Gzowski College Cabinet Meeting Sunday October 2nd, 2016

Present: Emily, Eliana, Ryan, Gillian, Hannah, Nelson, Lindsey, Amanda, Stephen, Tess, Sam, Dhan, Lindy, Stephanie, Danielle, Victoria, Andrew, Max, Jevon, Carl, Brendan
Absent: Christina (with regrets), Owen (without regrets), Jasmine (without regrets)

Chair’s Remarks

  • Welcome all. The labels with the position, will be using for the next few meetings until we all get used to where everyone’s seats are.
  • No phones or laptops, exception being exec phones on silent
  • Enforcing three-strike rule. First strike will be a warning, second will as to leave for five minutes, third strike will ask to leave for the remainder of the meeting.

Land Acknowledgement

The Cabinet of Peter Gzowski College wishes to acknowledge the Anishnaabe, Algonquin and Mississauga peoples and their traditional territory, including the Mississauga Ojibwe territory of Curve Lake First Nation, in which this meeting is taking place.

Approval of Agenda

Motion to approve the agenda made by Ryan, seconded by Eliana. All in favour. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes

Motion to approve the minutes from October 2nd 2016 made by Tess, seconded by Sam. All in favour. Motion carried.


  • Excited to welcome new members to Cabinet. Everyone took turns introducing themselves.

President’s Report

Cabinet Training:

  • Have picked two days for pan colleges training in the fall and winter, email to be sent out. Dates are Friday November 4th 4:00-7:00 pm for the fall and January 13th 4:00-7:00pm for the winter.
  • Gzowski Cabinet training will be Saturday October 15thfrom 12:00-6:00 p.m.

Acknowledgement Waiver:

  • Need to have everyone to sign acknowledgement waiver to acknowledge you're okay with your name being in the minutes that will be made public and that we will not be able to adjust after published and approved.

Annex Tour:

  • Ryan could give a tour of the annex before or after training next week

Beats and Braids Festival:

  • Circulated request letter with the minutes, are asking for funding. Total budget is $850.00. We could give them a small portion if we are comfortable to do so. Amanda asked where it would be coming from, Ryan said we have a line for funding which has $1000.00. Will be October 13th-15th. Presenting Indigenous art in Canada and Peterborough, are a non-profit community based organization. Want to identify and eliminate systematic racism. Amanda asked if we know of other groups they’ve reached out to. Emily said Gzowski Cabinet was directly contacted. Amanda thinks it would reflect better on them if we were not the only group on campus they were reaching out to. Since it is a recurring event, if we could fund again in other years it would be nice. Stephen asked how much recurring funding like Trent Mudder, East versus West Hockey Game etc. Ryan said East versus West is $200.00, and Trent Mudder is $200.00. Stephen suggested funding $100.00 for this event. Eliana suggested $100.00-$150.00. Lindy said she doesn’t believe the College Office received an email, asked if it is community run or school run. Emily believes is community run. Lindy said if collaborated with at least two groups on campus could be eligible for pan colleges funding.

Motion to approve $150 to Community Race Relations for Beats and Braids made by Dhan, seconded by Sam. Discussion: could suggest looking into getting pan colleges funding when we let them know of the funding we’re giving. All in favour. Motion carried.

Gzowski College Enweying Council:

  • MeetsMondays, so needs someone who is available to take, has a lab in the time slot. Lindy said they meet five times in the year, not every Monday. Carl offered to sit on. Lindy will send information.

Ten Thousand Villages:

  • Will be on our Fall College Weekend. Eaton centre trip will be on same day. Sign up with Sam or Lindy for that day to volunteer for either the trip or Ten Thousand Villages. Sam said would be cool to advertise for both with our weekend.

Vice President’s Report


  • Stands for Colleges and Student Services Committee. Meeting was an introduction to what CASSC does and what it is. Nona, AVP (Associate Vice President of Students) looking atstudent retentionand success reviews. Want to separate ancillary fees for housing and food. Revised student charter so its more student friendly, removed a lot of policies but now need to put them back in. Want to put more an emphasis on procedures. Discussed task forces that should be created. Mental health and accessibility task forces. accessibly meaning physical, financial etc. accessibility. In the process of hiring a fifth academic advisor still. Will be spending two days at Champlain, two days at OC and one day at Traill. Stephanie will be having discussion about scarves with students this year. Creating programming calendar for Cabinets, TCSA. September 30th was the last day to opt out of Health benefits through the TCSA. Discussed the friendship bench. Impact is accepting applications until October 5th. Gives opportunities to gain leadership skills, can put of co-curricular record, looks good on a resume. Trent international Program reformed to Trent International.Currently have 225 international students, making up 6.5% of the Trent population but Leo would like international students to make up 10% of the Trent population.
  • New members once ratified please stay after the meeting to sign up for Cabinet office hours.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Went through the budget last meeting.
  • Clubs and Groups funding forms are in the door. Will be accepting until this Thursday.Will strike a committee for clubs and groups funding later this meeting. Let Ryan know if any get turned in and put in the desk drawer.

