TV Press Service– CeBIT 2009

Information: 1. Films – 2. Footage – 3. Topics

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1. Up-to-date films for free
Format: Beta SP / Digi Beta (tape) –MPEG2 / Quicktime (download)
The world is on the move
CeBIT shows the direction to follow / Green IT is one of the hot topics at this year’s CeBIT. The “Green IT World” special display has been established in response to the need for greater energy efficiency in the industry. On some 2,500 square meters of floorspace, the show will feature leading companies and the most innovative solutions for green IT.
California – the cradle of the global IT industry – will be the PartnerState for CeBIT 2009. The region’s success story started back in 1951 with the foundation of the “StanfordIndustrial Park” right next to StanfordUniversity. Today, the area is known around the world as “Silicon Valley”. William Hewlett and David Packard founded their company there as early as 1939. Today, the companies in the Silicon Valley read like the “Who’s who” of the international IT industry.
Hall 8:green IT World;Hall 2: Partnerland Kalifornien
Film in German, script available in English
Where society and the Internet become one / Nobody wants to miss out on the Internet – whether at work, home or on the move. Today, 65 percent of people in Germany over the age of 14 are active web users. Ten years ago the figure was only 10 percent. Worldwide, the number of Internet users has risen to around 1.4 billion. A Webciety has been created – an interactive representation of society on the Internet. The Internet and interactive learning materials are becoming increasingly important for schools and studies. In the workplace, internationality means taking part in teleconferences and planning and implementing projects online. More than anything else, it is the way we communicate that has undergone a revolution. We now chat, blog, skype and messenger each other online. Business contacts are established on Xing and private contacts on Linkedin, Facebook and Bebo. We swap photos on Flickr, Picasa and Photobucket. Even the Pope is on YouTube. Webciety is made possible by ever widening bandwidths and the high-level of interaction built into applications – also known as Web 2.0.
Hall 6: Webciety Area
Film in German, script available in English
A world without computer viruses is like a world without criminality / Years ago, computer viruses were almost exclusively written and distributed by computer whiz kids looking for fame and honor among the Internet community. Today, criminals are writing the illegal programs to find out the passwords of PC users in order to access their online bank accounts or hack into their online shop accounts.
It is Moscow – a hotbed of hackers, viruses and worms – of all places that the antivirus software manufacturer Kaspersky is headquartered. Founder and head of the company is the eponymous Eugene Kaspersky. This unusual Russian leaves no stone unturned in his efforts to stay one step ahead of the virus creators.
Film in German, script available in English
The intelligent electricity meter
ENBW / You can only control your electricity consumption accurately if you know where and why that electricity is being used. To that end, the intelligent electricity meter measures the output of all electrical appliances in the home every two seconds – that includes everything from the fridge to the hi-fi and television.
The intelligent meter then uses the Internet to transfer the data to the EnBW data center. Software then evaluates the data before making it available to the consumer, online and accurate to the second. This detailed overview of the overall consumption and the consumption of each individual appliance allows the householder to determine exactly where electricity can be saved and to identify and replace those hidden power guzzlers.
Film in German, script available in English
New technologies for disaster management
AMFIS: Mobile platforms for supporting emergency response teams in disaster situations / In a disaster situation, the rescue services are under enormous time pressure and, as a result, they themselves are exposed to great danger. Often, insufficient information is available about the reality of the situation at the disaster site. In the future, new technologies are set to improve protection for the emergency teams and also aid a more rapid response at the site.
The film shows how various sensors installed on mobile land robots and flying robots can be used to assess the situation on the ground. The information collected on sources of danger, the extent of the destruction, hazardous substances, the existing infrastructure and potential obstacles are passed immediately to mobile control stations at the disaster site and are made available to the rescue team.
Film in German, script available in English
2. Footage for free
Format: Beta SP / Digi Beta (tape) -MPEG2 / Quicktime (download)
Partner country
California / California – the cradle of the global IT industry – will be the PartnerState for CeBIT 2009. The region’s success story started back in 1951 with the foundation of the “StanfordIndustrial Park” right next to StanfordUniversity. Today, the area is known around the world as “Silicon Valley”.
