2023 Cobblestone CourtCentral Michigan University
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858Counseling and Special Education Dept.
(989) 774-3776- Office321 Education and Human Service Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859
Ph.D., Counselor Education, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.
Cognate: Marriage and Family Therapy; Minor Cognate: Family Studies.
Graduate Course Work in Counselor Education, Washington State University, Pullman,
Master of Science, Human Ecology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois.
Cognate: Textiles and Clothing; Specialization: Apparel Design
Cognate: Higher Education.
Teacher Education Certificate, Chicago State University, Chicago, Illinois.
Specialization: Grades 3-8.
Bachelor of Science, Human Ecology,Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois.
Cognate: Textiles and Clothing; Specialization: Apparel Design.
Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)
Certified Sex Therapist (CST)
Certified Sex Therapist (CST-S)
Approved Clinical Supervisor (ACS)
Certified Domestic Relations Mediator
Restorative Justice Facilitator
Professor, Counselor Education Program, Department of Counseling and Special Education,
College of Education and Human Services, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI
Teach master’s level courses in Counselor Education.
Director of Global Campus M.A. in Counseling, Department of Counseling and Special
Education, College of Education and Human Services, Central Michigan University, Mt.
Pleasant, MI 48859.
Managed and coordinated the Counseling Global Campus(off-campus) cohort programs in Counseling.
Associate Professor, Counselor Education Program, Department of Counseling and Special
Education, College of Education and Human Services, Central Michigan University, Mt.
Pleasant, MI 48859.
Taught master’s level courses in Counselor Education.
Assistant Professor, Counselor Education Program, Department of Educational Services and
Research, The College of Education, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210.
Taught master’s and doctoral level courses in Counselor Education. Supervised graduate
research projects. Served on various national, state, local and university committees.
Conducted research on family and career issues for African Americans and Holistic
Sexuality Education.
Instructor, Counselor Education Department, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL.
Conducted field supervision of practicum students in Chicago public schools and
community agencies. Taught graduate practicum and counseling seminar.
Student Teaching Field Experience Supervisor, College of Education, University of Iowa,
Iowa City, IA.
Conducted field supervision of student teachers.
Lecturer, Human Ecology Department, Washington State University, Pullman,
Taught visual merchandising and apparel design.
Site Coordinator, Mayor’s Summer Youth Program, Kennedy-King College, Chicago, IL.
Coordinated activities for students and faculty during summer program for high school
Assistant Professor, Human Ecology Department, Kennedy-King College, Chicago, IL.
Taught textiles and clothing classes, and human relationship classes.
Instructor, Human Ecology Department, Chicago State University, Chicago, IL.
Taught textiles and clothing classes.
Teacher, Certified Grades 3-8, Chicago Public Schools, Chicago, IL.
Substitute teacher for grades 3-8, and taught self-contained 3rd grade class.
Counseling/Clinical Practice:
Therapist, Catholic Family Services, Mt. Pleasant, MI. (2000-Present)
Counseling individuals, couples, andfamilies.Counseling individuals and couples with
sexual issues.
Sex Counselor, University Health Services, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI.
Counseled college students with sex therapy and relationship issues.
Clinical Consultant, Africentric Personal Development Shop, Columbus, OH. (1993-1996)
Individual, sexuality, and family counseling with African American clients.
Program Coordinator and Community Sexuality Educator, YMCA of Chicago, West Side
Future Division, Chicago, IL.(1987-1989)
Administered Joyce Foundation Grant. Involved withplanning and conducting sexuality
education workshops for parents, teachers and students in 20 elementary and middle
Chicago public schools. Managed staff and submitted written reports. Conducted follow-
up research.
Administered AT&T Teen Parent Grant. Coordinated a drop-out prevention program for
teen parents in two Chicago public high schools. Managed staff and submitted written
reports. Conducted follow-up research.
As needed, counseled women in the various agency programs.
Sexuality Counselor, Emma Goldman Clinic for Women, Iowa City, IA. (1984-1986)
Counseled males and females on family planning and sexuality education issues.
Counseling Intern, Marriage and Family Therapy Clinic, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. (1984-1986)
Utilizing the team approach and techniques of live supervision, counseled individuals
and families with a variety of presenting problems.
Counseling Intern, Area Substance Abuse Council, Cedar Rapids, IA. (1984)
Diagnosed, assessed and counseled substance abusers.
Counseling Intern, Athletic Student Services, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. (1984)
Trained for the administration and supervision of personal and academic services to
collegiate athletes.
Career Counselor for Dislocated Workers, Counseling Center, Kirkwood Community College, Cedar Rapids, IA. (1983)
Administered and interpreted the Self-Directed Search and the Strong Interest Inventory
to unemployed adults. Career counseling for unemployed workers. Taught Human
Potential classes.
