Two Sticks Become One – The Final Deliverance
The Call of Eliyahu
A companion article to
Divided to Join - The Amos 7 Plumb-Line
“And Eliyahu came to all the people, and said, “How long would you keep hopping between two opinions? If יהוה is Elohim, follow Him; and if Ba‛al, follow him.” But the people answered him not a word.” 1 Kings 18:21
“See, I am sending you Eliyahu the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome day of יהוה.
“And he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with utter destruction.” Malachi 4:5,6
“And you, lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it, and let the children of Yisra’el go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.” Exodus 14:16
To join with the world is to separate from Yahuweh!
My wife and I were sharing this morning about the significance of the two sticks in the video, “Two Sticks Become One – The Final Deliverance”. If you haven’t already seen this powerful end time message, please visit:
As we shared, she dropped a statement that became the reason why I am writing this quick article/message to you.
She said, “As Moshe lifted up the rod over the Red Sea and it divided in half; it became a separation between the children of Israel and the enemy………So shall the video be”.
It hit me like a ton of bricks! This video is a rod and plumb-line; one (Echad) in the hand of the Messiah. This video is a companion message to my previous article entitled - Divided to Join - The Amos 7 Plumb-Line.
The rod is the shepherds manner of judging naughty sheep - to keep them from falling off of a cliff, and scaring them into discipline. It is a disciplinary "device" i.e. "rod of correction".
The rod of judgment divides between the good and rebellious. Moshe held out a shepherd's rod, so that Yah's people would be separated/divided out from the people of satan.
The rod was one - singular. Only when the two sticks are held and joined together in the Messiah’s hand, can He separate between the righteous and the wicked - the children of Ya'aqob and the children of Cain/Lucifer.
He has to first ensure that all of His remnant, of all the tribes, are on His side of the separation using the ‘rod of correction’. (Ezekiel 37)
Then He comes in His wrath with a rod of iron (judgment), breaking to pieces the wicked left on the earth. (Psalm 2)
"We are not appointed to wrath" - but we have to be one in His hand when He comes. He comes with "all the set-apart ones".
The two sticks can only represent the plumb-line when they are joined into one stick in His hand
This is exactly what the Two Sticks video is all about. The video is about the JOINING of two sticks in the hand of Messiah. However, it is also about DIVIDING.
The picture of the two sticks is actually a picture of an olive tree that I took while at the City of David. It was a unique (as all olive trees are) olive tree where two large branches not far from the base of the tree split off into opposite directions. This gave me the idea of the two sticks. In general, the picture really is two (large sticks) coming together at the base of the tree.
As you can see in the picture below, I want to reemphasize that when Messiah returns He will JOIN the two houses of Ya’aqob into one – Judah and Israel will be one stick in His hand. The story of the prodigal son.
As it says at the end of Malachi 4, Eliyahu will be returning in the last days to turn (JOIN), the hearts of the fathers back to their children and the hearts of the children back to their fathers.
However why does Yahuweh say at the end of verse 6;
‘lest I come and smite the earth with utter destruction’? What is it about joining the hearts of the family back together again – The fathers with their children and vice versa, that keeps Yahuweh from completely wiping the earth off the ‘universe’ map?
“And if a house is divided against itself, that house is unable to stand.” (Mark 3:25)
Abba Father Yahuweh has spent these last several thousand years without a family. Oh at times there was unity among the brothers when the tribes were united under King David, but it didn’t last very long. Messiah came for the lost sheep of the House of Israel. He came to unify the family.
In the above verse, Yahushua was responding to the accusation of Him casting out demons by the ruler of demons. To that He simply said how can a kingdom be divided and still stand? How can a family be divided and still stand?
Abraham called out with a serious of questions to Yahuweh, to which He answered ‘If I find but 30 righteous, I will not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah.’. Abraham continued on with asking using decreasing amount of numbers.
When Messiah returns, will He find any faith, any belief left on the earth? (Luke 18:8)
If there is no faith left, if people give up believing He is returning and lose their faith; If people are tired of “waiting” around for things to happen; If there is none that is righteous left; If houses are divided – Then, there is nothing left to save – the earth cannot stand, the earth will be laid waste.
After all, why would Yahuweh want to save the earth and it’s people if no one believes what He said? If no one wants to wait it out; endure to the end? If the very core center of any righteous nation – the family unity – is divided? If there is zero righteous left on the earth? Why would He want to save anything?
The mercy of Yahuweh is unfathomable! He sends Eliyahu to begin the restoration process of His family. Without some sort of family unity, some sort of restoration on the earth, there is no reason to spare it. It will be wiped off the earth. A house/kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. (Mark 3:24-25) If the earth is divided, it will not stand the wrath of Father!
In His mercy, He sends Eliyahu to prepare the way for Messiah. As Yochanan (John) prepared the way for Messiah, preparing the hearts for His first coming, so Eliyahu will prepare the way for Messiah’s return – restoring the hearts of the fathers with their children. Uniting families, giving Yahuweh Himself the soon coming hope of a united family of His own – A united people restored to the Father through the Son.