Senator’s Report

TCSA Finance Operating Budget:

  • $6000.00 APPLE budget
  • All Cabinets on campus have $2000.00 in budget for funding they can apply for. Traill has $1000.00 budgeted they can apply for.
  • Approved the Theatre Production budget.
  • Only on the first draft of the budget for TCSA.
  • Amanda asked about what APPLE is. Dhan said is a budget set for students that can ask for if there’s something ie. a conference that will help better your education and can't afford on own, can apply for the funding to help. Brendan said there is a time period before you can apply again for the funding. Dhan believes it is once per semester students can apply.

Position Reports



  • Campaigningwas the 19th -26th. Madison had met with everyone to make sure went well. Voting opened a little earlier than we were expecting. Had sent bios to Lorraine for the election so that everyone could see bios when voting, different for this year. 213 students voted. For Junior Senator, Owen Faulkner was voted in. First Year On-Campus Reps Jevon Jones and Max Setka were voted in. Sustainability Ambassador Victoria Belbin was voted in. For Cultural Ambassador Andrew King was voted in. For Junior Social Rep Carl Cruise-Baxter was voted in. For TUNA Rep Jasmine Cedar Panacheese was voted in. For Off Campus Rep Stephen Boon received his confidence vote. If anyone wants to see the results of the elections just ask Emily to see the polls.
  • Thank you everyone who ran in the elections, we encourage you to still come out to our events throughout the year.


Canadian Conference for Student Leadership:

  • This year the Canadian Conference for Student Leadership will be held in Niagara, usually it is in the West. Will be at the end of November from the 24-26th. The theme is “Think Dream Lead” this year. Without accommodations, under $400.00. Proposals due Oct 28th. November 14th registration closes.Going to each of Cabinets and will be sending more information to the presidents. Would be very nice to have Trent representation at the conference. Open to all student leaders. Dhan said it would cheaper if you apply before Oct 28th.


  • Asked about regrets and how many we can miss a semester. Emily said three. Will waive all for the new members who missed this meeting.


  • VP Campaigns and Equity Ryan Newman resigned. It’s a little concerning because some major events are coming up. TCSA fall by-electionsare happening. Speeches Wednesday 12:00-2:00. Voting will be Tuesday of not this week but next until Friday (after Thanksgiving). Has to take a leave of absence from TCSA because is running for the position. Still technically on Cabinet but can represent on TCSA right now.


  • Working with Sam on Fall College Weekend for pig bowl but can't call it that because Champlain has it trademarked. Open for another name idea for it.
  • Winter event with OC. Ice rink quoted at $200.00 an hour but looking into doing pan colleges funding for it. OC did a night last year with Champs, got the space and food donated last year, going to see if this could be a possibility this year. Another ice rink might be willing to give a discounted rate since it would be a school event, still waiting to hear back. This rink has a smaller capacity so would need numbers for the event. Looked into pond hockey, didn’t do it through the school last year so didn’t have to go through risk management, has contacted to see if it would be fine. Eliana said in the College Office Jasmine is looking into a lacrosse event, asked if she could give Hannah’s email to her to potentially contact about this event. Amanda asked for clarification for saying the name is trademarked. Sam said not legally trademarked but its more about wanting to uphold Champlain tradition. Could talk to them about it. Hannah said the Champlain Cabinet member she was talking with said he would prefer if it would be called something else because pig bowl associated with Champlain. Open to Moose Bowl as an idea for a name. Champlain rep has been giving Hannah an idea about how they organize their event


  • Will give a document with events all the liaisons from the College Office will be running for the year. Open to idea of collaborating if there’s anything Cabinet would like to collaborate on. A cooking night is coming up, just before reading week. Working with FPHL to get cooking class, Indigenous cooking. One of the liaisons is interested in running a slam poetry night, mid October. Sip Sing and Be Merry will beNovember 29th, is a festive open mic night. Last year had some people sign up, and had people just get up and sing. Black honey catered. Was one of the better attended events last year. After awards ceremony where recognize all Gzowski students who have average above 80%. Awards reception from 4:00-5:00 p.m., Sip Sing likely will start around 6:00.
  • Eliana said the Off Campus Working Group Wednesday at Blackhoney from 6:00-8:00 p.m.will be having a board game night.
  • Will be other things happening in November. Hopefully will have document with all the events sent out this week.

Brendan –

Jasmine’s TUNA report:

  • Thanksgiving eventon Friday October 15th in Champlain Great hall, booking still under way. The idea is to challenge the idea of Thanksgiving, especially in States in the colonial Columbus mentality. Hoping to have the event catered.


