The poster session at the CoLA Summer Institute is intended to showcase the great work being done across Virginia to support students with ASD as well as invite participants to ask questions and network. The poster session will be held on Tuesday, June 28th from 5:30 - 7:30p.m.during the evening reception. The theme for the poster session will be Innovation and Impact.

Two posters will be honored again this year; one for individual efforts and one for division-wide initiatives. Winners of the poster session will be awarded one free registration per poster to the 2017 CoLA Summer Institute!

New this year: Poster proposals must be submitted prior to being accepted. Poster proposals should be submitted by May 15, 2016. Once received, proposals will be considered based on the following areas:

  • The topic of the poster contributes to the growth of education, intervention, awareness, and/or professional development in the area of ASD.
  • The extent to which the project makes an impact on educators, students, and/or school divisions.
  • The description of the proposal clearly outlines the purpose, process, and outcomes or intended outcomes of the project.
  • The project has been maintained or shows potential for sustainability in the school division.
  • The project has broader reaching applications or could be replicated in other school divisions.
  • The project has a focus on evidence-based practices in ASD.

Once proposals are submitted, the conference committee will determine those who are accepted for the poster session and presenters will be notified. If accepted, presenters will need to confirm their acceptance.

Presenters who are accepted

will need to remember:

All submissions must be received by May 15, 2016. Poster submissions will be reviewed and final submissions will be chosen by the conference committee based on the initial criteria previously listed. Entrants will be notified of the status of their submission by June 1st.

Poster finalists will be evaluated during the Poster Session on June 28th. Two posters will be selected and honored as best meeting the 2016 theme of Innovation and Impact, one for proven impact on a classroom or individual level and a second for impact at the division level.

All poster participants will receive a Certificate of Participation.

Posters will be judged in the following categories:

10 points / COMPETENT
15 points / EXEMPLARY
20 points
Creative, new solution(s), new process(es), overcome barriers / The poster demonstrates a novel (for that particular environment) use of an evidence-based approach to an issue within a classroom or division. / The poster exemplifies a research-based project or initiative with a definition of the problem and supporting data. / The poster portrays a research-based project with a definition of the problem, pre and post data, and implications for systems change.
Effect on students, improved education outcomes / The poster demonstrates potential impact on a targeted audience (i.e. 1 or 2 students in a class or 1 classroom in a division.) / The poster shows potential im-pact on a larger audience (i.e. entire class, all similar class-rooms, all students or staff in a division.) / The poster portrays actual im-pact in an entire class, school, and/or division, which can be replicated in other classrooms or divisions, long term goal(s) described,
Continuance, long term existence, infrastructure capacity, admin and financial support / The poster demonstrates a short term (<1 year) solution to a classroom or division level issue. / In addition to “developing” criteria:
  • Project demonstrates potential for continuance within class-rooms or the division for more than two school years. Repli-cation or spread of outcomes planned.
/ In addition to “competent” criteria:
  • Project demonstrates the potential for long term suc-cess as exemplified by initial data analysis, infrastructure (admin/financial) in place for larger scale replication.

Overall Presentation of Information
Aesthetics of poster, graphics, visually displayed data, presenters’ knowledge and enthusiasm / The poster is well organized, attractive, and easy to read. Presenter(s) are knowledgeable. / The poster is well organized, attractive, and easy to read. Presenter(s) are engaged and can explain the project initiative
in a clear manner, including the impact of the data presented, and how the project can be replicated. / The poster is well organized, attractive, and easy to read. Presenter(s) are engaged and can explain the project/initiative in a clear manner, including the impact of the data presented, and how the project can be replicated. Clear replication plan evident. Handouts are available.
Format of
data, content and process
Scientific integrity, organization of data, choice/use of EBPs / Baseline data collected, choice and use of evidence based practices explained/justified, project planning and selection criteria described. / In addition to “developing” criteria:
  • Implementation data collected,analysis of data complete, progress monitoring embedded.
/ In addition to “competent” criteria:
  • Method of data collection justified, data based decisions and/or revisions made, fidelity monitoring processes in place.

The maximum number of points a poster session can earn is 100.

Poster Topic:
Poster Presenter(s):
Contact Email/Phone:
Project Description:
1.What was the project?
2.What is the purpose of the project?
3.What were the outcomes of the project or what are the intended outcomes of the project?
4.What is the impact on educators, students, and/or school divisions?
5.What evidence-based practices were used in this project?
6.What is the plan for sustainability for this project?
7.How could this project be applied in other school divisions?
Format: (please choose 1) / Tri-fold Display (will sit on a table)
Electronic Display (you need a table and electricity for a laptop or other equipment
Poster (you will bring your own easel for display)
Other (please describe):

When completed, please email form to:Jeanne Roberts –

(804) 828-2325