Learner Engagement and Achievement Partnership


On the 1 February 2015, Brinsworth Comprehensive School and Dinnington High School formally joined together as a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT). The MAT is known as the ‘Learner Engagement and Achievement Partnership’ (LEAP).

The central aim of the partnership is to ensure both schools continue to be successful and that both schools continue to improve from their current very strong positions. Staff members from Dinnington and Brinsworth will collaborate on specific projects which will bring about even greater levels of success for students.

A partnership is particularly appropriate because

both schools have similar values, centred around respect for all

both schools have a child-centred approach

both schools have high standards

Whilst the MAT will be governed by its Board of Directors, each school’s Governing Body will continue to guide its affairs. The leadership team of each school will continue to run the school and ensure successful outcomes for its students.

This partnership heralds an exciting new phase on the journey of both schools towards ‘outstanding’ status.

Brinsworth Academy

part of LEAP Multi Academy Trust

“Brinsworth is a good school with a good sixth form”

(OFSTED June 2012)


“Effective strategies promote good relationships and behaviour in classrooms, around the school and between ethnic groups”
(OFSTED June 2012)
“Students arrive at school punctually and ready to learn”
(OFSTED June 2012) / Our school has around 1322 students, aged from 11 to 18, with approximately 194 in the Sixth Form.
Our students come to the school from the surrounding areas of Brinsworth, Whiston and Catcliffe and also from Tinsley, a neighbouring area of Sheffield.
Approximately 33% of our students are from an ethnic-minority background with the largest group being of Asian Pakistaniheritage.
We are an Academy. We converted to Academy status in October 2010, following the change in legislation. Academy status means that we are, in effect, a state-funded independent school. The school’s ethos and the conditions of service for all staff remain as they were prior to conversion.


“Staff set high expectations of behaviour in lessons which students adhere to”
(OFSTED June 2012`)
“Most parents, carers and students who responded to the questionnaire said that students were safe”
(OFSTED June 2012) / We value our students as young people. We recognise our responsibilities to them and actively promote their learning anddevelopment.
We have an admission number of 255.


“Senior Leaders have established a positive culture for professional development. This is reinforced by the effectiveness of middle leaders and the enthusiasm of staff who share a keen commitment to school improvement”
(OFSTED June 2012)
“The school is well-organised and runs smoothly”
(OFSTED June 2012)
“Self–evaluation is systematic, makes good use of data, and leads to well- planned actions for improvement. These have been implemented effectively and with the intended impact”
(OFSTED June 2012) / The school is well resourced with a teaching staff team of 102.5 fte and a support staff team which numbers around 79 colleagues. The teaching staff is relatively young, yet experienced and we have a good record of developing and retaining the quality staff we recruit. The staffing structure is regularly reviewed and additional opportunities for progression are provided by, for example,our use of bursary payments.
All of our teachers have a role within one or more subject areas and a pastoral role within a year-team. For newly-qualified teachers the pastoral role will often be as an ‘associate tutor’, prior to assuming the role of form tutor in subsequent years.
The Senior Leadership Team comprises two Co-Headteachers,a Deputy Headteacher and three Assistant Headteachers.
Subject leadership is provided for in a variety of ways. Most subjects are led by a Head of Department. Other subjects have a ‘flatter’ leadership structure, bringing two or more TLR holders together in a ‘management team’.
Pastoral leadership comes from Heads and Assistant Heads of Year. They are supported by teams of tutors.
Middle-leaders are supported by the line-management system operated by senior leaders. In addition, they have frequent opportunities to identify and share best practice through middle-leaders’ meetings. The consultative framework includes the normal range of management, curriculum and pastoral groups and communication through the line-management system.
The quality of the support staff is a considerable strength and all staff share an understanding of the important contribution they make to the achievements and experiences of our students.


“Achievement is good because current students make good progress. Achievement is good in the sixth form and in science”
(OFSTED June 2012)
“The school has “good capacity for further improvement”
(OFSTED June 2012)
“Learning in lessons is good. Students are keen and willing to learn”
(OFSTED June 2012)
“Achievement is good in the sixth form. Students make good progress in the majority of subjects”
(OFSTED June 2012) / In each of the last three years, 2012, 2013 and 2014, 64% of students attained 5+ A* - C with English and Maths at GCSE. The 2015 figure (unvalidated) is around 54%.
The percentage of students making 3 levels progress in English and Maths is 65% and 66% nationally.
Improvement in levels of students’ attainment is constantly at the forefront of our work. The results described above are the product of coherent, consistent and concerted efforts by all our teaching and support staff.


“The curriculum provides a good range of academic and work-related courses that meets students’ needs and aspirations in the main school and sixth form”
(OFSTED June 2012)
“The curriculum effectively promotes students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development”
(OFSTED June 2012) / We aim to offer a broad, balanced, modern and relevant curriculum to all our students.
At Key Stage 3, students take English, mathematics, science, design technology, MFL, geography, history, ICT, art, drama, PE, and ethics.
At KS4, the core curriculum consists of English, mathematics, science, ethics and PE. Studentsthen choose three further subjects from an option pattern.
The provision for students with special needs is a particular strength. Support is delivered via withdrawal and also by means of in-class support.


“Students in the sixth form make good progress to the next stage of education, training or employment”
(OFSTED June 2012) / Sixth Form students add considerably to the life of the school and contribute through, for example, the ‘paired reading’ scheme and in-class support to the achievements of younger students.
A wide range of A and AS subjects are offered as are vocational education courses at intermediate and advanced level.
The core curriculum includes an enrichment programme.


The school occupies a large site, close to the M1, with easy access to Sheffield, Rotherham, Doncaster and surrounding areas.
We have invested heavily over recent years in the learning environment with the result that the majority of classrooms are well-equipped, modern facilities. ICT infrastructure is excellent and subject areas make full use of the equipment available.
The teaching accommodation consists of discrete ‘teaching blocks’. Most departments are housed in one or two main areas. The newest building, S Block, includes extensive provision for 16+ students who have dedicated study, social and exam facilities there.
Our newest accommodation comprises a construction skills centre, a £750,000investment which was completed in spring 2013.


“Leaders have improved achievement in English and mathematics and sustained good achievement in science and the sixth form. Attendance and behaviour have improved. This good track record combined with accurate self-evaluation and effective systems for the leadership of teaching and managing the performance of staff demonstrate a good capacity for further improvement”
(OFSTED June 2012) / We face the future and its many challenges with confidence.
We believe that this is a very good school in which to work. We believe that there is a strong sense of a staff team here and that makes Brinsworth a supportive and rewarding school.
If you like what you have read and if you share our student-centred philosophy, we look forward to your application and to the contribution you can make to the future of our school.

“Achieving Excellence”

Sept 2015