Record of Meeting
Date: January 18, 2013
In Attendance:Leslie Buckalew, Laureen Campana, Matthew Christman (ASCC Rep), Cari Craven, Greg Elam, Doralyn Foletti, Wendy Griffiths-Bender, Judy Lanchester, Wendy Link, Ron Martin, Kim Morris (ASCC Rep), Danise Rapetti, Karin Rodts, Liz Rumney, Don Smith, Laurie Sylwester. Terri Isaman (recorder),
Absent: Brian Demoss, Maryl Landess, Gary Whitfield, Dean Wimberly
Approval of Meeting Notes
Record of meeting forDecember 07, 2012was approved as presented.
Measure E Construction Update
Ron reported on the following:
- Secondary Data Center- Final DSA approval received last week; project to bid next week. Anticipate construction to begin in March. Staging area to be determined. Estimate completion in spring 2014. There are plans to complete the gravel road to Alder/Data Center with construction funding.
- Tank Replacement–no report
- Redbud– Project out for bid; many local contractors are showing interest. Anticipate construction to begin about the 3rd week of February. The front of Redbud will be closed but there are plans to try to maintain a walkway to Tamarack. The disabled parking area will be closed as it will be included in the staging area; the area for the DSPS van will remain open. The stairs to the lake will be closed as they will become ADA complaint with the remodel. Haz mat removal is complete. Anticipate completion in July and on-line for fall semester 2013.
- Sequoia–MJC Nursing classes to be finalized on May 1st; building to be off-line May through January 2014. Project in design phase.
- Manzanita– Project in design phase.
- Modular at Symons field – Is ready for occupancy by college fire. The restroom will be available for usage by Symons Field. In response to a question, the installation of a white board will be addressed by the contractor.
The student government will disseminate the construction information.
Judy reviewed the Facilities webpage that includes information on the updated Facilities Master Plan, Manzanita and Sequoia renovation projects. Included in the Manzanita renovation are meeting minutes of the committee, floor space and swing space plans as well as responses to information requests. Meetings with affected employees over swing space plans will occur over the next few weeks. The next steps will be to review furniture needs during the construction phase and access to services, student notification, signage, etc. Suggestions from the committee included:
An easily accessible link to the Measure E webpage – access is cumbersome
Utilize the word “temporary” for relocated space signage
Take-away maps
Include relocated student services in the class schedules
Signage to include braille
Video identifying relocated services that is close-captioned
Information boards
Facilities Committee Meeting
January 18, 2013
Page Two
Measure E Construction Update - continued
Doralyn reported in February, a comprehensive display on Measure E will be set up in the Rotunda. There are plans to include information and maps of relocated services during the Manzanita remodel. In closing, it was stressed by both Judy and Leslie although there will be inconvenience during the construction phase, every effort will be made to assist students and make the transition as easy as possible.
In response to a question, it was clarified Manzanita will be taken off-line January 2014. The plans to transition the AAC to upstairs Tamarack have not been finalized yet. There are plans to create a noise barrier between the upstairs and the lower level library.
College Facilities Projects
Judy reported Laurie’s swing space needs were met in the Redbud classroom. The Madrone path of travel for pedestrians continues to be reviewed; plans will be brought to the committee as they develop. Kim reported continued issues of non-compliance at the newly installed stop sign at Madrone/Mahogany. It was noted that campus security cannot enforce traffic codes, they can only monitor and educate. A suggestion was made to install a “stop ahead” sign on the road. It was further noted Professor Andal is diligent to educate his students on the traffic hazards in that area. Further items included:
Portable restroom at Willow was inspected and vendor contacted regarding cleanliness
New speed bumps were verified to be at regulation height
Outside classroom bulletin boards will be installed at Sugar Pine
Safety Sub-Committee Report-Out
Greg reported the following items were discussed at the Safety Committee:
There were 4 incidents the beginning of semester-1-traffic, 2-medical aids and 1-theft
Traffic issues were at an all-time low this semester
Reviewed the Quick Reference for Emergency Response webpage. Coming will be individual building maps and Quick Reference packets.
Greg, Melissa and Laureen attended training at MJC on the formation of “CBIT”- crisis behavioral intervention team. CBIT will offer training on recognizing behavioral issues and act as a centralized reporting repository.
The Committee discussed the posting of the evening shuttle bus route map in length. It was reported the students would like the maps posted at various locations across campus. Perhaps in a map kiosk. This would be in addition to the posting on the web. Additionally, even though the driver engages pedestrians, students would like a few “designated” stops identified. Guests who may be unaware of the college protocols would always know the shuttle will stop at the identified location. Discussion followed into the use of emergency call boxes. Students feel there is a perception the call boxes are only to be used in elevated emergencies, not for calls for a ride or shuttle location. The word “emergency” may need to be eliminated. And, there may need to be education on the suggested uses of the call boxes.
There being no further business, meeting adjourned at.11:52am.