Procedure Name: /

eAudio NetLibrary/ Recorded Books Statistics for Libraries

Author: / Amy Amoroso
Date Revised: / 1-13-2010
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Prerequisites: / NetLibrary eAudio Statistics Login Credentials
1 / Go to:
2 / Log In by entering your library’s Username & Password.
3 / Select the Reports Section link under Reports heading.
4 / Select the Popular Titles usage reports link.
5 / Select the timeframe for your report under the Activity Interval section.
6 / Select eAudiobook as the Content Type.
7 / Select the 4 collections labeled eAudiobooks – Recorded Books as well as the one labeled Recorded Books Premium Core - US, and Add them to the Selected Collection(s) box.
8 / Check the radio box next to the option to “View usage of the selected collection(s) by the members listed below”.
9 / Select your library from the Available Members list and Add it to the Selected Members list.
10 / Click the SUBMIT button, your report will generate.
11 / The report will provide Title and usage details. At the bottom of the report is the Total Checkout, Total Renewal, and the Total Accesses.