Type here the title of your article in English

Complete Name of the Author

Complete Name of the Coauthor (if there is one)


Type here the abstract. Remember that the abstract is literally a summary of the text. It presents the main theme, the main ramifications and arguments and the conclusion of the research. The abstract shall not exceed 150 words.

Keywords: Word1. Word2. Word3.

Initial considerations

Dear author. You should type your whole text in this template, respecting the given configuration (fonts, paragraphing). There are blocked parts for editing to avoid alteration in the file. Do not worry about the brackets and background of a different color in the part of the text that can be edited. They will disappear in the final version. There are two pre-configured styles in the template: quotations (for direct indented long quotations) and paragraph, with the given formatting for paragraphs.

In case you eventually wish to paste the text of another file we recommend that parts be pasted and not the whole text at one time. When you paste the file the following image will show up. Click on the right arrow and, in the pasting options which appear, click on the option “maintain only text”, the option illustrated by the letter A. In this way, the pasting will maintain the format of this file.

Some general instructions related to this template

The initial considerations should present the theme and the problem of the research, a brief contextualization (justification and relevance), a mention of the main theorists and theories used for carrying out the research (theoretical framework) and the method of analysis adopted. In total, these initial considerations should not go beyond one page.

The article should be divided by topics, not numbered, named according to the criteria of the author of the text. The final considerations, like the initial ones, should not take more than one page. The file as a whole should not go beyond the final total of 40,000 characters (spaces included).

Observation: In case the text is part of a course monograph or is tied to a dissertation or thesis, or if it is still a partial result of a Scientific Initiation Research project, include an asterisked footnote with the provisional or original title of the text and the name of the orienting professor of the research.

Formatting issues

The paper should excel in its scientific language and in the respect toward the sources. All the reference indications used in the body of the text should come exclusively in footnotes in the system author-date according to the NBR guideline 10,520 of the ABNT, except the first one. The first reference to a certain work should come complete and use the model LAST NAME, YEAR, PAGE. Latin expressions such as idem, ibidem, opus citatumshould not be used in the case of repetition of a reference.

Direct quotations of texts in foreign languages should be translated into the dominant language of the text, with the mention (Our Translation) in parenthesis at the end of the reference to the work, in the footnote.

In the body of the text, the first mention of a certain author should present the author’s complete name, in the others, only the last name.

Direct quotations up to 3 (three) lines should be in the body of the text inside quotation marks (“), accompanying the configuration of the paragraphs. The direct quotations with more than 3 (three) lines should be presented in a special paragraph: left indentation of 4 cm, without indenting the first line, in single spacing between lines, between paragraphs in the mode “automatic”, in font size 10pt, without use of quotation marks at the beginning and end of the quotation.

Observation: Beware of plagiarism! If you use/reproduce a phrase of a minimum of 4 words identical and in the sequence of an author you consulted, you need to put it in quotation marks. The reproduction of 4 words identical and in sequence without quotation marks is already considered a crime of plagiarism. Indirect quotations (paraphrasing) are permitted as long as they summarize a general idea or synthesize a larger text (a chapter, a book, an x quantity of pages) and the author is duly mentioned. Attention! One does not paraphrase one sentence. This is considered a crime of plagiarism

Example of quotations and organization of footnotes:

One of Rubem Alves’ first essays about education is concentrated on the role of the educator and the difference of this from the teacher.[1] For the author, the educators are in extinction, supplanted by the frenetic functionality of the contemporaneous world. In their place, there are the teachers, followers of the market logic, the goal of which is the utility and the production, in which the students are machines to be programmed and to be defined according to their abilities: “the identity is swallowed up by the functionality”,[2]a happening summed up in the fateful question “what will you be when you grow up?”. For Rubem Alves, the educator does not express a function, but a vocation. “Teachers, there are thousands. But a teacher is a profession; it is not something that is defined from within, by love. An educator, on the contrary, is not a profession, but a vocation. And all vocation is born of a great love, of a great hope”.[3]And the result of this distinction reveals a criticism to the professionalization of teaching, functionalization of its content and the consequent adaptation of the methods of teaching and learning to the new educational paradigm which was being delineated at the time.

I would say that the educators are like old trees. They have a phase, a name, a “story” to be told. They dwell in a world in which what counts is the relation which ties them to the students, being that each student is an “entity” sui generis, bearer of a name, and also a “story”, suffering sadness and nurturing hopes. And education is something to happen in this invisible and dense space which is established between the two. An artisan space.[4]

For any additional doubts please consult the ABNT.

Final considerations

Type here the final considerations, conclusions of your article.


The list of references should come in alphabetical order, following the orientations of the Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT) [Brazilian Association of Technical Guidelines], especially the NBR 6023. The formatting should be the following: font size 12, with spacing between paragraphs in the automatic mode, aligned to the left. Every period, comma and colon are thought of in this format; therefore, attention must be given to the details. Below are some examples of the most used references.


LADD, George Eldon. Teologia do Novo Testamento. São Paulo: Hagnos, 2001.

MACKENZIE, John. L. Dicionário Bíblico. São Paulo: Paulinas, 1983.

REBLIN, Iuri Andréas. Outros cheiros, outros sabores...o pensamento teológico de Rubem Alves. São Leopoldo: Oikos, 2009.

Chapters of books

BARTH, Karl. A humanidade de Deus. In: ______. Dádiva e Louvor. 2. ed. São Leopoldo: Sinodal/IEPG, 1996. p. 389-405.

BOURDIEU, Pierre. Método científico e hierarquia social dos objetos. In: ______. Escritos de Educação. [Organizado por Maria Alice Nogueira e Afrânio Catani]. 7. ed. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2005. p.35-38.

LOEB, Jeph; MORRIS, Tom. Heróis e Super-heróis. In: IRWIN, William (Coord.). Super-heróis e a filosofia: verdade, justice e o caminho socrático. São Paulo: Madras, 2005. p. 23-31.

OLIVEIRA, Pedro A. Ribeiro de. A teoria do trabalho religioso em Pierre Bourdieu. In: TEIXEIRA, Faustino (Org.). Sociologia da Religião: enfoques teóricos. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2003. p. 177-197.

Articles in Periodicals

ALCÂNTARA, Maria de Lourdes Beldi de. Cinema, Quantos Demônios!. Cultura Vozes, Petrópolis, ano 89, n.1, p. 23-31, 1995.

Articles in electronic periodicals

FAGUNDES, Pedro Ernesto. Anticomunismo, Guerra Fria e a América Latina: o caso da Nicarágua. Contemporâneos: revista de artes e humanidades, São Paulo, n.6, p. 1-9, maio./out. 2010. p. 4-5. Disponível em: < Acesso em: 20 out. 2011.

Internet sites

CODESPOTI, Sérgio. DC Comics abandona sistema classificatório da Comics Code Authority. Universo HQ, 21.01.2011. Disponível em: < com/quadrinhos/2011/n21012011_10.cfm>. Acesso em: 20 fev. 2011.

Email message

GUSMAN, Sidney. Re: Estatísticas super-heróis [mensagem pessoal]. Mensagem recebida por <> em 19.01.2011.


Anais do Congresso Internacional da Faculdades EST. São Leopoldo: EST, v. 2, 2014. | p.000-000

[1]ALVES, Rubem. Conversas com quem gosta de ensinar. 24. ed. São Paulo: Cortez; Autores Associados, 1991.

[2]ALVES, 1991, p. 15. Italics are in the original.

[3]ALVES, 1991, p. 11-12.

[4]ALVES, 1991, p. 13-14. (Our Translation)