NFHS Track & Field Rules and Infractions

(This list is not inclusive of all rules and infractions. Refer to your rule book for a complete comprehensive listing.)


Rule 4 Section 6 ART. 1 . . . Unsporting conduct is behavior that is unethical or dishonorable. Itincludes, but is not limited to: disrespectfully addressing an official, any flagrant behavior, intentional contact, taunting, criticizing or using profanity directedtoward someone. This shall apply to all coaches, contestants and otherteam/school personnel.

PENALTY: Disqualification from that event and further competition in the meet.

Disqualification of a coach or other school personnel shall be from furtherinvolvement in the meet.


1. The NFHS disapproves of any form of taunting that is intended or designed to embarrass,ridicule or demean others under any circumstances including on the basis of race,religion, gender or national origin.

2. No coach, contestant or other school personnel shall use any form of tobacco productbeginning with arrival at the site of competition until departure from the site followingcompletion of the meet.

Rule 4 Section 6 ART. 2 . . . Unacceptable conduct by a competitor includes, but is not limited to: willful failure to follow the directions of a meet official, using profanity that isnot directed at someone or any action which could bring discredit to theindividual or his/her school.

PENALTY: Disqualification from that event.

Rule 4 Section 6 ART. 3 . . . If a nonparticipating team member interferes with a competitor during competition, the nonparticipating team member maybe disqualified from the meet. The nonparticipant’s teammate(s) also may be disqualified from that event.

Rule 4 Section 6 ART. 4 . . . A competitor shall not compete using an illegal implement.

Rule 4 Section 6 ART. 5 . . . It is an unfair act when a competitor receives any assistance. Assistance includes:

a. Interference with another competitor.

b. Pacing by a teammate not in the race or persons not participating in the event.

c. Competitors joining or grasping hands with each other during a race.

d. Competitor using an aid during the race.

e. Communicating with a competitor through the use of any device, including electronically, during a race or a trial

f. Coaching a competitor from a restricted area.


1. The use of an atomizer during competition containing a prescription drug designed to alleviate the asthmatic condition is not considered to be an illegal aid as long as a physician’s statement documenting the need of the athlete to use the prescription is presented to the meet director/referee prior to the beginning of the meet.

2. The use of a watch worn around the wrist is NOT considered an aid for racing.

3. A coach may verbally instruct a competitor provided the coach is positioned in positioned in a designated coaches’ box or an unrestricted area.(Rule 3-2-8).

PENALTY: (Arts. 4, 5) Disqualification from the event.

Rule 5: Running Events


Rule 5 Section 7 ART. 1 . . . All races shall be started with the firing of a closed-barrel pistol(starter’s pistol) or gunless device which provides smoke or a flash visible to thetimers. A misfire does not indicate a start. When a pistol is used as a startingdevice, .32 caliber is recommended for outdoor venues and a .22 caliber is recommendedfor indoor venues.

Rule 5 Section 7 ART. 2 . . . The starting commands for races or opening relay legs of less than800 meters outdoors and 600 meters indoors shall be: “On your marks.” At thissignal, the competitors will immediately take their proper positions behind theirstarting lines. After they have taken their positions and are steady on their marks,the starter then shall instruct them, “Set.” At this command, all competitors shallat once, and without delay, assume their full and final set position in such a mannerthat no part of their person touches on or over the starting line. When all competitorsare set and motionless, the starter shall fire the starting device. The intervalbetween the set command and the firing of the starting device is usually oneto two seconds. After a starter gives the order “Set,” if any competitor is inmotion, the starter shall not fire the starting device.

Rule 5 Section 7 ART. 3 . . . The starting command for individual races, or opening relay legs of800 meters or more outdoors and 600 meters or more indoors shall be to ask allcompetitors to take position three meters behind the starting line or dashed arcbehind the line. With the command “On your marks” all competitors will step tothe starting line without delay. When all competitors are steady, the starter shallfire the starting device.

Rule 5 Section 7 ART. 4 . . . Starting violations which constitute a false start include:

a. Failure to comply with the starter’s commands.

b. Having any part of the body in contact with the starting line or running surfacebeyond the line, when the starting device is fired.

c. Failure to remain motionless after assuming the set position prior to thestarting device being fired.

d. Failure to place starting blocks within the respective competitor’s lane.

e. Repeated use of disconcerting acts.

PENALTY: A competitor who commits a false start shall be disqualified.

Rule 5 Section 7 ART. 5 . . . For an unfair start, the starter or assistant starter shall recall thecontestants by firing the starting device.

Rule 5 Section 7 ART. 6 . . . A race shall be recalled in the first 100 meters when a competitorfalls due to contact with another competitor in the following situations:

a. The race is not started in lanes (waterfall start) or;

b. Two or more competitors are assigned to a single lane.

Rule 5 Section 7 ART. 7 . . . If a competitor’s starting blocks are slipping due to a condition ofthe track or a malfunction of the starting block, the starter may authorize anattendant to hold or support the blocks.