- ImpressionsGolden Gate, San Francisco
- Impressions Silicon Valley, Palo Alto
- Impressions aquarium and coast
Hall 2: Partner country California
The energy efficient data center
Rittal / Footage: The energy efficient data center
- Infrastructureof a data center
- Operational hardware for data centers
- Controling software, climatisation
- Pictures„DeutscherWetterdienst“,intelligent cooling
- Picturessoftware and hardware development,
- Pictures „BioRack“ (switch cabinetfrom bio material)
- Interview: Helmut Binder, CEO IT, Rittal GmbH & Co KG, subject: Green IT for data centers
Hall 12, Stand B 26
AVM / The new FRITZ!Box is being unveiled at CeBIT. In addition to the familiar functions such as telephone system,fax machine,DECT station,DSL modem, router and answer machine, the new FRITZ!Box 7390 also comes with 2 gigabytes of internal memory. As a result, voice and fax messages, photos and music can all be accessed from the entire network. The device has become a multimedia network memory. And the system’s internal memory can also be expanded using USB memory sticks and external hard drives.
FRITZ! Mini is the ideal companion to the FRITZ!Box. This W-Lan handheld device allows users to access and organize music, Internet services and Internet telephony from anywhere in the home. Users can also read e-mails and RSS feeds and listen to Internet radio and podcasts.
Hall 13, Stand C48
Footage + statements Software AG / General company footage:
- Flags, buildings, employees (Training and Development departments), products
- CEO Karl-Heinz Streibich
- CFO Arnd Zinnhardt
Hall 4, Stand A12
The new Intel processors / Intel Core i7 Processor
- Fastest-ever Intel CPU
- Equipped with four processor cores
- High performance and innovative energy-saving functions
The chip employs the new Intel® Core™ micro-architecture (code name: Nehalem).
HD quality with Centrino 2
Notebooks based on Intel® Centrino® 2 processor technology: The home entertainment system that combines HD films, music, photos and games in a single laptop.
Virtual tour through Intel’s 45nm factory
- Virtual tour through Intel’s factories
- See the different levels, floors and the individual manufacturing steps. These factories are among the cleanest in the world and so large that 17 soccer fields could fit inside.
Processors with Intel’s 45nm transistor
- Smaller, faster, more energy-efficient
The new Intel® Core™ 2 Extreme quad-core processor with hafnium-infused chip design is produced using the 45nm high-k/metal gate manufacturing process.
Pavillon P33
Computers on four wheels
BMW / “Electrics, electronics and software are on their way to becoming the No. 1 driving force behind innovation and are making up an ever larger share of the value of an automobile” (Dr. Klaus Draeger, BMW). Today, almost 100 chips are in action in premium vehicles. They optimize fuel consumption, control hybrid technology and increase safety. With assistance from thermal imaging cameras, they also make night driving safer, control braking pressure in dangerous situations and deliver a level of entertainment electronics previously only available in the home. At CeBIT, BMW will be demonstrating the further benefits of driver assistance systems and explaining what role they will play in the cars of the future.
Hall 26, Stand A70
Web host Strato’s
Green IT / In 2008, data centers in Germany alone consumed 10.1 terawatt-hours, equivalent to power from four coal-fired power stations. This is not only expensive – it also has an environmental impact. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that Strato – Europe’s second-largest web host – is committed to renewable energy and energy-saving technology. Even with an expanding customer base, Strato has been able to cut energy consumption per customer by 30%. A sustainable data center is only made possible through the interplay of energy-efficient hardware, optimized software and energy-efficient air-conditioning and building technology management.
Hall 8, green IT World
3. Free Topic Packages(Story,interview partners, location)
Format: Word.doc / PDF
Main topic:GreenIT
1 / Green IT
The IT industry goes green / The Internet racks up an annual power bill of around 7.2 billion U.S. dollars – and it’s increasing all the time! The power consumed by the World Wide Web doubled in the period between 2000 and 2005 alone. Worldwide, around 14 to 20 large-scale power plants (1,000 MW) are operating solely for Internet servers. As the power consumption of the Internet rockets, so too does the associated impact on the environment. The power consumed by the net infrastructure is responsible for more CO2 emissions than air traffic across the globe.
It is absolutely essential that computer technology and infrastructures become greener and more energy efficient. There are two primary methods of achieving this, each of which complements the other. “Green with IT” represents the trend towards efficiency in electronics – that means more computing power per watt of electricity used. With “Green through IT”, energy-intensive hardware is replaced by software and intelligent energy management.
1.1 / The energy efficient data center / Films and Web 2.0 applications have caused an explosion in the amount of data being transferred on the Internet. This demands an increase in the number and speed of servers. Yet, at the same time, energy costs are rising significantly. It is no longer acceptable for data centers to expend only around half of their energy consumption on computing power. The remaining 50% is accounted for by air conditioning and direct cooling of the processors.
On a space of over 1,700 square meters at CeBIT, Rittal will be presenting products, solutions and services geared towards increasing the energy efficiency and cutting the cost of data centers. These include software solutions developed in cooperation with Microsoft. Here, visitors can find out exactly what lies behind the words that are on everyone’s lips – green IT, consolidation and virtualization.