Counseling Intern, Women’s Resource and Action Center, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. (1983)
Counseled heterosexual and homosexual women.
Certified Sex Addictions Therapist Level 1 (CAST-1), Philadelphia, PA (2013, September).
The G Spot and Beyond: Research Concerning Women’s Sexual Responses, University of
Michigan School of Social Work, Ann Arbor, MI (2011, July).
Restorative Justice Conferencing, East Lansing, MI (2010, December).
Domestic Mediator Internship, Dispute Resolution Center of West Michigan, Grand Rapids,
MI (2010, September).
Domestic Violence Screening Training in Compliance with MCR 3.216, Oakland Mediation
Center, Bloomfield Hills, MI (2005, June).
Domestic Relations Mediation Training in Compliance with MCR 3.216, Oakland Mediation
Center, Bloomfield Hills, MI (2005, April).
Leadership Training, American Counseling Association, Washington, DC (2001, March).
Sexual Attitude Reassessment Seminar, AASECT Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA (2000,
Student Services Internship, Dean of Students Office, Central Michigan University, Mt.
Pleasant, MI (1998, Spring).
Kaleidoscope Leaders Program, National Institute for Leadership Development, San Diego,
CA (1995).
Evaluator Training Workshop, Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools,
Romulus, MI (1993, October).
Evaluator Training Workshop, National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts and
Sciences, Chicago, IL (1993, March).
Sex Therapy Training, Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine, Sexual Dysfunction
Clinic, Maywood, IL (1987, 1989).
Farrell, Rebecca. (2001, November). The adoption experience and its influence on ethnic
identity, depression, suicidal ideation, and purpose in life. Committee Chairperson,
Central Michigan University.
Nelson, Maureen. (2012, December). Persistence and degree completion of associate degree
students in Jamaica. Committee Member, Central Michigan University.
Holistic wellness
Work and career development
Sexuality and HIV/AIDS
Relationships and marriage in African Americans families
Parmer, T. (in progress). A holistic wellness cultural model: Implications for a life of prevention.
Parmer, T., Pimpleton, A., Drake, J. R. (in progress). Hope, locus of control, and beliefs about
HIV/AIDS prevention among African American high school students.
Parmer, T. (2013). Holistic life-design career counseling: The case of Malaika. In S. G. Niles, J.
Goodman, & M. Pope (Eds.), The career counseling casebook: A resource for students,
practitioners, and counselor educators (2nd ed.). Tulsa, OK: National Career Development Association.
Parmer, T. (2011). The intersection of culture and sex in sexuality counseling:
You want sex and I want you [DVD and narrative]. NY: Insight Media.
Parmer, T., Gordon, J. (2007). Cultural influences on African American sexuality: The
role of multiple identities on kinship, power, and ideology. In M. TepperA. Owens,
(Eds.). Sexual health—Moral and cultural foundations(vol. 3)(pp. 173-201).Westport, CT: Praeger.
Parmer, T., Arnold, M., Natt, T., Janson, C. (2004). Physical attractiveness as a process of
internalized oppression and multigenerational transmission for African American
families. The Family Journal Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 12,
Parmer, T., & Rush, L. C. (2003). The next decade in career counseling: Cocoon maintenance or
metamorphosis. The Career Development Quarterly, 52, 30-38.
Parmer, T. (2001). Holistic life-design career counseling: The case of Malaika. In S. G. Niles, J.
Goodman, & M. Pope (Eds.), The career counseling casebook: A resource for students,
practitioners, and counselor educators. Tulsa, OK: National Career Development
Parmer, T. (1998). Characteristics of preferred partners: Variations between African American
men and women. Journal of College Student Development, 39, 461-471.
Loadman, W., Parmer, T., Bontempo, B., & Thomas, A. M. (1997). Evaluation of teenage
sexuality and pregnancy prevention (Division of Educational Services). Columbus, OH:
Ohio Department of Education.
Parmer, T., & Roger, T. (1997). Religion and health: Holistic wellness from the perspective of
two African American church denominations. Counseling and Values, 42, 55-67.
Arnold, M. S., Parmer, T., & Sanders, J. L. (1995). Interview with M. McGoldrick: On the
significance of cultural factors and gender in family therapy. The Family Journal Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 3, 265-273.
Parmer, T., & Roger, T. (1997). Religion and health: Holistic wellness from the perspective of
two African American church denominations. Counseling and Values, 42, 55-67.
Parmer, T., & Coleman, V. D. (1994, Fall). The athletic dream—The quest for work equality in
an unequal society: Implications for counselors. Academic Athletic Journal, 24-36.
