Introduction to Canada, North America, and the World!! KEY

*****Work with a partner and answer the following questions.

1. How many continents are there? Name them.7

  • North America
  • South America
  • Europe
  • Asia
  • Africa
  • Australia and Oceania
  • Antarctica

2. How many countries represent North America? Name them. 41

  • USA
  • Mexico
  • Canada
  • Guatamala
  • Cuba
  • Haiti
  • Dominican Republic
  • Honduras
  • El Salvador
  • Nicaragua
  • Costa Rica
  • Puerto Rico
  • Panama
  • Jamaica
  • Guadalupe
  • Martinique
  • Bahamas
  • Belize
  • Barbados
  • Saint Lucia
  • Caracao
  • United Virgin Islands
  • Aruba
  • Grenada
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadiens
  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Dominica
  • Bermuda
  • Ect, ect, ect
  • Bermuda (British Territory)
  • Saint Pierre and Miquelon (dependency of France)

3. Where does Canada land on the list of largest countries? What other countries are close to us (give the top five largest)?

  • # 2
  • Russia, Canada, China, US, Brazil, Australia

4. What languages are Canada’s primary languages?

  • English, French

5. What is our approximate population?

  • 34.8 million

6. What is the World’s approximate population?

  • 7.2 billion

7. Who is our Prime Minister?

  • Stephen Harper (Conservative Party of Canada)

8. Who is our Premiere? (Manitoba)

  • Greg Sellinger (NDP)

9. Who is the President of the USA?

  • Barak Obama

10. Name the 5 Great Lakes.

  • Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, Ontario

11.What are 3 rivers in Canada that flow north? Where are they?

  • Red (MB), Yukon (YK), Nelson (MB)

12. What are 3 rivers in Canada that flow either east or west? Where are they?

  • Assiniboine (SK,MB), N Saskatchewan (AB, SK), Saskatchewan (SK, MB)

13. What 3 capital cities of Canada are found on Islands?

  • Charlottetown (PEI), St. John’s (ND), Victoria (BC)

14.What 3 territories are considered Northern Canada?

  • YK, NT, NU

15.What are the four Western Provinces in order from West to East?

  • BC, AB, SK, MB

16. What provinces are considered the Maritime Provinces?

  • ND, PEI, NS, NB

17.What are the 3 Oceans surrounding Canada?

  • Pacific, Arctic, Atlantic

18.What are the 6 regions of Canada

  • Western Cordillera, Great Plains, Canadian Shield, St Lawrence Lowlands, Atlantic Coastal, Arctic)

19.What provinces are considered in the Great Plains?

  • AB, SK, MB

20.Name 5 other lakes besides the “Great Lakes”. Place them in provinces or territories too please.

  • Winnipeg (MB), Manitoba (MB), Winnipegosis (MB), Cedar (MB) Athabasca (AB) Great Slave (NT), Great Bear (NT)

21.What Natural Disasters does Canada have to be worried about? Where (in reference to the disaster)?

  • Floods (multiple types), tornadoes, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, hurricanes

22. What are two mountain ranges in Canada? Which is larger?

  • Rockies, Laurentians, Appalachians

23. What is Canada’s highest peak? Where is it?

  • Mt Logan, Yukon (5,959m)

24. What is the World’s highest peak? Where is it?

  • Mt Everest, Nepal

25. What are Manitoba’s largest lakes (give the top 3)?

  • Lake Winnipeg, Lake Manitoba, Lake Winnipegosis

26. What are Canada’s largest rivers? Important waterways?

St. Lawrence River, Mackenzie,Yukon, Red, Nelson, Rideau Canal

27. Which rivers in Winnipeg make the “Forks”?

  • Red, Assiniboine

28. What country is Canada currently fighting in? Why?

  • Iraq and maybe Syria soon

29. What are some important Canadian icons (things that are famous in or out of Canada…for example: Pierre Trudeau, The Blue Nose, etc.)?

30. What would you say Canadians are famous for? Make a list of things that we are known for….the more the merrier.

31. What does Canada have a lot of? Make a list (anything from cows to lakes). Again, the more the merrier.