Rule 5 Section 9ART. 1Interference is any action by a competitor that unfairly changes the course ornatural running rhythm of a competitor during a race. This may include bumping,tripping or running across the competitor’s path.

PENALTY: Disqualification from event.

Rule 5 Section 11: RELAY INFRACTIONS

Rule 5 Section 11 ART. 1 . . . A relay team shall pass the baton in accordance with the rules. Thetrack rules relative to fouling, coaching or interference apply identically to relayraces. Also, incoming competitors may not assist teammates by pushing them.

Rule 5 Section 11 ART. 2 . . . The baton shall not be thrown following the finishing of any relay.

PENALTY: (Arts. 1,2) Disqualification of the relay team from the event.


Rule 5 Section 12 ART. 1 . . . When a race is run in lanes, competitors are expected to run theentire race in their assigned lanes. Competitors who inadvertently run out of theirlanes on a straightaway or in the lane to their outside on a curve are not in violationprovided they do not interfere with or impede another runner. A competitorshall be considered to be out of the lane when:

a. Without being fouled and while running around a curve, steps on or overthe inside lane line or curb for three or more consecutive steps with eitheror both feet.

b. While running on a straightaway, runs in an adjacent lane and interfereswith or impedes another competitor.

c. While running around a curve, runs over the outside lane line and interfereswith or impedes another competitor.

d. He/she does not finish the race in the assigned lane, or if while a memberof a relay team, does not make the pass in the assigned lane.

e. He/she takes one or more steps inside the assigned lane line at the breakline.

PENALTY: Disqualification from the event.

Rule 5 Section 12 ART. 2 . . . The break line is a place in each lane, usually at the point of curve,that marks the end of a lane stagger. It may be a solid line painted on the track,or designated by a flag or pylon located on the inside lane boundary of each lane.When utilized, competitors shall run the entire distance to the break line in theirassigned lanes before breaking to the pole position.


Rule 5 Section 13 ART. 1 . . . Any competitor shall not deliberately run on or inside the track curb(or painted line), and thereby gain an advantage by improving position or shorteningthe course.

Rule 5 Section 13 ART. 2 . . . A competitor shall not, when running around a curve, step on or over the curb, or painted curb line, for three or more consecutive steps with either or both feet.

PENALTY: (Arts. 1, 2) Disqualification from the event.

Rule 5 Section 13 ART. 3 . . . A competitor may leave the track to retrieve a dropped relay baton provided no interference occurs and no advantage is gained.

Rule 5 Section 13 ART. 4 . . .

In a race involving a curve where lanes are not specified, acompetitor may move toward the inside or outside of the track provided he/sheis one full running stride, approximately 7 feet, in advance of the competitorwhose path is crossed. It is not a foul if a competitor crosses to the inside oroutside if this action does not interfere in any way with another competitor.


Rule 5 Section 14ART. 1 . . . Hurdling is a technique in which the competitor attempts to cleareach hurdle by jumping or striding over the hurdle.

Rule 5 Section 14 ART. 2 . . . It is an infraction if a competitor:

a. Does not attempt to clear each hurdle.

b. Knocks down any hurdle by hand

c. Advances or trails a leg or foot along the side of and below the height ofthe hurdle gate.

d. Runs over a hurdle not in the assigned lane.

e. Runs around a hurdle.

f. Impedes another hurdler.

PENALTY: Disqualification from the event.

Rule 6: Throwing Events

Rule 6 Section 2ART. 13 . . . For any conference or championship meet, the games committeemay provide implements for the throwing events and require all competitors touse them.

Rule 6 Section 2ART. 14 . . . Warm-ups shall not be allowed unless supervised by an event officialor the contestant’s coach. At the conclusion of any field event, there shall beno further practice and implements shall be removed from the area.

PENALTY: Warming up without the contestant’s coach or event official at thevenue shall lead to a warning and, if repeated, disqualification from the event.If the incident recurs, the athlete will be disqualified from the meet.

Rule 6 Section 2 ART. 17 . . . A competitor shall not use an illegal implement during warm-upor competition.

NOTE: If a legal implement breaks during a trial in accordance with the rules, no penalty shall be counted against the competitor and trial shall be awarded. If the implement breaks upon completion of the trial, a replacement trial shall be awarded and the results of the trial shall be recorded, provided it was made in accordance with the rules.

Rule 6 Section 2 ART. 18 . . . A competitor shall not place personal reference marks in the landingsector of any throwing event.

PENALTY: (Articles 17 and 18) Disqualification from the event.


Rule 6 Section 3 BREAKING TIES

Rule 6 Section 3ART. 1 . . . A tie in a field event occurs when two or more competitors finishwith the same best distance.

Rule 6 Section 3ART. 2 . . . When there is a tie at any distance of a throwing event, places and points scored shall be awards as follows:

  1. If the distance resulting from the best performance of competitors is identical, the higher place is awarded to the tying competitor whose second best performance is better from either the preliminary trials or the finals.
  2. If after (a) the tie remains, the higher place is awarded to the tied competitor whose third-best performance is better than the third best performance of any tied competitor, etc.

