February3, 2017
UAE led resolution on “The Role of Diamonds in Fueling Conflict” adopted
by UN and co-sponsored by 41 countries
Dubai, UAE:Ahmed Bin Sulayem, Kimberley Process Chair (KP Chair 2016), delivered a speech on the draft resolution “The Role of Diamonds in Fueling Conflict” at the UN General Assembly 69th plenary meeting, 71st session, on February 2nd, 2017.
The UAE led resolution on “The Role of Diamonds in Fueling Conflict” includes important decisions of the Kimberley Process, which were made by consensus during UAE KP’s tenure as the KP Chair in 2016.
Adopted by the UN and co-sponsored by 41 countries, the resolution notesthat the KP plenary took note of the UAE's proposal to develop a methodology on the valuation of rough diamonds, welcomed the proposal to establish a Permanent Secretariat for the Kimberley Process, andwelcomesthat the plenary acknowledgedthe proposal of the KP Chair 2016 to set up a multi-donor trust fund for the civil society. This work will now continue under the leadership of Australia, who takes over as KP Chair in 2017.
Speaking at the United Nations General Assembly, KP Chair, Ahmed Bin Sulayem, said:
“Representing the governments, the industry and the civil society that are involved in the diamond trade, I was able to visit more than 20 countries – both existing and prospective Kimberley Process members. Our belief is that everything we do in the Kimberley Process must support and direct work that is largely in the developing world. During my chairmanship, I have been proud to represent the officials who regulate the diamond trade in the producing countries. My trip to the Central African Republic, a country that had been excluded from the Kimberley Process, was particularly important in providing assistance to the country in meeting its Kimberley Process requirements, and enabling the resumption of the country’s export of rough diamonds from newly compliant zones.”
The UN also expressed its appreciation to the plenary meeting of the Kimberley Process for welcoming the resumption of participation in the Process by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and its commitment to hosting a review visit.
Ahmed Bin Sulayem highlighted three specific proposals that were made by the UAE as Chair in 2016 that were also reflected in the resolution:
“First, the Kimberley Process suffers from a structural deficit, which is the lack of any form of Permanent Secretariat, with professional skills and resources that will outlive the rotation of country Chairs. For example, the Kimberley Process family has worked hard with the Central African Republic authorities to bring back a legitimate diamond industry. But our working groups and teams are all volunteers, working without administrative infrastructure. Ideally, we should have been able to work to a higher standard of speed and effectiveness, but that cannot be done without moving towards a Permanent Secretariat. I am pleased that the UAE proposal to establish a Permanent Secretariat has been welcomed and is included in the draft resolution.
Second, the participation of the civil society is vital to the success of the Kimberley Process, but many very experienced NGOs are effectively excluded because they lack direct access to the funding to take part. For this reason, the draft resolution welcomes the willingness of the Kimberley Process to further discuss the UAE proposal to establish a multi-donor trust fund or similar mechanisms that would financially support the participation of a wide range of Civil Society in the Process.
Third, undervaluation and overvaluation undermines the accuracy of the information on Kimberley Process certificates. During our chairmanship, we initiated a series of workshops to develop a uniform methodology on the valuation of rough diamonds. Although no consensus has been reached on a detailed proposal, the draft resolution includes elements that a methodology could comprise. The UAE, in its capacity as a member of the Kimberley Process, will continue to explore ways to improve the valuation capability of producing nations so that they are able to obtain the fairest value for their natural resources.
We are profoundly grateful that these initiatives have been recognised by the draft resolution and will be discussed further under the incoming Chair.”
Other nations speaking at the UN General Assembly commended the UAE for its work as KP Chair during 2016;
An EU representative said: “The European Union and its Member States which acts as a single Participant in the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) would like in the a first place to congratulate the United Arab Emirates for its Chairmanship of the Kimberley Process, and to welcome the results achieved towards strengthening the Kimberley Process and to confront the challenges of the future”, and added “The EU welcomes that over the past twelve months the issue of valuation of rough diamonds, in particular the development of a uniform methodology has been treated with high priority. We strongly support the efforts of the KP towards creating fair living conditions for people at the beginning of the diamond pipeline.”
A representative for Australia stated: “Let me begin by expressing Australia’s deep appreciation to the United Arab Emirates for its efforts as Chair of the Kimberley Process in 2016. We thank the UAE for its generous hosting of Kimberley Process meetings and for organising additional special forum meetings”, and later added: “The CAR monitoring team has undertaken important work in 2016, including through its ongoing efforts to ensure compliance with the KP through designated compliant zones.”
A representative of Angola said: “I would like to express my delegation’s appreciation and gratitude to the United Arab Emirates, the outgoing Chair of the Kimberley Process for its distinguished leadership and for its hard work in facilitating and coordinating the negotiations on the draft resolution we will adopt today.”
A representative of Botswana said: “Let me express our profound gratitude and appreciation to the United Arab Emirates for the able manner in which they conducted the affairs of the KP process during their tenure as chair in 2016. We commend them for their leadership in contributing towards the KP’s ideals, as well as for being part of the KP architecture which strives to transform and reform itself.” And later said: “For us diamonds are a source life. They bring food to the table, help invest in our children through education and training, as well as create human technical and promote inclusive development for sustainable development.”
A Botswana UN representative concluded his speech by welcoming the report and noting with satisfaction that the KP continues to make significant strides in regulating trade in rough in diamonds.
The United Arab Emirates will continue to play an active role in the Kimberley Process and will also Chair the Committee on Participation and Chairmanship (CPC) in 2017.
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About the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme
The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme is a collaborative initiative between governments, industry and civil society to stem the flow of conflict diamonds into the diamond trade. Started in 2000, the creation of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) in November 2002 laid the foundation for the KPCS by setting out the requirements for controlling rough diamond production and trade. It entered into force in 2003, when participating countries started to implement the rules. There are now 54 participants representing 81 countries including the UAE.
In 2003, the UAE adapted its Federal Law "Union Law no.13 Regarding Supervision of Import/Export and Transit of Rough Diamonds" and became the first Arab country to implement the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme. The Kimberley Process office inDMCCis the entity authorised by theUAE Ministry of Economyto authenticate the ethical sourcing of rough diamonds traded in the country.