Eliyahu brings a message; he calls for restoration of the family unity – this is a foreshadow of Yahuweh’s restoration with His family – His whole family – The house of Ya’aqob and the house of Israel together.
However Eliyahu brings another message, another call. That call can be heard and seen through the video Two Sticks Become One – The Final Deliverance. What is that call? It is the message of the plumb-line.
You see, the video is not only a message of restoration but a message of separation. As I stated in the plumb-line article, there must be division before there can be a joining together (a restoration). Messiah said in Mark 13:12, that there would be a division in the family. Parents turning against their children and children turning against their parents. He also said, who are my mother and brothers? But those who do the will of My Father.
Because of your belief and standing on Messiah and everything He said – because you have made Him your Master and none other; because you have chosen to follow Him, He said you will be hated. You will have division in your family BUT those that stand firm to the end shall be saved!
Without division there cannot be a restoration. As the two sticks pictured above show the whole family of Ya’aqob coming together – joining together – restored; So the picture of the two sticks below show a division – a separation – a plumb-line.
As my wife, Rivkah, said this morning, the two sticks represent the plumb-line. I knew that this video would be a plumb-line early on. I created the picture of the two sticks to represent the joining but I didn’t see the plumb-line within it… until this morning.
The plumb-line divides and separates the two sticks, causing what is in between to be forced on one side or the other.
Eliyahu gave the call by asking a simple question – How long would you keep hopping between two opinions? There are only two sides to choose from - the side of Yahuweh or the side of satan; the side of righteousness or the side of wickedness; the hot side or the cold side; the side of light or the side of darkness.
As seen in the picture, the plumb-line drops down the center, forcing what is in the middle (what is of mixture) to be divided, and what is divided CANNOT stand.
The decision is to be made now. When Messiah returns, the decision will be made for you if you are in between. The scales will be tipped to the cold and you will be spewed out His mouth. As in the video, those who assembled together against the Messiah at Megiddo were wiped out. The ones assembled at Megiddo were not just armies, but kings, commanders, strong ones, all people both free and slave; small and great. (Revelation 19:18)
The exhibition at Megiddo was an outward sign and display of an inward defiance of Yahuweh and His Messiah – IT BEGAN IN THE HEART OF MAN. What is hidden shall be revealed and surface. Nothing will be left in secret.
Touching the defiled makes a clean person defiled. A clean person cannot touch what is defiled and make it clean. (Haggai 2:11-14)
One who is friends with the world is one who is an enemy of Yahuweh. And we all know what happens to the enemy in the end. (James 4:4)
Yahuweh’s wrath is brief but His mercy is longsuffering. I challenge you today to answer the question of Eliyahu – the call of Yahuweh – ‘how long will you dance between, hopping between two sides – two opinions’?
When Moshe raised the straight rod (plumb-line) over the waters of the Red Sea, the sea became divided. The children of Israel walked through the water to the other side separating themselves from the enemy of bondage. What would of happened if they stopped in the MIDDLE of the Red Sea? They would have met the same fate as Pharaoh’s army.
Stopping in the middle is the same as siding with the camp of Pharaoh. It has the same consequences. The plumb-line is there for a reason – it is there to separate you from the darkness and to the light.
The plumb-line in your life (The Torah and the Spirit of the Torah) is a good thing, it is Father’s mercy because He is giving you a chance, a choice right now to make up your mind.
Satan doesn’t give you a choice because to him everything is gray. There is no right and wrong, you are your own god – ‘do as thou will’ he says. This is living in the middle of the road and everyone knows what happens when you walk in the middle of the road – You get mushed.
Don’t be Yahuweh’s road kill for whoever walks the fence is a sitting duck for His wrath. The plumb-line is not permanent but a temporary measure to get you out of the camp of the enemy. Because once it is lifted, Messiah brings the wrath of Father and the “righteous” who are still standing in the road with the wicked will perish!
He will not slam on his brakes and say ‘now honey, get out of the road so I can pass’. No, He is telling you NOW to get out of the road – on one side or the other. If you don’t, once the light turns green He will mow anyone down in His path.
Let go of the past, let go of the hurts, let go of everything that binds you. Yahuweh wants to fill you with His Spirit, He wants you to remove the plaque from your vessel so He can FULLY fill you up with His oil. The more room in your vessel (lamp) the more it can hold. We have the lamp and it’s our responsibility to keep it full.
A time is coming that, although the source of oil never runs dry, it will be unavailable for purchase. Stock up now on oil because the set-apart ones who are wise will be the only light in the darkness left on the earth right before He returns. The darkest of night is coming – Yes, however, those that keep their reserves full will never be in darkness.
Those of mixture will remain divided in their hearts, a home for darkness to prevail. Without daily flowing in His Spirit, exercising belief in His Torah (acting on His words) and entering into His presence through worship – A heart will continue to remain divided and will not stand up to the darkness coming. We must KNOW Him – not ABOUT Him!
My prayer for this video, Two Sticks Become One – The Final Deliverance is that it will be a plumb-line to those that watch it and to those to whom it will be shared with but will also be a tool of restoration – restoring hope – restoring families!
Yahuweh is sending His Messiah soon and once again He will separate the light from the darkness…
Shalom and for His Kavod,