Rule 6 Section 3ART. 3 . . . If there is a tie by any number of competitors for any scoring places,the points for tied places shall be added together and divided by the number ofcompetitors who are involved in the tie.

Rule 6 Section 4 DISCUS THROW

Rule 6 Section 4 ART. 7 . . . Taping of any part of the throwing hand or fingers shall not be permittedunless there is an open wound that must be protected by tape. Taping ofthe wrist is permissible. Gloves are not permitted; however, a support belt maybe worn. No harness or mechanical device attached to the hand or arm shall be used.

Rule 6 Section 4ART. 8 . . . The lines which mark the throwing sector are outside the limits ofthe sector. A throw shall be made from inside the circle.

Rule 6 Section 4 ART. 9 . . . It is a foul if the competitor:

a. Fails to initiate a purposeful action of completing the requirements of the athletic challenge of the event within one (1) minute afterthe competitor’s name is called.

b. After stepping into the circle, fails to pause before starting the throw.

c. After starting the attempt, touches any surface outside the circle during athrow.

d. Throws the discus so it does not fall within the sector lines.

e. Throws a discus which hits the cage and/or an object outside the sectorbefore landing within the sector.

f. Leaves the circle before the implement has landed.

g. Does not exit the back half of the circle.

PENALTY: The throw is not measured, but counts as a trial.

Rule 6 Section 4 ART. 10 . . . The measurement shall be from the nearest edge of the first markmade by the discus to the inside edge of the throwing circle nearest such mark,measured along an extended radius of the circle.

Rule 6 Section 4 ART. 11 . . . Measurements shall be recorded to the nearest lesser inch or evennumber centimeter (e.g., 0-2-4-6-8). Measurements shall be made with non-stretchabletape such as fiberglass, nylon, steel or certified scientific measurementdevice (laser). The judges shall hold the tape in such a way that the readingswill be at the circle.

Rule 6 Section 5 SHOT PUT

Rule 6 Section 5 ART. 7 . . . Taping of any part of the throwing hand or fingers shall not be permittedunless there is an open wound that must be protected by tape. Taping ofthe wrist is permissible. Gloves are not permitted; however, a support belt maybe worn.

Rule 6 Section 5 ART. 8 . . . A legal put shall be made from the shoulder, with one hand only, sothat during the attempt, the shot does not drop behind or below the shoulder. Acompetitor must start from a stationary position inside the circle. No harness ormechanical device attached to the hand or arm shall be used. he put shall bemade from inside the circle.

Rule 6 Section 5 ART. 9 . . . It is a foul if the competitor:

a. Fails to initiate a purposeful action of completing the requirements of the athletic challenge of the event within one (1) minute after the competitor’s name is called.

b. After stepping into the circle, fails to pause before starting the put.

c. After starting the attempt, touches any surface outside the circle during aput.

d. Allows the shot to drop behind or below the shoulder during the putattempt.

e. Touches the top or end of the stopboard before the put is marked.

f. Puts the shot so it does not fall within the sector lines.

g. Leaves the circle before the implement has landed.

h. Does not exit the back half of the circle.

i. Uses the “cartwheel” technique of shot putting.

PENALTY: The put is not measured, but counts as a trial.

Rule 6 Section 5 ART. 10 . . . The measurement shall be recorded from the nearest edge of thefirst mark made by the shot to the inside edge of the stopboard nearest suchmark, measured along the extended radius of the circle.

Rule 6 Section 5 ART. 11 . . . Measurements shall be recorded to the nearest lesser ¼ inch orcentimeter. Measurements shall be made with non-stretchable tape such asfiberglass, nylon, steel or certified scientific measurement device (laser). The judges shall hold the tape in such a way that the readings will be at the circle.

Rule 7Section 2 General Rules

All Jumping Events:

Contestants shall report promptly to the head event judge at the designated locationwhen the event is announced.

Rule7 Section 2 ART. 1 . . . A competitor shall be charged with a foul if he/she does not initiate the purposeful action of completing the requirements of the athletic challenge (jump) of the event (trial) with one minute (or other prescribed time limit) after the competitor’s name is called for trial.

  1. Competitors excused to participate in another event shall not be called for a trial during the excused time.
  2. A pass shall be communicated to the event judge before the start of the trial clock.
  3. In the vertical jumps, before the crossbar is raised, the judge will pass an excused competitor who has not returned within the designated time limit.
  4. When three or fewer remain in the high jump or pole vault at the beginning of a bar height, the above time shall be increased to three minutes.
  5. When a single competitor, who has won the competition, remains in the high jump or pole vault, the allowed time shall be five minutes.

PENALTY: An unsuccessful trial is charged.

Rule7 Section 2 ART. 2 . . . To accommodate those competitors who may be excused to participatein other events, the head judge may change the order of competition inthe preliminary or final rounds of any jumping event by any method. Successivetrials is but one such method. Excused competitors shall inform the head eventjudge upon their return. The competitor with the best mark in the preliminaries has earned the right to make the last attempt of the competition and may choose to wait until after any excused competitors have taken all their trials.