Two weeks since half term…and we have so much news to share with you!

Red Class…are busy showing they care by collecting items to send to our brave soldiers in action. When they have wrapped the parcels they will take them to the post office for posting.

Orange Class… have had a very exciting visit from the Fire Service. The fire fighters and the fire engine was perfectly timed for Bonfire Night.

Yellow Class…will be visiting the cenotaph next week as part of their learning. This is timed to

co-inside with 11th November and remembrance.

Green Class…have had their third forest school session. Please visit their class website area to watch the photostory and find out more.

Blue Class…went back in time last week and spent a day in Tudor Life at Bramall Hall. They really looked the part too as they left school!

Indigo Class…became Victorian children for a day and ate bread, cheese, apples and flapjack for lunch. They also learnt how to polish shoes, set a table, make the bed and empty the chamber pot!

Violet Class…have been busy blogging. To read their blogs and some scary stories, why don’t you visit their class blog?

School Library Service Book Awards…last week St Mary’s was very high profile in this annual event which is held at the Plaza in Stockport. Thomas Pickering was presented with Stockport Read of the Year award; Elliot Diamond’s art work won the art competition. His original piece of work ‘Hippopotamus’ was presented to Jeanne Willis and Tony Ross and the recorded book reviews from Adam Middleton and Tahlia Cartwright boomed out for all to hear during the presentations. You may recall their visit to the Cavalier Recording Studio last term. WELL DONE, we are so proud of you and thank you to all the book club children and their parents for taking time to support and show you care by being with us for the evening.

Tony Walsh…a famous performance poet also visited last week and worked for the day with Green and Blue Classes. All the children enjoyed writing poetry with him and were privileged to listen to his latest poems. They are just about to be published.

You said, we did…you said a coffee afternoon with Fran Jackson, our school nurse, would be welcomed. This was an informal chat and coffee opportunity last week to ask questions and seek advice. Those who joined us found it very beneficial. Thank you for taking the time to be there.

Children in Need…Our school Council have been working hard, on behalf of their classes. With Mrs Burns, they have planned fund raising for Children in Need. From Monday 11th they will be:

·  Selling Children in Need Wrist bands for £1

·  Selling Children in Need Key Rings for £2

They would also like all children to wear colours of the rainbow on Friday 15th for a donation to Children in Need. So, Red Class are to wear something red, Orange Class something orange, Yellow Class something yellow, Green Class something green and so on. All donations and any change you can spare will be sent to Children in Need.

eSafety and Anti-bullying…as you know we do not tolerate bullying of any kind and we actively work hard to make sure all children feel safe in their learning. On the news you may have seen sad cases of cyber bullying and texting around the country. With your children we will be exploring what to do to stay safe and we would like to include you by inviting you to a workshop on Thursday 21th November at 2pm. Tanya Cross, from Stockport Authority will be joining us to give advice and raise awareness of safe internet use at home and school. Please put the date in your diary and join us.

We need your help…please go to our website and complete our eSafety survey. This will help us find out how we can help to keep your children safe from cyber bullying. It’s in the parent area on the website.

Best Wishes,

Mrs E. Irvin and all the staff