YW In Excellence Program
standing as a witness of christ: court room theme

Opening Prayer.

Bailiff: Welcome to our courtroom this evening. We have heard rumors that there are some young women around these parts that are "standing as witnesses" of Christ. We are here tonight to determine if there is enough evidence to convict them. We would like to ask that you in the audience act as jury. All in favor say "I". Please stand to be sworn in by repeating the Young Women theme....

I am Sister______and I will be your bailiff.
Sister ______will be the Prosecutor in this case.

Sister ______will represent the defense. Does anyone know where Sister (Defense Name) is?

Would those in the courtroom please rise? Hear ye, Hear ye, the Honorable Judge ______will preside over these proceedings.

Judge: (Rap table with gavel) You may all be seated and this court will come to order. Since the defense is not present,the prosecution, from the Standers Against Truth and Righteousness Association,will befirstto present the evidence and witnesses to the jury in an attempt to prove that those in question do "Stand as Witnesses".

Defense Attorney(comes running in late...looking a mess)* (Make a funny character...suitcase filled with food, magazines, nail file etc. to use throughout...unable to plead a case! ...ham up however we can)

Prosecutor: Thank you, your honor. First, I'd like all of the defendants to come forward. Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, may I introduce you to the Young Women of the ______Ward.
(All girls step up and face audience).
Girls, you are all being accused of standing as witnesses of Christ. Do you understand what that means? (all nod yes). Good. So, if I were to ask you, "How do you plead" what would be your response.
Girls: (all girls look at each other and together say:) GUILTY.
Defense Attorney: (whispers: no no no!! That is NOT what we rehearsed! (sigh) Your honor, I object! These girls are incompetent to stand trial. They don't know how to plead....they don't even know who they are yet.
Prosecutor: Judge, I assure you that these young women know EXACTLY who they are!

Girls: (all together) “We are daughters of our Heavenly Father who love us…..”
Judge: (Cut them off) Okay, Okay…point taken. Proceed.

Prosecutor: My first piece of evidence are photographs of these young women participating in wholesome activities....These girls don't just go to church on Sunday, they go every Wednesday night, to camp in the summer, to seminary in the mornings, and SO much more!

PICTURE SLIDESHOW - with prosecutor telling what they are doing

Defense Attorney: (falling asleep..) obnoxious snoring….

Prosecutor: I would now like to call Miss Torito the stand. She just recently turned 12 and entered into this "young woman" program. She may be young, but she is already accused of standing as a witness of Christ.

Defense Attorney: I object your honor...she is much too young to stand trial.

Judge: (looking surprised) Hmmm. You might actually have a point there. Regardless, overruled.

Prosecutor: Your honor. I assure you that while she (and all these young women) may seem young, they are mature enough young ladies to tackle any situation. The Young Women program encourages these girls to complete a series of experiences and projects to help their spiritual progress. It's called Personal Progress. (Show the Personal Progress Book). Tori, you recently started your Personal Progress program, is this correct?

Tori: Yes.
Prosecutor: Would you please provide an example of an experience or project that you have started working on?

Tori: You bet! (Tori's spotlight)
Prosecutor: Thank you, Tori. (To jury) I think I've made my point.
Bailiff: Next witness.
Prosecutor: I would like to call Thyda. She is the oldest young woman, just shy of 18 years old, so she has a few years of experience in this program. Thyda, I'd like to give you the same opportunity to show what you have been working on lately.
Thyda: (Thyda's spotlight)
Bailiff: Next witness.
Prosecutor: I would like to call Danielle to the stand. Danielle, I understand you’ve been busy developing your divine nature.?
Danielle: (Danielle's spotlight)
Judge: Miss(Defense Name), do you have more hard evidence to present?
Prosecutor: Absolutely, your honor. May I submit evidence #2 to the court. (Motto poster frame) This picture/frame is displayed in the room where the Young Women meet each Sunday and Wednesday. The torch represents the light of Christ, inviting all to "come unto Christ". It invites all young women to hold up the light of Christ by keeping his commandments. It is surrounded by the Young Women's motto which is "Stand for Truth and Righteousness". (Handbook page 212)
Defense Attorney: Objection! That is outrageous! These girls only care about fictional vampires and anime cartoons. They don't actually read these silly mottos hung on the wall!

Judge: Defense, pleeease have a seat. Prosecution, do you have any more witnesses to present?
Prosecutor: Yes, your honor. I would next like to call Sam MacDonald to show us her part in this Personal Progress program.
Sam: (Sam's spotlight on her Knowledge project)
Prosecutor: Sam, you may be seated. I would like to call Aleah at this time.
Aleah: (Aleah's spotlight)
Prosecutor: Your Honor, jury….I would like to call one last witness to the stand….the Young Women President in the ______Ward, Sister ______. Sister ______, in your experience with these young women, what do you have to say regarding their behavior in regards to standing as witnesses of Christ.

YW President:

These young women are guilty of standing as witnesses of Christ. They care for each young woman in their class. They help her feel needed and loved. They pray for her, spend time with her, and become genuine friends. In the Personal Progress book, it says: "There is a great need for every young woman in the Lord's work, and the Lord is counting on you to do your part. Be prepared to defend values that will help protect, enrich, and guard the home. This is the time to prepare to take your place and stand as a light and guide for members of your family, your friends, your community, and the people of your nation. It will require you to make conscious, deliberate choices."
(Use specific examples of the girls standing individually and/or collectively for the right)

We have in our midst young women that have done just this. They are defending truth and righteousness. They are without question standing as witnesses of God.
Prosecutor: Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, can't you see that these young women are standing as witnesses each and every day?Not only do they have a theme, motto, and values to live by, they have parents and leaders encouraging them. They are joining "with thousands of other young women who are increasing their powerful influence for good". They are learning to make the Young Women Values part of their lives. They don't just believe in this program, they DO their personal progress which helps them stand as a witness for Christ "at all times and in all things, and in all places". (said powerfully)

Defense Attorney: Starts to object, shrugs her shoulders (realizing it's a worthless attempt) and then stuffs a candy bar in her mouth!

Prosecution: Your honor. The prosecution rests.
Judge: Is the defense ready to plead their case?

Defense Attorney: The defense pleads...(looking beaten) "no contest"

Bailiff: Jury members, please meet briefly and provide your verdict to the Bailiff.
Judge: After examining all the evidence, the jury concludes that these individuals do most assuredly "Stand as Witnesses of Christ". This Court finds them guilty as charged. Bishop ______will now give the sentencing.

Bishop:Ask him to sentence the girls to continue living as righteous Young Women (express appreciation for young women and their righteous influence)

Girls to sing: "I will Stand as a Witness of God"by Janice Kapp Perry

Closing Prayer.


Defense Attorney: other options to “ham” up this part

(Tries to object, but she has a ding-dong stuffed in her mouth)
Flipping through magazine – oohing and ahhing at different things…

Objection! She’s not even wearing nylons!
can say or do anything at anytime and Judgecan demand order.