Logical Fallacies in Argument - Notes

What are Logical Fallacies?

Mistakes in our reasoning

◦Claims, warrants, or pieces of evidence are ______

Seriously affect our ability to argue effectively

◦Sometimes we think that our faulty argument is sound

◦Sometimes we think a flawed argument will win us the battle

Sometimes these are difficult to spot because they are disguised by ______.


Ad Hominem—Against the Man

◦Avoiding the issue by attacking a ______

◦Used to divert an audience’s attention from the issue at hand

A prosecutor asks the judge to not admit the testimony of a burglar because burglars are not trustworthy.

Begging the Question


Drawing conclusions from assumptions that have not been proven

CLAIM: You can’t give me a C in this course…

REASON: …because I am an A student.

WARRANT: An A student is someone who can’t receive Cs.

Either/Or Fallacy

◦Contrasting your own choice only with one that is ______; Overlooking other options

All drugs should be either legalized or banned completely. (Ignores other positions like legalizing marijuana for cancer treatments but not for general use)


◦Using a word with ______, usually in order to confuse or deceive

Macbeth has nothing to worry about “till Birnamwood / Do come to Dunsinane” –how can a forest move?

◦Argument gives an ______

Hasty/Faulty Generalization

◦Inference drawn from ______

Because my Honda broke down, then all Hondas must be junk.

Sweeping Generalization

◦Claim that something applies to ______without exceptions.

All cameras are easy to use.

All women are bad drivers.

All English teachers are nitpicky.

Post Hoc: Faulty Causality

◦Assumes that because one action follows another, ______

The abnormally warm weather led to the increased number in summer casualties

Faulty Analogy

◦Assuming that since two things are alike in one aspect, ______

Employees are like nails. Just as nails must be hit in the head in order to make them work, so must employees.


◦Literally means “it does not follow.”

◦A conclusion or statement that ______from the premises of a given argument

Because my sister is rich, she will make a good parent.

Red Herring

◦Introducing something ______to change or shift the topic

Why should we worry about the amount of violence on television when thousands of people are killed in automobile accidents every year?

Straw Man

◦Strengthening your own view by ______the opposing view

◦Attacking an argument that ______

"Senator Jones says that we should not fund the attack submarine program. I disagree entirely. I can't understand why he wants to leave us defenseless like that.“


◦Assumes that because something is popular, it is ______

The President must be correct in his approach to foreign policy; after all, the polls show that 60 percent of the people support him.