Mr. RhodesName: ______Hour: ______

U.S. History

U.S. Geography Packet

Objectives: After completing this activity you should be able to…

-Locate physiographic places in the U.S. on a map

-Identify and locate the 50 states

-Organize states by geographical regions

-Identify and locate major urban area within each of the geographic regions

-Provide examples of the human characteristic of settlement with in the U.S.

Part 1 – MAP #1

Directions: Using MAP #1, identify and label the following physical locations in the United States. [10 points]


Rocky Mountains

Cascade Mountains

Appalachian Mountains

Sierra NevadaMountains

Ozark Plateau

Bodies of Water:

Atlantic Ocean

Pacific Ocean

Gulf of Mexico

Lake Erie

Lake Michigan

Lake Huron


Lake Superior


Mississippi River

Ohio River

Rio GrandeRiver

Colorado River

Missouri River





Los Angeles


New York City


San Francisco




St. Louis


Oklahoma City

Salt Lake City







New Orleans


San Diego


Kansas City


Part 2 – NO MAP

Read: Geographers have divided the United States into 4 major regions that are subdivided into 9 smaller subregions:

-The Northeast

  • Subregions: New England Region & Middle Atlantic Region

-The Midwest

  • Subregions: East North Central Region & West North Central Region

-The South

  • Subregions: South Atlantic Region, East South Central Region, & West South Central Region

-The West

  • Subregions: Mountain Region & Pacific Region

Directions: Now identify and locate the states that fit into each of the 4 regions and subregions and write them in the spaces provided. I have provided you with hints for each region. Looking at the map in your book you must use your BRAIN to figure out the answers. The answers are NOT in your book. They are in your head. You may abbreviate the states name, and you do not have to use complete sentences. [9 points]

Region: The Northeast – There are 9 states in the Northeast region, and it has 2 subregions.

  1. The subregion called New England has the 6 states east of New YorkState. What are those 6 states?



  1. The Middle Atlantic region has 3 states. They are New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. Which state is the smallest in area?


Region: Midwest Region – There are 12 states that make up the Midwest region, and they are divided into 2 smaller subregions.

  1. The east North Central Region has 5 states located north of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi river. What are those 5 states?



  1. There are 7 states in the West North Central Region and each has all its territory north of 36N and east of 105W. What are those 7 states?




Region: The South – There are 16 states that make up the South Region and they are divided into 3 smaller regions.

  1. The 8 states that are the South Atlantic Region all have coasts on the Atlantic Ocean, except for West Virginia. What are they?




  1. There are 4 states that make up the East South Central Region. They are all located east of the Mississippi River and south of the Ohio River. What are those 4 states?



  1. There are 4 states that make up the West South central Region. They include Texas and the 3 states that border Texas on the east. What are those 3 states?


Region: The West – There are 13 states that make up the West Region and they divided into 2 smaller subregions.

  1. There are 8 states in the Mountain Region of the West. None of them border on the Pacific Ocean. What are they?




  1. The 5 states in the Pacific Region of the West all border the Pacific Ocean. What are they?



Part 3 – MAP #2

Directions: Using MAP # 2, complete the following steps. [10 points]

Label the names of all 50 states on the map

Use a different color pencil or crayons to outline each of the 9 subregions that were listed in part.

Use a color pencil or crayon to draw lines to divide the country into the 4 major U.S. regions: Northeast, Midwest, South, and West.

Part 4 – NO MAP

Directions: Match each state with the region in which it is located by labeling the correct letter in the lines provided. Use a map to help you. [9 points]

______WashingtonA. New England Region

______Rhode IslandB. Middle Atlantic Region

______MontanaC. West North Central Region

______TexasD. East North Central Region

______FloridaE. South Atlantic Region

______VermontF. East South Central Region

______IllinoisG. West South Central Region

______OhioH. Pacific Region

______ArizonaI. Mountain Region







______New York

