U of A Ag Club Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Ag For 113
Monica called the meeting to order at 5:04pm.
There were 57 members present.
Officer Reports
Bronwen read the minutes from September 9, 2009 and moved that the minutes be adopted as read. Bryce seconded. Carried.
Chief Financial Officer
Mark reported that we have $14, 385.14.
Get Lucky dance went well.
Sports are expensive (Ag Club has paid $1200 so far this semester). If you register, make sure that you show up to avoid defaults. Everyone on the team has to buy an Ag Club membership.
VP Social
Aggie of the Month: Kim Mitchell
Pit Lounger: Caroline
Night at Hudson´s: Oct 24; $5 cash at the door from 9-11; $4 highballs
There will be a Christmas dinner in the pit on the last day of classes; OCR afterwards. $10 tickets.
There will be a party on Halloween at 8:00 at Ratt with the Foresters. $5 Tickets.
VP External
If you want to go to Ag Bag Drag at the U of S on October 16 and 17, register today. There will be a dance on Friday and a pub crawl on Saturday; both events are $15.
VP Academic
Public Relations
Lexi has picked out the clothing and has prices. She will be sending an email soon and hopes to place the order by the end of October.
4th Year Rep
There is an AIA fall dinner next Tuesday, October 13, 2009. There will be a presentation on the Alberta Land Use Framework. Tickets are $20 at the door or $15 if you RSVP by October 9. An email will be sent out about this event.
3rd Year Rep
Grad will be March 13, 2010.
There will be a hypnotist fundraiser sometime before Halloween.
2nd Year Rep
1st Year Rep
Ladies´ Sports
Basketball starts next week. There has been good participation so far, but not many wins.
Men´s Sports
Basketball starts soon. Teams have been winning. An email will be sent out soon.
Bar None Directors
45 days until Bar None. See updates on website.
Kickoff is Oct 22 at 5:30. Tickets are $10. Volunteers are needed.
OCR is hosting the Halloween Howler pub crawl on Oct 31 from 2-9. Thomas needs bus captains and will pay $100 per person. We will work in pairs. After the pub crawl, Thomas will let bus captains into OCR with no line and no cover, or you can go to Ratt to the Forester party. The first forty people to sign up will receive free CFR tickets for Friday or Saturday night.
Fifth Year Rep
Keep partying.
Old Business
Yearbook Committee
Ingrid moved that nominations open. Travis Jones seconded.
Mark nominated Bronwen Declined
Jarrit nominated Piper Declined
Brianne nominatedBrittany Accepted
Keleisha nominated Kaylene Accepted
Matthew moved that nominations cease. Skylar seconded. Vote of confidence for Brittany and Kaylene. Carried.
Office Hours
All executive members have office hours. The schedule is posted on the Ag Club office door and it will be emailed out. If you need anything from the office, please go during the times listed.
New Business
Bayer Crop Science
Three representatives were at the meeting and gave a presentation about summer jobs and full time positions. Deadline to apply is October 31st.
Thank you to Bayer for the pizza, beer and pop that they provided for the meeting.
Bayer is a platinum sponsor of Bar None.
Taylor, the Labatt representative, was at the meeting. Labatt will be providing Ag Club with forty CFR tickets.
Jarrit and Brady will start working on The Pub. Please email them Pub quotes.
Ag Marketing Club
Fawn gave a presentation about the Ag Marketing Club. Last year there was a trip to Atlanta for NAMA. Come to the meeting next Wednesday at 5:00.
CAPS is having a resume workshop. Sign up on the sheet that is being passed around.
There will be an email sent out about an upcoming Cargill recruitment day.
Bar None Mini Director Elections
Jarrit moved that we eliminate the Saturday afternoon Bar None event. Mark seconded. Discussion: the event loses money; most people would rather not go, but feel obliged to; the hypnotist was good. Travis tabled the motion.
Christina moved that nominations open for all mini director elections. Becca seconded. Carried.
Chilli Cook-Off (Tuesday)
Skylar nominated Bryce Accepted
Catherine nominated Jordan Burke Declined
Skylar nominated Travis Jones Accepted
Matthew moved that Chilli Cook-Off nominations cease. Travis seconded. Carried.
Vote of confidence for Bryce and Travis. Carried.
Farmer Sports (Friday)
Ashley nominated Jordan Burke Accepted
Ingrid nominated Jolene Declined
Jolene nominated Ashley Accepted
Jarrit nominated Tyson Not Present
Jarrit nominated Fletch Declined
Matthew moved that Farmer Sports nominations cease. Jarrit seconded. Carried.
Vote of confidence for Jordan and Ashley. Carried.
Girls/Guys Night (Wednesday)
Sidney nominated Becca Accepted
Ingrid nominated Christina Accepted
Debra nominated Riley Cyrus Accepted
Jarrit nominated Dean Accepted
Brianne nominated Spanish Declined
Jarrit nominated Worm Not Present
Speeches and voting. Christina and Dean will be the Girls/Guys Night directors.
Banner (done for Thursday)
Sidney nominated Heather Declined
Brianne nominatedSidney Declined
Worm nominated Dominique Accepted
Heather nominated Danielle Accepted
Skylar nominated Bailey Declined
Worm nominated Fletch Declined
Vote of confidence for Dominique and Danielle. Carried.
Hot Dog Sales
Skylar nominated Matthew Accepted
Mark nominated Jethro Accepted
Jethro nominated Mark Accepted
Jarrit nominated Skylar Accepted
Joint speeches (Mark and Jethro vs. Matthew and Skylar) and voting. Mark and Jethro will be the Hot Dog Sales directors.
Pancake Breakfast
Ashley nominated Piper Declined
Debra nominatedErin Declined
Danielle nominated Heather Accepted
Travis nominated Skylar Declined
Sidney nominatedMarina Declined
Amy nominated Brittany W. Accepted
Brianne nominated Steve Declined
Travis J nominated Matthew/SkylarTeam Accepted
Joint speeches (Matthew and Skylar vs. Heather and Brittany) and voting. Matthew and Skylar will be the Pancake Breakfast directors.
Ticket Sales
Bryce nominated Debra Declined
Travis nominatedErin Declined
Jarrit nominated Brady Declined
Erin nominated Ben Accepted
Matthew nominated Fletch Declined.
Vote of confidence for Ben. Carried.
Saturday Event
Discussion from earlier continued. Fletch suggested a pub crawl to pubs that we do not normally frequent. It was suggested that the event could be informal (no budget); could go out for dinner as a group. We could make money if we advertise a pub crawl and have non-Aggies buy tickets; perhaps another year when we are not so broke. Debra moved that Fletch be nominated as director and that he determines if there is interest or not. Travis seconded. Vote of confidence. Carried. Issue is tabled until next meeting.