Boys) for 350 HHs (for Village Khaliq shah) where 320 students are enrolled. There is one Girls Primary school in this village where more than 100 girls are enrolled. There are 3 teachers in this school to teach the students. After passing 5th Class the students get admission in Government Middle School Nadar Shah which is about 1 km away from the village while girls have to travel 3 km to Paharpur. As most of the people are poor so they cannot afford the educational expenses. For higher education students go to Paharpur at a distance of 3 km, their number is 35. According to them 5 persons have done M.A, 8 person have done B.A, 17 FAs, 32 Matric, 120 middle and 320 at primary level in village Khaliq shah. According to the people of the community, the current academic situation in this village is better than past as people had acknowledged the importance of education and they are trying their best to educate their children. The community people also added that few years back, there was less education ratio in the village as there was too much poverty and also there were no education institutions in the nearby areas and less awareness among the people about the importance of education.
There is no health facility from Government side; the patients go to Paharpur for treatment which is 4 km away from the village. In major cases and emergency they rushed to DHQ-D I Khan. On the women side there is no MCC/FHC, in delivery cases patients are carried to Paharpur or DHQ. There is no facility for reproductive health & family planning for women. Water borne diseases are also common in the area due to lack of proper sewerage system.
Other Government Facilities
All the households in locality have access to electricity, mobile services facility is even available in remote and far flung areas of the country and considered a good development in the field of communication, community members stated.
Water & Sanitation
According to the Community members out of 46 households approximately 75% of the HHs has their own hand pumps at their houses and remaining population fetch water from these houses. Water table starts from 15 feet but saline at that stage, at 50 feet to 100 feet a potable water raise up and able to use for domestic purpose.
As per the information of community members,10% have flush system, 25% dwellers have pit latrines, but these pit latrines are so much in bad condition, 65% do ODF, all of them either male, female and children within their house or outside, because of poverty, they can’t afford pit latrines. Street of the village are totally unpaved and there is no proper sewerage and solid wastes disposal system in the entire village.
Women’s development
Women of that village also work in fields to help their men in cultivation and harvesting process. They also bring fodder for animals after doing domestic work. Traditionally the women are supposed to live within houses and undertake productive, reproductive and community tasks. As a part of their productive tasks some women do embroidery, stitching etc. but there is no vocational center to enhance the skills of both men and women and give them opportunity to sell their products for income generation.
Disaster Preparedness
The area is prone to some natural and manmade disaster like Flood, earthquake and environmental issues. This village was badly affected by the 2010 flood. But the respective community has no awareness about disasters; therefore there are no disaster preparedness and risk management strategies at local level.
CBO-Baloch Mohalla is absolutely lacking in social infrastructure like access road, street pavement and sanitation, education, health & environment, there are no streets lights and even streets are un-paved.
The phenomenon of unemployment is also common as the whole nation suffers. About 45 % of population of earning age is unemployed and with no income to fulfill their basic needs.
Seasonal calendar
Community men draw their respective seasonal calendars. The purpose of seasonal calendar is to point out and document community engagement during the whole year. The calendar also shows availability of community for development interventions and other engagement of community with socially given activities. The activity also shows community role in agriculture, livestock, education and other sectors of development. Their seasonal calendar revealed that community has comparatively with more time for development interventions during winter and spring seasons.
Pie diagram
The given tool described professions of the target community. This information is for that proportion of population who is earning and has economic responsibilities of their household.
Above diagram/ table shows that out of 46HHs, 50% are involved in Agriculture, 20% in livestock raring, 10% of earning people are unskilled labor, 8% are skilled labor, 2% government jobs and 10% are involved in small business.
Wealth Ranking
Through a PRA tool called wealth ranking participants categorize community into four major economic categories poorest of the poor, poor, better off and well off.
During the exercise community classified 46 community households under these four categories.
The given chart shows that 4 HHs of the total households of Mohalla Baloch are well off, 10 HHs are better off, 20 HHs are poor and 12 HHs are poorest of the poor according to the criteria developed by the community for wealth ranking. The criterion for the ranking purpose is given below. Criteria for wealth ranking
Well off / Better off / Poor / Very PoorStandard / Standard / Standard / Standard
-Needs and requirements of a daily routine can be easily fulfilled and can cope with unexpected financial expenses and unfavorable situations.
-can support other (family & other people) in case of any crises.
-owned more than one income sources. / -Needs and requirement of daily routine can achieve hardly
-income and expenses are equal.
- can provide education to their children. / -Those who can afford 3 times meal a day but unable to fulfill other needs.
-Those who cannot bear expenses of health and education.
-Expenditures are more than their income
-don’t have their own residence. / -Those that have nothing to meet their basic needs and rely maximum on others.
4 households / 10 households / 20 households / 12 households
Need Prioritization:
Need prioritization is one of the tool by whom one can easily asses the dire need of any sort of problem/issue facing by any kind of community it may be, like rural, business, urban etc. As it is self explanatory, needs/problems/issues should write in a tabular form in this tool then the peoples will grade/prefer the direst need they facing and should be written in a prioritized form.