WELCOME! Today is the gateway to another week. We join together here to thank God for a new week of promise and possibilities. Let us welcome the opportunity of worship, greet one another joyfully and lovingly, and prepare ourselves to be God’s people in God’s world.

After the morning service, join together in the Fellowship room for refreshments.


CHURCH BULLETINS: If you need a larger print bulletin, please let the secretary know. Children’s bulletins are on the shelves in the narthex.

THE LOOP SYSTEM is available in the sanctuary for those who are in need of hearing assistance.


Greeting You: Wayne & Lorraine Scott; Betty Hallmeyer & Kathy VanGoor

Next Week: Jim & Kathy Teusink; Les & Sandy Kolk

Fountain View Ministry Next Week: Dave & Deb Wolfsen

Nursery Attendants: Kimberly Ames, Lisa Maynard, Olivia Hansen

P.M.: Jan Frens

Next Week: Pam Breuker, Sandy Kolk, Matthew Minasian

P.M.: Elaine Tubbergen

Children's Worship: Lauren Ferris & Daniel Minasian

Next Week: Caitlyn Luchies & Landon Bart.

Ushers: Jim Powers, Susan Thornton, Vicki Hall

Next Week: Frank & Shirley Bunce, Dale Breuker

Projection System: Caleb Minasian

Next Week: Caleb Minasian

Sound & Video: Rick & Margaret Mansfield

Next Week: Carl & Louise Pearson

MISSION CONCERNS: We are adding all the missions and causes that our congregation supports. Some can be contacted by letter or email, but all will be blessed by our prayers.

Missionary/Missions Letters/Emails/Prayers This Week: The Chosen Ranch, Jamie & Joy Bullis, P.O. Box 190, Lincoln, MI 48742. www.chosenranch.org.

Email: . Families of Nevonda Lankhorst, Jack Lubbers, Art Luchie.


Today: A time of fellowship and refreshments

follows the morning service.

6:00 p.m. - Evening Worship Service

7:10 p.m. - FYSH Bible Study

Monday: 7:00 p.m. - Knit Club meets

Tuesday: 9:30 a.m. - Coffee Break at 2nd CRC

2:00 p.m. - Mary Martha, lesson 7

Wednesday: 9:45 a.m. - Ladies' Bible Study

Lesson 10: Diane; Coffee: Margaret

6:00 p.m. - Ladies' Bible Study

7:00 p.m. - Choir Rehearsal


NEXT SUNDAY OFFERING- A.M.:. P.M.: Church Operations.

IF ANYONE NEEDS ASSISTANCE to and from their car, please sign the sheet on the cabinet near the Council room or call Greg Hoekman, 924-1504.


DIRECTORY CHANGES: Please make the following changes to your new directory: Art Luchie's phone number is 231-335-2432, Micheal & Darla Moore's address is 8589 S. Maple Island Rd., and Norma Luchies and Lillian Oosterhouse are professing members.

If you notice any other changes that need to be made, let me know. Thanks, Kristi

TO OUR WONDERFUL CHURCH FAMILY: Thank you for all the concerns, prayers, visits, and help with transportation during our eventful last few months. We really appreciate all of you! Please continue to pray for Larry as he continues his physical therapy.

-Larry & Ruth Brinkman


SCRIPTURE FOR THIS WEEK - PSALM 119:33-40. Let this Scripture give you words to pray when you cannot find the words to pray.

Next week's scripture AM: Matthew 5:38-48. PM: James 2:14-26.

ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL - Today, we will have a short presentation with a question and answer period to introduce us to the Newaygo County Compassion Home for the terminally ill. Please plan to join us for this interesting session in the fellowship room after our morning service.

CARE PACKAGE: We are planning to send a care package to Mary Koster (daughter of Norm & Marilyn Weaver) who is still in ICU healing from an aneurysm. You may place cards or gifts on the table in the Fellowship room through Wednesday, February 22.

PICTORAL DIRECTORY: We are currently scheduling photo sessions! Photography will be February 27-March 1. Weekends you may sign-up in the narthex. During the week, please visit www.firstcrcfremont.org, go to LINKS, click LifeTouch! If you are not finding a time that fits in your busy schedule, please call Kristi.

If you are a snowbird or will be unavailable during photography, we can try to accommodate you for a nearby location to get your photo taken - just call 866-756-0281 - call now!

THE WEDNESDAY NIGHT LADIES' BIBLE STUDY would like to provide a dinner to the women that are attending. This enables more women to attend. If anyone is interested in providing a meal or funds to provide a meal, please sign the sheet on the cabinet near the Council room. Any questions, please call Kimberly Ames, 231-335-9654. There are approx. 10-12 women attending this 6-week session. Thank you!

THE PROJECTION TEAM would like to add one more person to its rotation of operators for AM and PM worship. If you are middle school age or older, have some knowledge of Power Point (or would like to learn) and would be interesting in joining the team, please contact Lori Jacobs or a member of the worship team.

ADVANCED NOTICE FOR GRIEFSHARE: We would like to welcome anyone who has lost a loved one to attend a GriefShare Group. We are excited to share that we have updated materials. This 13-week course offers help and support for the grieving. Each class is special and different. A $10 fee is for your personal workbook, which you will use in the program to help and guide you in your healing. Although you might not be able to attend each week, you are encouraged to do so. There is an open door policy, so new people can join at any given time. Sessions will be on consecutive Thursdays beginning March 2, 2017, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. Registration with our church is helpful for planning, but is not required (924-2460). This is an excellent program to help you on your journey from mourning to joy! For additional information about the program you can also check out the website at www.griefshare.org. We look forward to meeting you at First Christian Reformed Church and walking with you on your journey through this difficult time. God Bless you!

FUN FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY - Plan on attending our 2nd annual Chili Cook-Off on Saturday, March 4, at 12:30 p.m. in our Fellowship room. Bring your favorite chili for judging and prizes, or just come to taste them all and vote for the best. Prizes will be awarded in the following categories: Under age 20, male 20 and over, female 20 and over. After lunch, if there is snow, there will be a snow building contest. Please sign-up. Sign-up sheet is on the cabinet outside the Council room.

Prayer Needs & Praises

*Please pray for Burnetta Weaver as she was hospitalized this week for breathing issues.

*Remember in your prayers those who are unable to attend our worship services. This week we remember Lois Brookhouse and Bob Bultman; both are at the Medical Care Facility.