Details of sub-group membership
The first meeting of the Ministerial Advisory Group on Dementia Research in February 2010, chaired by Phil Hope, Minister of State for Care Services, identified a number of workstreams, drawing on the issues raised at the Ministerial Dementia Summit in July 2009. These will be progressed by five sub-groups, which will produce practicable proposals for improving the quality, quantity and impact of dementia research. The sub-groups will report back to the next Advisory Group meeting in September 2010.
The topics and membership of the five sub-groups are as follows:
- Agreeing the priority research topics in care, cause and cure, in the main areas of cause, cure and care but also to include prevention. This will help to inform the decisions of research funding bodies and focus the work of dementia researchers.
Rob Buckle (coordinator) / MRC
Adrian Alsop / ESRC
Clive Ballard / Head of Research, Alzheimer's Society
James Goodwin / AGE UK
Chris Kennard / Chair of the Neurosciences and Mental Health Board, Medical Research Council
John Williams (Wellcome) / The Wellcome Trust
Rebecca Wood / Alzheimer’s Research Trust
Lay representation
With support from
ILC- UK (Noreen Siba) / International Longevity Centre UK
UKARF Dementia Working Group (via Rebecca Wood) / Alzheimer’s Research Trust
- Identifying ways of raising public awareness of, and support for, dementia research and increasing public engagement in dementia research, via recruitment to trials and other studies or via tissue donation.
Rebecca Wood (joint coordinator) / Alzheimer’s Research Trust
Clive Ballard (joint coordinator) / Head of Research, Alzheimer's Society
Steve Ford / The Parkinson’s Disease Society
Lay representation
With support from
ILC- UK (Noreen Siba) / International Longevity Centre UK
UKARF Dementia Working Group / Via Rebecca Wood
- Increasing the success of dementia research in securing available funding and support and identifying ways to improve the capacity and capability of the dementia research workforce.
David Cox (coordinator) / NIHR
Adrian Alsop / ESRC
John Williams (Wellcome) / The Wellcome Trust
Declan Mulkeen / MRC
Rob Buckle / MRC
Rebecca Wood / Alzheimer’s Research Trust
Lay representation
With support from
Alzheimer’s Society (Jo Swinhoe: Director of Fundraising) / Alzheimer’ Society
ART (via Rebecca Wood)
UKARF Dementia Working Group (via Rebecca Wood) / Alzheimer’s Research Trust
- Developing better ways of working, strengthening interdisciplinarity and extending collaboration between researchers and between public and private sectors; exploring further ways to ‘bust bureaucracy’ where there are issues specific to dementia research.
Martin Rosser (coordinator) / DeNDRoN
Alistair Burns / DH National Clinical Director for Dementia
Peter Barnes / Janssen-Cilag Ltd
Declan Mulkeen / MRC
Lay representation
With support from
Alzheimer’s Society (Dr Susanne Sorensen, Programme Director External Research) / Alzheimer’ Society
ART (via Rebecca Wood) / Alzheimer’s Research Trust
UKARF Industry sub-group(via Rebecca Wood) / Alzheimer’s Research Trust
- Improving the ‘translation’ of research into better treatment and care. Developing stronger links between academics and research ‘end users’ and working with existing bodies to improve knowledge transfer across the health and care sector.
Alistair Burns (coordinator) / DH National Clinical Director for Dementia
Barbara Woodward-Carlton / Lay member of DeNDRoN Clinical Studies Board
James Goodwin / AGE UK
Noreen Siba / International Longevity Centre UK
With support from
Martin Green (ECCA) / English Community Care Association
The Stroke Association (Suggested by Rebecca Wood) / Via Rebecca Wood
ART (via Rebecca Wood) / Via Rebecca Wood
UKARF Dementia Working Group (via Rebecca Wood) / Via Rebecca Wood
15 March 2010