U.S. History Overview Game Project


·  1 Test Grades

·  Student will design a game and lead their classmates in the game.

o  Board game

o  Family Feud

o  Dominos

o  Sports

o  Etc., Be creative

·  Game must include information about specific items listed for topic. Each group will research and find information to formulate into the game. Not everything will be a definition, so think in terms of effects and impacts on the U.S. Each member of your group should understand the concepts associated with the information and how it pertains to the development of the U.S. The game should be challenging enough so your classmates understand the big picture also.

·  The game must be playable by all members of the class. It may be all individual players, a small number of groups, or many groups. The greater the participation of each student, the higher possible grade awarded. Games such as trash ball with two teams and only two students participating at a time will not receive a grade higher than a 70.

·  This will be an extremely fun and learning project with a little effort on your part. I will give you lots of class time, please give me your best.

·  Have fun!



Industrialization and the Gilded Age

America Builds an Empire

America in WWI

America in WWII

Background to the US

Society in Transition

The 60’s

The Civil Rights Movement

The Cold War

The Great Depression and New Deal

The Progressives

The Roaring 20’s

Expansionism/Great Depression

Free enterprise

Cattle boom

Growth of Labor Unions


Political machines

Indian policies

Transcontinental railroad

Homestead Act

Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

Open Door Policy

Dollar Diplomacy

Immigration Quotas

Harding’s Return to Normalcy

Stock Market Speculation

Bank Failures

New Deal




Electrical power


Satellite Communication

Steel production


Assembly Line

Time-Study Analysis



Social Darwinism



Red Scare


Clarence Darrow

William Jennings Bryan

Henry Ford

Glenn Curtis

Marcus Garvey

Charles Lindbergh


Social Gospel

Emergence of U.S. as World Power/Reform in the U.S.

Spanish-American War




Puerto Rico

Henry Cabot Lodge

Alfred Thayer Mahan

Theodore Roosevelt

Sanford B. Dole

Causes of WWI

U.S. entry into WWI

American Expeditionary Forces

John J. Pershing

Machine guns



Poison gas

Trench warfare


Woodrow Wilson

Fourteen Points

Treaty of Versailles

Battle of the Argonne Forest

Progressive Party

Populist Party




16th Amendment

17th Amendment

18th Amendment

19th Amendment

Upton Sinclair

Susan B. Anthony

Ida B. Wells

W.E.B. Dubois

Interstate Commerce Act

Pure Food and Drug Act

Federal Reserve Act of 1913

World War II


Pearl Harbor

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Harry Truman

U.S. Office of War Information


German, Italian, and Japanese American internment

Executive Order 9066

Conventional and Atomic Bombs

Battle of Midway

Island hopping

Bataan Death March

Invasion of Normandy

Multiple Fronts

Liberation of Concentration Camps

Omar Bradley

Dwight Eisenhower

Douglas McArthur

Chester A. Nimitz

George Marshall

George Patton


War Bonds

Victory Gardens

Tuskegee Airmen

Flying Tigers

Navajo Code Talkers


GI Bill

Cold War

Truman Doctrine

Marshall Plan

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Berlin Airlift

Cuban Missile Crisis and JFK

Arms Race

Space Race


HUAC (House of Un-American Activities Committee)

Venona Papers

Domino Theory

Vietnam War

Tet Offensive

Escalation of forces


Fall of Saigon


26th Amendment

Role of the media

Credibility Gap

Silent Majority

Anti-war Movement

Civil Rights

13th Amendment

14th Amendment

15th Amendment

19th Amendment

Political organizations

Martin Luther King JR. and his famous speeches

Cesar Chavez

Rosa Parks

Hector P. Garcia

Betty Friedan

Black Panthers

Desegregation of the Armed Forces

Civil Rights Act of 1957 and 1964

Voting Rights Act of 1965

George Wallace

Orval Faubus

Lester Maddox

Brown v. Board of Education

Mendez v. Westminster

Hernandez v. Texas

Delgado v. Bastrop ISD

Edgewood ISD v. Kirby

Sweatt v. Painter

Plessy v. Ferguson

Great Society

Affirmative Action

Title IX


Richard Nixon

Ronald Reagan


Peace through Strength

Camp David Accords

Iran-Contra Affair

Marines in Lebanon

Iran Hostage Crisis

Phyllis Schlafly

Contract with America

Heritage Foundation

Moral Majority

National Rifle Association

Persian Gulf War

Balkans Crisis


Global War on Terror

2008 Presidential Election

Bill Gates

Sam Walton

Estee Lauder

Robert Johnson

Lionel Sosa

Geography and Culture

Settlement of the Great Plains

Klondike Gold Rush

Panama Canal

Dust Bowl

New Orleans Levee failure after Katrina

Western Expansionism

Rural To urban

Great Migration

Rust Belt to Sun Belt

National Parks System

Environmental Protection Agency

Endangered Species Act

5th Amendment Property Rights

Tin Pan Alley

Harlem Renaissance

Beat Generation

Rock and roll

Chicano Mural Movement

Country and Western Music

Assimilation of Immigrants and American Indians

Frances Willard

Jane Adams

Eleanor Roosevelt

Dolores Huerta

Jane Adams

Sonia Sotomayor

Oprah Winfrey

“e pluribus unum”

“In God We Trust”

Vernon J. Baker

Alvin York

Roy Benavidez



Bill Clinton’s Impeachment

Community Reinvestment Act of 1977

USA Patriot Act of 2001

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

War Powers Act

Tinker v. Des Moines

Wisconsin v. Yoder

White v. Regester

Alexis de Tocqueville


Non-Violent Protesting


24th Amendment

American Indian Citizenship Act of 1924

Andrew Carnegie

Thurgood Marshall

Billy Graham

Barry Goldwater

Sandra Day O’Connor

Hillary Clinton

Organization of Petroleum Exporting countries (OPEC) oil embargo

General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)