City Council Meeting Regular Meeting January 2nd, 2018

Invocation was given by Allen Hartsfield, Minister, Alma Methodist Church

Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Council Member Jerry Sweat.

First Session: Close of 2017

Adoption of the December 2nd, 2017 Regular Council Meeting minutes as presented.

Motion to adopt minutes by Council member Lewis. Seconded by Council member Sweat. Motion carried.


Regular Session: 2018

Seating of New Council Member:

Oath of Office: Larry Waters, Council Member, District 5 sworn in by Mayor Murphy

Members present: Rosie Williams, Bernita Lewis, Jerry Sweat, Glover Scott, Larry Waters, Mayor Peggy Murphy, and City Attorney Sam Edgar.

Adoption of the Agenda: Motion to adopt agenda by Council member Sweat. Seconded by Council member Lewis. Motion carried.

Action Items:

1. Appointment: Municipal Court Solicitor: Jennifer Ellis Carver. Motion to appoint Jennifer Ellis Carver as Municipal Court Solicitor by Council member Scott. Seconded by Council member Waters. Motion carried.

2. Approval: Calendars for 2018

a)Mayor & City Council Meetings- 2018

It was determined by Council to have meetings on the following Tuesday when regular council meeting day falls on a holiday. Motion to approve by Council member Lewis. Seconded by Council member Scott. Motion carried.

b)City Holiday Schedule- 2018

Mayor Murphy wanted to add a half day for the weekend before Christmas to be added to the Holiday Schedule. Motion to approve schedule by Council member Williams. Seconded by Council member Sweat. Motion carried.

3. Approval: Renewal of Workers Compensation Insurance agreement as recommended by J. Smith Lanier, insurance advisors.

a)Recommend change to Bitco National Insurance Company for the annual premium of $28,162.00

b)The previous carrier, StarNet Insurance Company (Key Risk) proposed an annual premium of $39,292.00

Motion to approve workers compensation insurance by Council member Lewis. Seconded by Council member Sweat. Motion carried.

4. Approval: Authorize Credit Card for Council Member Larry Waters with a credit limit of $2,500.00 Motion to approve by Council member Sweat. Seconded by Council member Williams. Motion carried.

For Your Information Items:

5. FYI:Georgia Power’s contractor has started the Street Light Project to replace and upgrade the 335 street light fixtures to LED lights.

a)Phase 1: Replace and install 335 existing street lights, which are expected to be completed in January 2018.

b)Phase 2: This spring the Network Remote Monitoring and Diagnostics will be activated. This is expected to self-report light “Burn Outs” and other performance issues to Georgia Power.

c)Satilla REMC upgraded to LED’s in 2016.

Department Monthly Reports:

6. Police & City Court: Chief Leslie

7. Code Enforcement: Gary Taylor

8. Public Works: Al Crace

9. Street & Drainage: Al Crace

10. Water & Sewer: Al Crace

11. Bacon Theatre: Al Crace

12. Fire/EMS: Al Crace

City Attorneys’ Report

13. Council voted to approve a settlement for former employee Ashley N. Smith (P.D.) in the amount of $15,000.00. This will be no responsibility to the City and no future litigations as it will be handled by Insurance Company. Motion to accept settlement by Council member Scott. Seconded by Council member Lewis. Motion carried.

It was determined that the Probation Supervision Contract is on compliance with State haves as reviewed by City Attorney Sam Edgar. Motion to continue using current probation company (Middle GA Probation) by Council member Scott. Seconded by Council member Williams. Motion carried.

City Manager’s Report:

14. Various activities:

a)Monitoring the Proposed T-SPLOST

b)Reporting to GDOT the Centerline Miles for the LMIG Program

Mayor and Council Issues:

Council member Lewis requested to have a called meeting in the month of January.

Next Meeting:

Monday, February 5th, 2018 at the Mayor & Council Meeting Room “State of the City” report by the Mayor in February.

Upcoming Calendar:

January 19-22nd: GMA’s Mayors Day, Atlanta

January 23rd: Legislative Reception, Atlanta

March 8-9th: New Officials Training, Tifton

April 20-21st: City Retreat, Alma

May 22nd: T-SPLOST Election Day, 18 Counties

Motion to adjourn meeting by Council member Scott. Seconded by Council member Waters. Motion carried.


Yvonne Staten

City Clerk