TWG 2 – HRH Update, February 2015

Date of last meeting: No TWG 2 meeting was held in December or January but a number of extraordinary meetings were held as part of HSSP IV development. Key meetings with discussions covering HRH included the following:

  • Dec. 2, 2014: HRH Taskforce meeting to establish HRH Priorities for HSSP IV. The following “shopping list” of priorities was established, by order of priority: HRH planning and management; Distribution of staff; Performance management; Information and research; HRH development; Formalizing task sharing; Support public private partnership activities; Professional bodies. A statement was also included on “Promotion of gender and rights-based approach” as a priority for advocacy institutions.
  • Dec. 12, 2014:Combined extraordinary meeting of HRH TWG and Task Sharing Taskforce to discuss role of research in HSSP IV planning and implementation; and task sharing policy guidelines following the Brazil commitments of 2013. Four key points to consider in research were presented and discussed: bridging between research and planning; identify research topics to inform HSSP IV implementation; discuss modes of operation; align research priorities and HSSP IV. In the area of Task Sharing Policy Guidelines, presentations and discussions covered WHO RECOMMENDATIONS ON Globa Task Shifting; the GoT Brazil commitments, the benefits and various types of task shifting and key priorities for task shifting.
  • Dec. 16, 2014: BRN Syndication on MNCH. This stakeholder meeting focused on the status of community-based health programming, particularly considerations for the way forward in establishing the role of CHWs. While the BRN approach is to support the existing CHW three week training program as an interim strategy, the GoT is looking for sustainable programming beyond the BRN through the one year training curricula.
  • Dec. 18, 2014:As part of TWG 13, the meeting reviewed the National CBHP Policy Guidelines, CHW Strategy and CHW Curriculum. The Guidelines were endorsed by MOHSW and hard copies made available at this meeting. However, the two draft documents were reviewed and comments and recommendations were provided for revising the CHW Strategy and Curriculum.
  • Jan. 21 – 23, 2015: Stakeholder review of HSSP IV Draft “0”. Meetings included gap analysis in terms of key priority areas addressed by HSSP IV and a review of content to ensure it is strategic and operationable. All areas identified above were discussed and recommendations made for strengthening, including a proposed inclusion of an overarching statement addressing BRN and how the HSSP IV builds on these recommendations during the medium term and beyond.
  • Jan. 22, 2015: Third stakeholder meeting to review plans and processes for the nursing/midwifery certificate and diploma curricula review. Prior meetings were held on Dec. 2 and Dec. 17 where the plan and process for review were discussed and stakeholder mapping of resources carried out. Actual curricula review workshops are slated to take place during the week of Feb. 2 – 6, 2015.
  • Jan. 23, 2015: CHW Taskforce meeting. Discussions included a review of Health training Institutions assessment tools for the training of CHW. Two presentations were done to introduce two new partners to support MOHSW: JSI, to support activities for CBHP in underserved areas and CHAI, to provide technical support to the HP department.

Action Points / Way Forward

  • Draft 1 of the HSSP IV is anticipated by February 16 and a stakeholder meeting is expected to be held to discuss this draft. DPs who are interested in and/or support HRH are encouraged to review the HSSP IV and provide recommendations to strengthen the identified strategic priorities as appropriate.

Strategic Implications for DPG-Health

  • The draft HSSP IV has highlighted key policy areas to be strengthened, including some key presentations made in the areas of DbyD, M&E, Health Financing and Governance. DPG Health should continue to strive for points of strategic policy dialogue to address how these areas will be strengthened during the HSSPIV period.
  • A number of aspects of the CHW strategy are still unclear including the costing through the One Health Costing tool. DPG-Health should seek for further clarity on this as well as the revised timelines for integrating the role of CHWs as part of the HSSP IV.

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