UABStudent TeacherObservation Form

Candidate Name: ______School: ______Observation Date: ______

Observation Time: from ______to ______Class Period (if applicable): ______Subject and Grade Level: ______

Observer: ______Observation #: ______Lesson Topic: ______

Directions: Completed by UAB Supervisor (2-3 times) and cooperating teacher (twice) prior tothe midterm and final evaluation, based ona 45+ minute lesson.

Performance Levels:


IneffectiveDevelopingEffective Exemplary

U = UnobservedN/A = Not Applicable

Indicator / Domain 1: Planning / Level
1 / Your learning objectives were appropriate for the subject, grade level, and College and Career Ready Standards; and were measureable and identify criteria for mastery.
2 / You planned appropriate and logically sequenced instructional strategies tied to your objectives.
3 / You planned adaptations to accommodate for differences in individual needs, abilities, interests and learning styles. You were able to provide a rationale for your adaptations and your lesson plans reflect high student expectations.
4 / You planned appropriate formative and/orsummativeassessment(s)that allowed students to show mastery of the lesson’s central focus and learning objectives (e.g., opportunities for students to summarize or share what they learned).You had a plan for maintaining a record of student performance.
5 / You planned a lesson that demonstrated a respect and understanding for cultural and/or linguistic diversity, including strategies that facilitate second language acquisition when appropriate.
Evidence & Strengths: / Questions, Suggestions, & Next Steps:
Indicator / Domain 2: Instruction / Level
6 / You demonstrated a deep knowledge of content and implemented effective instruction for students using appropriate College and Career Ready Standards, including opportunities for students to practice content-specific academic language/vocabulary.
7 / You provided learning experiences that allowed students to form connectionsbetween the specific subject area and other disciplines(e.g., you explained how and why these connections are important).
8 / You assisted students in connecting subject matter to prior learning and everyday life.
9 / You used instructional judgement and flexibility in the implementation and adaptation of the lesson based on student responses.
10 / You used a variety of instructional strategies, including demonstrations anddirect and/or indirect instruction,to actively engage all students.
11 / You integrated technology media into your instructional activities and actively engaged your students in the use of this technology.
12 / You utilized open-ended, probing questions to expand student learning and encourage students to engage in critical thinking and problem solving.
13 / You ethically used a variety of assessments to demonstrateand check for student learning and to modify instruction to provide feedback to students (e.g., unbiased assessments to accommodate needs of diverse learners). You involved students in monitoringtheir progress.
Evidence & Strengths: / Questions, Suggestions, & Next Steps:
Indicator / Domain 3: Classroom Management / Level
14 / You promoted positive, collaborative peer interactions.
15 / You created and maintained a positive, proactive, engaging, safe, and inclusive classroom environment conducive for learning.
16 / You implemented effective rules, procedures, and routinesthat promoted respect and responsibility.
17 / You provided smooth transitions between activities, maximized instructional time, and implemented an introduction and closure in your lesson.
Evidence & Strengths: / Questions, Suggestions, & Next Steps:
Indicator / Domain 4: Professionalism and Collaboration / Level
18 / You demonstrated acceptable oral, written, and nonverbal communication consistent with the expectations of a college graduate.
19 / You created a positive rapport with your students.
20 / You collaboratively andsuccessfully planned with your cooperating teacher.
21 / You presented yourself in a professional manner in terms ofappearance, attitude, attire, conduct, and preparation/organization of materials.
22 / You maintained an appropriate level of professional ethics in terms of personal conduct, academic integrity, emotional maturity, and legal mandates/school policy (e.g., IEP/Section 504 accommodations).
23 / During the post-observation conference, you reflected on your teaching by identifying opportunities to modify instruction or implement change based on your reflections.
24 / You communicated in ways that demonstrated sensitivity to all students by using non-biased strategies and methods during your instruction.
Evidence & Strengths: / Questions, Suggestions, & Next Steps:

Revised 11/19/16

Overall Evaluation of Lesson:

Summary of Next Steps:

Date of Post-Observation Conference: ______

Signature of Person Completing Form: ______

Signature of Student Teacher: ______

(Signature indicates form was reviewed with Student Teacher)