25th to 29th July & 8th to 12th August 9.30am until 3.30pm

U9s, U11s and U12s – School Years 3 to 7 – all abilities catered for !

LiphookRipsley Cricket Club’s Summer Camps will be led by Dave Oliver again this year. Dave is ECB Level 2 qualified, captains L&RCC’s 2nd XI and in his spare time teaches at a local school. He has been coaching the regular Monday and Friday evening training sessions for quite some years so is well known to all the children at the Club. Dave will be assisted by at least one other L&RCC coach qualified to ECB Level 1 or 2, depending on numbers attending each course.

The children will learn and practice a broad range of cricketing skills through training routines and games, and Dave is well used to keeping the occupied if the weather is less than ideal for outside activities. They will have a great time !

What To Bring

Children should bring a packed lunch, sun cream, a hat/cap, plenty to drink and some money if they wish to purchase confectionary, crisps or drinks from the normal club stocks.


Full week booking £80

Individual days £20

Additional children from the same family (5 days)£68

Additional children from the same family (1 day) £17

Special Offer : Book two weeks for just £120 (£102 for additional children) !

Non-members of L&RCC (per week or part thereof) £10 extra per child

If you have any questions or require more information then please contact :

Sarah Longlands at


Please print out and fill in a copy of this form for EACH CHILD attending.

Details of Child Attending the Course

Full Name :
Date of birth :
School Year :
Cricket Club :
Dates Attending:

Please tick the box for each day or week attending then add up the cost !

Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Full Week / Cost
25th to 29th July
8th to 12th August
Additional £10 per week if not a member of LRCC
Total Cost

Contact and Personal Information

If your child is a CURRENT member then L&RCC has your contact details, emergency contacts, medical information and consents on file. Unless you inform the Club otherwise it will be assumed that all this information is correct for the duration of the Summer Camps.

If your child is NOT a member of L&RCC then you will need to fill in a separate membership form. This can be downloaded from the Club’s web site: go to and select “Liphook Youth Section” on the left then “Membership Form”.

LiphookRipsley Cricket Club reserve the right to cancel any course or part thereof if there is insufficient demand or circumstances beyond it’s control such as but not limited to extreme weather or unavailability of coaches due to illness mean that a course cannot be run.