Twelfth GradeStudent:

Curriculum Based AssessmentSchool:



Key: Not Taught = leave space blank

Mastered = +

Not Mastered = -

Prepares and participates in such structureddiscussions as mock trials and other discussionsor presentations outside the classroom
Demonstrates critical, empathetic, and reflectivelistening skills to interpret, respond to, andevaluate speakers' messages
Writes clear sentences using various sentence structures, types, lengths for fluency and interest
Clearly, accurately elaborates ideas through vivid description, precise word cholce, selected details
Adapts content vocabulary, voice, and tone to audience, purpose, and situation
Demonstrates organization, unity, coherence by arranging paragraphs into a logical progression with appropriate transitions
Structures ideas and arguments in a sustained and persuasive way and support them with precise and relevant examples
Revises content of writing for central idea, elaboration, unity, and organization
Revises style of writing for selected vocabulary, selected information, sentence variety, tone, voice
Revises sentence formation in writing for completeness, coordination, subordination, standard word order, absence of fused sentences
Applies grammatical conventions for standard inflections, agreement, word meaning, and usage
Applies grammatical conventions for capitalization, punctuation, formatting, and spelling
Uses rhetorical strategies such as compare/contrast, argumentation/persuasion, cause/effect, and classification
Uses figurative language effectively with emphasis on extended metaphor
Connects background knowledge to recognize and analyze personal biases brought to a text with an emphasis on gender and national origin
Draws inferences from multiple selections and author's (including conclusions, generalizations, and predictions); supports them with text evidence
Summarizes and paraphrases complex structures in informational and literary texts, including relationships among concepts and details
Defends and justifies a position using concepts gained from reading
Evaluates credibility of information sources, including how motivation affects credibility
Recognizes and applies specialized vocabulary
Analyzes Greek, Latin, Anglo-Saxon and meaning and draw inferences
Summarizes, paraphrases, quotes relevant information
Reads, writes, compares, solves problems including numbers less than 1 in scientific notation
Converts between scientific notation and standard notation, including numbers from zero to one.
Compares, orders real numbers including irrational numbers; finds approximate place on number line
Uses addition, subtraction, multiplication, division properties of equality in two-step equations
Understands, applies inverse & identity properties
Applies order of operations to rational numbers
Computes multi-step problems w/ rational numbers
Solves multi-step problems using variousmethods, tools (objects, mental computation, etc.)
Applies factorization to find LCM and GCF of algebraic expressions
Solves real world percent problems including percent of increase or decrease
Finds the nth term in a pattern or a function table
Interprets and represents a two operation function as an algebraic equation
Solves and graphs two-step equations and inequalities with one variable
Solves, represents linear relationships concretely, using tables, graphs, equation and differentiates between independent/dependent variables
Represents simple exponential and/or quadratic functions using verbal descriptions, tables, graphs
Determines appropriate application of geometric ideas and relationships, such as congruence, similarity, and the Pythagorean theorem
Applies measurement skills with fluency to appropriate levels of precision
Computes probabilities of compound events
Uses the text features to locate and recall information, with emphasis on text organizers
Synthesizes information from multiple primary sources and secondary sources
Reads, utilizes functional/practical texts, including college catalogs, job applications, career guides
Uses reference materials including glossary, dictionary, thesaurus, and available technology to facilitate and extend learning.
Uses resources to determine meaning of technical and specialized vocabulary
Uses appropriate reference features and text features to access information effectively
Evaluates the credibility of authors and reliability of sources
Neatly and carefully completes work
Completes, returns homework in given time frame
Completes classroom assignments
Uses Agenda program