1.2 / GreenIT@home
Quiet, energy-saving computer for the home / The vision for computers of the future – 0 watts, 0 decibels, 100% recyclable.
Today, only 15 percent of a computer is recyclable and that has to change, because 20 million desktop computers are assigned to the scrapheap each year in the U.S. alone. Working on the principle that only active processes should consume electricity, Fujitsu-Siemens will be using CeBIT as an opportunity to showcase the first computer – plus monitor – that really consumes 0watts in standby mode. Manufacturers are picking up on the trend. For example, Intel's office server emits only 30 dB during operation, which is equivalent to the noise level of a quiet room. Christmann achieves top efficiency ratings by limiting its systems to essential functions.
1.3 / The ecological con-sequences of efficient action / For the IT sector, energy efficiency and sustainable economic development will be among the most important challenges of the coming years. Major providers such as Nokia Siemens Networks are working to ensure that the connections made behind the scenes of Webciety run smoothly, and they are doing so in the most cost-effective and environmentally sound way possible. Companies today look at their products and services in terms of their whole life cycle – from manufacture, right through the period of use and all the way up to disposal. In this way, a reliable database covering the raw materials used and the energy expenditure of a product is created; its 'ecological footprint'. Computer manufacturer Fujitsu-Siemens has introduced a strict 'GreenIT' label system for its products – a challenge the whole of the IT sector still has to face.
Main topic: Webciety
2 / Webciety
Where society and the Internet come together / The Internet is synonymous with e-mail, searching for information, chatting, sharing images and videos, shopping and checking your bank account. For many people, it’s now impossible to imagine life without the “net”. Indeed, things are moving so fast that it won’t be long before some tasks can only be carried out online. Society may be responsible for the ongoing development of the Internet, but the Internet is also exerting an increasing influence on society A new term has been coined to describe this influence – “Webciety”.
CeBIT is using its Webciety Area to bring this term to life using a network of colored lights with LED screens placed at the points where the lights intersect.
2.1 / Digital elections
Chasing voters on the Internet / Barack Obama’s success in the U.S. elections is due not least to his effective use of one medium – the Internet. In an exemplary campaign, his election team succeeded in reaching Joe Q. Public over the Internet and collecting donations amounting to millions in support of his election campaign. Germany is going to the polls in 2009, and the parties are already in the starting blocks. Reaching out to voters via the Web will play a key role in the parties' political campaign management. Will the Bundestag elections in 2009 be decided by the parties’ interactive websites and videos on YouTube etc.?
2.2 / Online computing
Cloud computing replaces the high-performance computer / Ultra sophisticated computers may soon be a thing of the past as far as everyday users are concerned. The new buzz word is “cloud computing”. The computer will become a dogsbody for data centers that hold both data and programs centrally. A small computer with an Internet connection will issue “work orders” for the data center. This could also lead to television taking on web-based entertainment functions in the not-too-distant future. And, while users are on the move, small notebooks or cellphones could dip into the brave new cloud world. Microsoft alone is already investing in 20 gigantic data centers. Potential competitors include Google and Yahoo, which have been offering webspace online for years, sometimes with editing software.
2.3 / eLearning
Flexible learning – for life / Lifelong learning is an absolute must in today’s knowledge and information society. Nevertheless, the form this learning takes and the goals it aims to achieve are undergoing immense changes as time goes on. eLearning is flexible – it is not restricted by location or time, yet it provides a customized service and complements traditional forms of learning perfectly. Classmate PCs and the virtual classroom are a valuable addition to teaching in schools. Students form online study groups and can have their progress assessed using an ePortfolio. Meanwhile, the professional world is discovering the potential of Web 2.0. Serious games, mobile microlearning and virtual environments are being used to prepare managers and staff for the tasks that lie ahead of them. And then we hit retirement – but things don’t stop there! In the future, eLearning could provide older people with the opportunity to remain independent for longer and maintain a healthy level of social interaction.
3 / Main topic:eHealth / telemedicine
3.1 / eHealth / In certain cases, treatment, care, aftercare, communication between doctor and patient and communication between doctors can be carried out electronically. Telemedicine saves both time and money. It means the patient doesn’t have to come into the practice for each appointment and, in the case of referrals, they needn’t even go through an endless series of examinations. As a result, specialists can be “on the spot” anywhere at all – and that’s an important consideration, particularly when it comes to the provision of medical care in rural areas. Whether through the use of medical sensors, intelligent networking or digital storage, healthcare is going to undergo radical changes in the future. However, bringing the digital world into the world of healthcare throws up some familiar problems – namely data protection and monitoring issues.