H14-083– Information

November 20, 2014

TO: / Home and Community Services (HCS) Division Regional Administrators
Area Agency on Aging (AAA) Directors
FROM: / Bea Rector, Director, Home and Community Services Division
Two Year Modification/Update to the Four Year Title V Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) State Plan (2012 – 2014)
Purpose: / To provide opportunities for stakeholder and public comment in the creation of the two-year modifications to the SCSEP State Plan.
Background: / The SCSEP program is a Department of Labor funded program providing employment training and placement supports to individuals 55 years of age and older and who meet the priority criteria defined by DOL. The SCSEP program has been in existence for 50 years and is provided in each of the fifty states. Currently the SCSEP grantees operating in the state of Washington are: the Washington grantee (administered by ALTSA/HCS); two national non-profit agencies (AARP and Goodwill Industries) and two national limited competition agencies (National Asian Pacific Council on Aging (NAPCA) and the National Indian Council on Aging (NICOA)
What’s new, changed, or
Clarified / The Department of Labor in Training, Education and Guidance Letter (TEGL) NO. 8-14 requires the modification/update to the four year SCSEP State Plans every two years. We are currently engaging with SCSEP provider organizations, state agencies, community stakeholders, and the public to obtain and include comments, suggestions, and recommendations to complete the two year modifications to the State Plan document.
The following organizations and agencies have been invited to review and provide comments and recommendations for the plan update:
a)National SCSEP Grantees operating in Washington State (AARP, Goodwill Industries, NAPCOA, NICOA
b)Washington State Grantees
c)Washington State Council on Aging
d)Washington Association of Area Agency on Aging Directors
e)Indian Policy Advisory Committee
f)Washington State Workforce Development and Training Board
g)Washington State Workforce Development Council Directors
h)Washington State Workforce Agencies and Affiliates
i)Washington State DSHS Ticket to Work Distribution List
j)Additional contacts:
Center for Independent Living Council, Traumatic Brain Injury Council, Washington State Rehabilitation Council, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation; DSHS partner agencies Development Disabilities Administration; Behavioral Health Services Integration Administration
ACTION: / Forward comments regarding the two year modification to the SCSEP State Planby 5pm Monday November 24th to SCSEP Program Manager, Jim Kenney.
The draft modifications to the plan are included in the attachments section of this MB. Modifications within the context of the current four-year SCSEP State Plan (2012 – 2016) are highlighted in gray.
Additional opportunities for stakeholder and public comments will be provided. Due to expected changes in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and potential changes to funding and Federal Agency oversight it is likely that further modifications will be made in late spring and early summer of 2015.
ATTACHMENT(S): / DOL TEGL NO. 8-14 SCSEP Two Year Plan Modification

Draft Modifications to the Two Year Plan Update to the Four Year SCSEP State Plan

CONTACT(S): / Jim Kenney
Employment Program Manager
Title V SCSEP Program Manager
(360) 725-2614