  • Co-curricular meeting is this Thursday. Going to circulate email with charities for event idea. Open to different prize ideas, open to ideas about which charity the money should go toward.


  • Though of creating a survey and emailing it to the students to see what events they would like to see, how comfortable they feel here etc. to get their input. Brendan said every student has access to qualtrics through their myTrent to create surveys.

Stephen and Tess:

  • Tess said they wanted to do the classic events we usually do but also want to create a new event this year. Thinking about axe throwing. Danielle said usually $30.00 a head to do. Also thinking about a paint night. Would like to hear any ideas. Eliana suggested askingrisk management about the axe throwing, Tess said professional place so would be fine. Stephen said for bowling, waiting to see where other bigger events are planned before choosing a date

Sam and Carl:

  • Sam said sign up for the events is coming up. Would prefer to have more people at Eaton centre trip this year than last because of how stressful it was last year, minimum eight.
  • Looking into apple picking or Warsaw caves. Found that the apple orchard that is closest is forty five minutes away. Want to have an event this month, thinking about hikes through Trent nature in fall.
  • Stephen asked about rails, said in ditch currently. Sam said she would talk with security and PRD about them.
  • Amanda said for the Eaton centre trip, doesn’t think reasonable to need to round up everyone since we’re all adults. Emily suggested putting on the waiver if the individual is not there for the buses at said time, bus will leave without you

Committee Reports


Board of Directors Meeting:

  • What to put in the Student Centre. There is open space and offices that it hasn’t been decided what to put in yet, some ideas being discussed. Email any ideas to Emily.
  • If you are signed up for a committee please make sure you attend.
  • QR code generator to link poster to a Facebook event so if unable to read the poster, can scan the code with one’s phone and will bring to theFacebook page to make posters more accessible.

Retention Committee:

  • Discussing how to keep students past their first year.

Presidents meeting:

  • Advertise I.M. Well app if you can.


Housing Committee:

  • Was an introductory meeting. Have 1500 rooms available for undergraduates and only 20 available for graduate students.


Food Services Committee:

  • Gzowski Annex has a cafeteria but has nothing to do with Chartwells, have own food provider. Extended hours for Tim’s at Bata. OC cafeteria will be open to 11:00 p.m. Season Spoon’s hours have also been extended.
  • Meal plan changed so money on TrentU card can use at places downtown. If students have left over money, if the student graduates with money on their meal plan can use for two years, can refund flex dollars.
  • Will be a full Starbucks in the Student Centre.
  • Plan from now on to make Gzowski theme, “The Local Story”, to buy local produce in order to make home cooked meals. Trent has experimental gardens on land they bought and they sell vegetablesto Chartwells.
  • Have changed to ecotrays for the Thai Express too, charging for takeout containers. Bought more ecotrays because popular. Have had the problem of mold in them when students take a while to bring the trays down, and as a result have had to throw out a lot.
  • Have different coloured ends on utensils to signify different dietary restrictions for staff when preparing food. Brendan said to check accessibility because of colour blindness and factors like that. Andrew asked about the grill and cooking meat on same place. Hannah said they have different sections of the grill they used for different restrictions ie. vegetarian option. Danielle concerned with storing in same bucket, Gillian said hung up.


Motion to move into closed session made by Eliana, seconded by Ryan. All in favour. Motion carried.

All positions ratified.

Create Clubs and Groups Funding Committee

Motion to form an ad hoc committee for Clubs and Group Funding made by Ryan, seconded by Eliana. Discussion: Sam said she could take first semester with Carl taking the second semester. To consist of Sam, Emily, Ryan, Max and Eliana. All in favour. Motion carried.

Motion to extend the meeting by 15 minutes made by Dhan, seconded by Hannah. All in favour. Motion carried.

Any Other Business

  • Madison has sent her letter of resignation. Eliana read the letter.

Motion to accept Madison’s resignation from Cabinet made by Eliana, seconded by Brendan. Discussion: Emily noted that she contributed a lot throughout the course of the summer, creatively and otherwise. All in favour. Motion carried.

We thank Madison for her time and contributions to Cabinet and wish her best of luck in future endeavors.

Motion to move Gillian intothe Senior Electoral and Publicity Officer position made by Emily, seconded by Hannah. All in favour. Motion carried.

  • Madison was sitting on Convocation Committee, Eliana says we need someone who would be willing and able to cover this committee. Meet two times the year. Ryan said he could. Amanda said since she did last year she could if Ryan is unable.
  • Was determined Max would sit on the Housing Committee and Jevon will sit on the Food Committee.
  • Danielle interested in being appointed to Junior Treasurer position. Danielle said she learned about the position a little late to get on the ballot, but is a second year accounting student and would like to get involved with the college community.

Motion to go into closed session made by Eliana, seconded by Ryan. All in favour. Motion carried.