Parmer, T. (1994). The athletic dream and the black male: Primary prevention implications for
counselors. The School Counselor, 41, 333-337.
Parmer, T. (1994). A t-shirt named African, colored, Negro, Afro American, black and African
American. The Journal of Counseling and Development, 72, 440-441.
Parmer, T. (1993). The athletic dream—But what are the career dreams of other African
American urban high school students? The Journal of Career Development, 20, 131-
Coleman, V. D., Parmer, T., & Barker, S. (1993). Play therapy for multicultural populations:
Guidelines for mental health professions. The Journal of Play Therapy, 1, 63-74.
Parmer, T. (1992). Culturally sensitive counseling for African American families. The
International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors Newsletter,1, 3.
Parmer, T., & Tam, H. P. (1992). African American college students’ attitudes about love,
marriage, and sexual relationships. The Journal of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 37.
Parmer, T. (Ed.) (2004).American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists
District IV Newsletter. Ashland, VA: American Association of Sex Educators,
Counselors and Therapists.
Parmer, T., & Owens, A. (2003, May). Sexuality counselors track, special information.
American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists National Conference
Program Book.
Parmer, T. (1992). Culturally sensitive counseling for African American families. The
International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors Newsletter,1, 3.
Mark, D. L. H., & Parmer, T. (1999). Best practices: A summary of a Native American charter
school. Unpublished manuscript, Department of Counseling and Special Education, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI.
Mark, D. L. H., & Parmer, T. (1999). Best practices: A summary of K-10 through 12 charter
schools. Unpublished manuscript, Department of Counseling and Special Education,
Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI.
Parmer, T., & Mark, D. L. H. (1999). Best practices: A summary of an African American
centered charter school. Unpublished manuscript, Department of Counseling and Special
Education, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI.
Parmer, T., & Mark, D. L. H. (1999). Developing the whole child: A portrait of an effective
African American charter centered school. Unpublished manuscript, Department of
Counseling and Special Education, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI.
Parmer, T., & Sharpe, S. (1999). In search of paraphilic love maps: Understanding infantilism.
Unpublished manuscript, Department of Counseling and Special Education, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI.
Parmer, T. (1996). Work values, future aspirations, and occupational clarity of lower income,
minority students with academic potential. Unpublished manuscript, Department of Educational Services and Research, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Parmer, T. (1995). Counselors and sexuality: A call to social action. Unpublished manuscript, Department of Educational Services and Research, The Ohio State University, Columbus,
Editorial Board,The Association of Black Sexologists and Clinicians, Journal of Black Sexuality
and Relationships(2015-present).
Editorial Board, American Counseling Association, The Family JournalCounseling and Therapy
for Couples and Families (1997-2005).
Editorial Board, American Counseling Association, The Career Development Quarterly (1994-
Editorial Board,American Counseling Association, Counselor Education and Supervision
Book Proposal Review Committee, American Counseling Association (1993-2002).
Brooks/Cole Publishing Company(1995-1999).
The Macmillan Publishing Company (1991-1993).
Conference Proposals Review:
Annual Conference Abstract Reviewer, Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (2000).
Parmer, T. (2016). Understanding the language of “sticks and stones”: First steps in
multicultural leadership. Multicultural Student Leadership Conference, Mt. Pleasant,
Parmer, T., & Gordon, J. J. (2016). Blackness over whiteness: Framing the ideas of white
privilege, structural isolationism, and systemic racism. The Association of Black
Sexologists and Clinicians Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Parmer, T., & Gordon, J. J. (2016). The intersectionality of race, gender, and sexuality for
African Americans from a contemporary context over time: Implications for research and practice. Center for Sexual Health Promotion, School of Public Health, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
Parmer, T.,Pimpleton-Gray, A., Wadley, J. (2016). From egg and sperm to worm: African
American sexual scripts by gender across the lifespan. American Association of Sexuality Education Counselors Therapists Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Parmer, T. (2013).The disproportionate attack of HIV/AIDS on African Americans: A call to
action.National Black Family Conference, Louisville, KY.
Parmer, T. (2012). Holistic wellness in African American communities: Seeking new
paradigms for self-management. National Black Family Conference, Louisville, KY.
Parmer, T., & Coleman, V. (2012). Sexual attitudes and perceptions of African American boys
and girls: Implications for prevention and wellness.The CFLE National Sex Education Conference, Somerset, NJ.
Parmer,T. & Coleman, V. (2012). Synergy and continuity in African American sexuality: A
multicultural perspective. American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists 44th Annual Conference, Austin, TX.
Tichenor, K., & Parmer, T. (2011). Combating relational aggression in schools: In search of real
justice through restorative justice. National Black Family Conference, Louisville, KY.
