Nursery News Week Ending Friday 29th April

Our theme is Life Cycles and Sequences


Following our children’s interests from last week, where were watching the chicks hatch out of the eggs; we have been talking about life cycles and sequences. We have been reading the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and talking about how the caterpillar hatches and changes. We have been learning new vocabulary; hatch, incubator, cocoon, and using sequential language e.g. what happened first, next, after, finally etc.

In our sound work we have been tuning into sounds we hear in the around us, listening to the direction of sound, playing some games where we have to guess where the sound is coming from. We are continuing to use our phonic table, concentrating on the initial sounds we need to learn to help us with our reading. This week’s sound is ‘m’ as in ‘mmm’ I like my dinner and the sound the very hungry caterpillar makes as he eats all the food!. Thank you for encouraging your child to bring something in to show as it does enhance their learning at home too! We also revisit all the letters learnt so far so we don’t forget them and are beginning to blend sounds together. We love watching Geraldine Giraffe on You Tube and Scrap who shows us how to write letters on the big screen. Please look out on the door for the sound! We will be keeping the m sound next week too as it is a short week.


We have tried to link this week’s theme with the maths topic of time and sequences in our areas of provision by talking about what we did/do first, next later etc. and by putting story cards in order e.g. the life cycle of the butterfly, chick, seed and frog and ordering our day, singing ‘This is the way we …get out of bed, eat our breakfast, brush our teeth, go to school etc. on a cold and frosty morning.’


We are continuing to make our concoctions in the potion factory, inside and the ‘chocolate/mud’ factory outside. We have been learning how to make a jam sandwich using time connectives. We have also been painting butterflies by applying paint to one side of the butterfly, folding the paper over and looking at the symmetrical effects. Miss Harms has shown us a beautiful m for mask and so we have put some masks into our creative area for the children to cut out and make.


Please continue to use your ‘big girl or boy’ homework book to stick in any sheets from nursery or your writing, drawings, number work etc. at home. We do love to see your work occasionally, so bring in your book to show if you have done some really special work!


Revise all the sounds we have learnt so far so that your child doesn’t forget them and try blending them together to make words. Now we know; s, a, t, p, n, e i, m can you hear m, a , t = mat? Etc. Play fun games like ‘I spy’ and ‘Can you hear the word? - Spelling out simple 3 letter word sounds, as above. Practise letter writing sheet.


Use sequential language wherever you are and whatever you are doing e.g. how to make a cake, sandwich, what do you do first, next, then, after, finally. Use vocabulary of time e.g. what did we do yesterday, will be doing tomorrow? Model the correct tense so your child can hear it being used correctly. Order ‘Teddy Bear’s Day sheet, make into a book or talk about the pictures.

ANY OTHER INFORMATION FARM TRIP Thank you for returning your form and deposit promptly. We have a very high uptake for this trip. We will be letting you know more details nearer the time. You may pay the full amount in a named envelope whenever you are able. If you are free and would like to help out on our trip, please see staff and your name will be put into a hat for willing volunteers! And finally! Don’t forget Bank Holiday Monday! Nursery will be closed, open as normal Tuesday!

Have a good weekend! Your Nursery Team