Parmer, T. (2010, March). Powerlessness and empowerment in African American marriages:
Implications for holistic wellness. National Black Family Conference, Louisville, KY.
Parmer, T. (2009, March). The tentacles of achievement for African American students.
National Black Family Conference, Louisville, KY.
Parmer, T. (2008, June). Ignite marital satisfaction: The power of a CLICK. Administration for
Children and Families (ACF), African American Healthy Marriage Initiative (AAHMI) Annual Conference: Connecting Marriage Research to Practice Conference, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC.
Parmer, T. (2007, June). Healthy marriages and African American male/female relationships:
What we need to know about intimacy and marital satisfaction. Administration for
Children and Families (ACF), African American Healthy Marriage Initiative (AAHMI) Annual Conference: Connecting Marriage Research to Practice Conference, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC.
Parmer, T. (2007, May). Applying diversity concepts to couples and families. Theta Chapter of
Chi Sigma Iota and Graduate Counseling Student Association of Oakland University Annual Spring Conference. Oakland University, Rochester, MI.
Parmer, T., Gordon, J. (2007, March). Cultural influences on Black sexuality. National
Black Family Conference, Louisville, KY.
Parmer, T., Olusakin, M., Fox, N., Maundu, C., Murry, N., Pimpleton, A., Wall, A. (2006,
March). HIV/AIDS in African and African American groups: A life span examination of
children, teenagers, college students, and the elderly. American Counseling Association,
Montreal, CA.
Parmer, T. (2005, July). Church—“My heart is weak”: Counseling sexual disorders in a
religious context. National Black Religious Summit 9 on Sexuality, Howard University, Washington, DC.
Parmer, T. (2004, June). Career development programs for African Americans: A holistic
wellness approach. International perspectives on career development. Symposium
conducted at a joint meeting of the International Association for Educational and
Vocational Guidance and the National Career Development Association, San Francisco,
Parmer, T., Wall, A., Murry, N., Malone, C., Maundu, C. (2004, May). HIV/AIDS in African
and African American communities. Paper presented at American Association of Sex
Educators, Counselors and Therapists, Chicago, IL.
Fincke, G., Goldstein, F., Owens, A., & Parmer, T. (2003, May). Sex counseling supervision
panel. American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists Annual
Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Parmer, T. (2003, May). The seat of the pants or the tapestry of skills approach to sexuality
counseling. American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists Annual
Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Parmer, T. (2003, March). Sexual transgressions: A cause for mental health reparations in the
black community. National Black Family Conference, Louisville, KY.
Smith, M. A., & Parmer, T. (2002, October). Live supervision as an innovation in counseling
practicums: Communicating in and out of the session. Association of Counselor
Educators and Supervisors National Conference, Park City, UT.
Parmer, T. (2002, March). Treating a “weak heart”: A metaphor for black love and sexual
functioning. National Black Family Conference, Louisville, KY.
Jepsen, D., Allen, N., Lewis, P., Parmer, T., Parham, T., & Watt, S. (2002). African-American
career development from multiple perspectives. American Counseling Association
Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Parmer, T. (2001, May). Assessing an array of sexual fantasies in search of paraphilic love maps.
American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists Annual Conference,
San Francisco, CA.
Mark, D., & Parmer, T. (2001, April). Best practice: A look at public school academics in the
state of Michigan. American Research Education Association Annual Conference,
Seattle, WA.
Woodtor, D. P.,Parmer, T. (2001, March). Genealogy and genograms: Document African
American family patterns. National Black Family Conference, Louisville, KY.
Parmer, T. (2000, October). Assessing family culture: The intergenerational interview with one
person. Michigan Counseling Association, Ypsilanti, MI.
Parmer, T. (2000, March). Assessing family culture: Training for systemic multicultural therapy
with one family member. American Counseling Association, Washington, DC.
Parmer, T. (2000, March). Couples counseling with sexuality issues. American Counseling
Association World Conference, IAMFC Distinguished Presenters Series, Washington, DC.
Parmer, T. (1999, March). Maintaining African American family history and traditions:
Continuity across generations through genograms and genealogy. National Black Family
Conference, Louisville, KY.
Parmer, T., DeVeaux, F., Cameron, S., Santiago, A., & Ng, K. (1999). Multicultural family
counseling. Paper presented at the American Counseling Association, San Diego, CA.
Parmer, T. (1998, March). Life skills education: Preparing African American youth for a job,
career, and work. National Black Family Conference, Louisville, KY.
Parmer, T., Jahnke, M., Gray, J., & Snyder, K. (1997, October). Empowering students utilizing
critical incidents in multicultural counseling. Paper presented at the Michigan Counseling