Matrix Classification:
  • Country: Portugal
  • Environmental Objective(s): Generic/ Broad spectrum
  • Type(s) of Measure: Payments based on farm fixed assets

Policy /

Modernisation and diversification of farms – Support to environmental farm investment (Measure 1 - AGRO)

Agency / AGRO/Financial Institute to Support Agricultural and Fisheries Development (IFADAP)
Relevant Legislation / Link to relevant legislation (in Portuguese only):

Overall Objective / Modernisation of farms including environmental management.
Delivery Mechanism / Payment of investment cost (35% or 55% according to the kind of investment and localisation) for investments improving environmental performance of farming
When Applied / 2000-2006 (started in 1986)
Coverage/Eligibility / Continent
Voluntary participation
Eligibility: new young farmers (for other farmers these payments are available only when there is a change of dimension of the activity).
Costs / ???
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated / Monitoring – implementation data
Evaluation–Link to the EC website concerning the Monitoring and Evaluation of Rural development programmes (in EU languages):
Source/Further Information / Link to the specific website of the Portuguese Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries (in Portuguese only):


Matrix Classification:
  • Country: Portugal
  • Environmental Objective(s): Generic/Broad spectrum
  • Type(s) of Measure: Payments based on farm fixed assets

Policy /

Diversification of small farms (Action 1 - AGRIS)

Agency / Regional Direction of Agriculture (DRAgricultura)
Relevant Legislation / Link to relevant legislation (in Portuguese only):

Overall Objective / Improve farm income and environmental performance.
Delivery Mechanism / Payment for investment cost (40% or 50% according to localisation) for investments improving environmental performance on small farms
When Applied / 2000-2006 (started in 1986)
Coverage/Eligibility / Continent
Voluntary participation
Small farms (less than 6 UED)
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated / Monitoring – implementation data
Evaluation - Link to the EC website concerning the Monitoring and Evaluation of Rural development programmes (in EU languages):
Source/Further Information / Link to the specific website of the Portuguese Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries (in Portuguese only):


Matrix Classification:
  • Country: Portugal
  • Environmental Objective(s): Reduce water pollution
  • Type(s) of Measure: Payments based on farm fixed assets

Policy /

Environment and natural resources conservation (AGRIS Action 7, Sub-Action 7.2)

Agency / Regional Direction of Agriculture (DRAgricultura)
Relevant Legislation / Link to relevant legislation (in Portuguese only):

Overall Objective / Improvement of waste and effluent management from livestock farms and agro-industry units through collective integrated schemes
Delivery Mechanism / Payment for investment costs (100%).
When Applied / 2000-2006
Coverage/Eligibility / Continent
Voluntary participation
Collective interventions.
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated / Monitoring – implementation data
Evaluation - Link to the EC website concerning the Monitoring and Evaluation of Rural development programmes (in EU languages):
Source/Further Information / Link to the specific website of the Portuguese Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries (in Portuguese only):


Matrix Classification:
  • Country: Portugal
  • Environmental Objective(s): Landscape
  • Type(s) of Measure: Payments based on farm fixed assets

Policy /

Rehabilitation and valorisation of heritage, landscape and villages in rural areas (AGRIS Action 7, Sub-Action 7.1)

Agency / Regional Direction of Agriculture (DRAgricultura)
Relevant Legislation / Link to relevant legislation (in Portuguese only):

Overall Objective / Rehabilitation of rural traditional buildings, preservation and landscape improvement of rural areas and agro-forestry places for recreational and pedagogic proposes related with rural activity.
Delivery Mechanism / Payment for investment costs (50% up to a limit of 25000 euros for each beneficiary)
When Applied / 2000-2006
Coverage/Eligibility / Continent
Voluntary participation
Eligibility – Collective projects on rural areas with particular characteristics in areas with population below 2000 people
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated / Monitoring – implementation data
Evaluation - Link to the EC website concerning the Monitoring and Evaluation of Rural development programmes (in EU languages):
Source/Further Information / Link to the specific website of the Portuguese Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries (in Portuguese only):


Matrix Classification:
  • Country: Portugal
  • Environmental Objective(s): Water resources
  • Type(s) of Measure: Payments based on farm fixed assets

Policy /

Improvement of traditional irrigation schemes (AGRIS Action 5, Sub-Action 5.1)

Agency / Regional Direction of Agriculture (DRAgricultura)
Relevant Legislation / Link to relevant legislation (in Portuguese only):

Overall Objective / Improvement of irrigation management in traditional schemes leading to more efficient water use.
Delivery Mechanism / Payment of investment costs (100% )
When Applied / 2000-2006 (started in 1986)
Coverage/Eligibility / Continent
Voluntary participation
Small traditional irrigation schemes
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated / Monitoring – implementation data
Evaluation - Link to the EC website concerning the Monitoring and Evaluation of Rural development programmes (in EU languages):
Source/Further Information / Link to the specific website of the Portuguese Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries (in Portuguese only):


Matrix Classification:
  • Country: Portugal
  • Environmental Objective(s): Water resources
  • Type(s) of Measure: Payments based on farm fixed assets

Policy /

Rehabilitation and modernisation of state built irrigation schemes(AGRIS Action 5, Sub-Action 5.2)

Agency / Regional Direction of Agriculture (DRAgricultura)
Relevant Legislation / Link to relevant legislation (in Portuguese only):

Overall Objective / Improvement of irrigation management in state built irrigation schemes.
Delivery Mechanism / Payment of investment costs (100% )
When Applied / 2000-2006 (started in 1986)
Coverage/Eligibility / Continent
Voluntary participation
Farmers, Irrigation Associations and others
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated / Monitoring – implementation data
Evaluation - Link to the EC website concerning the Monitoring and Evaluation of Rural development programmes (in EU languages):
Source/Further Information / Link to the specific website of the Portuguese Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries (in Portuguese only):


Matrix Classification:
  • Country: Portugal
  • Environmental Objective(s): Biodiversity
  • Type(s) of Measure: Payments based on farm fixed assets

Policy /

Protecting local breeds (Group V - Agri-environmental Measures RURIS)

Agency / Financial Institute to Support Agricultural and Fisheries Development (IFADAP); National Institute of Agricultural Guarantee (INGA)
Relevant Legislation / Link to relevant legislation (in Portuguese only):

Overall Objective / Preservation of genetic diversity of livestock
Delivery Mechanism / Payment per livestock unit for specific local breeds (84 – 139 €)
When Applied / 2000-2006 (started in 1995)
Coverage/Eligibility / Continent
Bovine - Cachena e Garvonesa, Barrosã, Maronesa, Mirandesa, Arouquesa, Bovina Preta, Marinhoa, Mertolenga , Minhota e Alentejana
Sheep - Churra Algarvia, Galega Brangançana, Merina Preta, Saloia, Mondegueira, Campaniça, Galega Mirandesa, Churra Badana, Merino da Beira Baixa e Bordaleira de Entre Douro e Minho
Goats - Bravia, Charnequeira, Algarvia e Serpentina.
Horses - Sorraia Lusitano, Garrano
Pigs - Bísara ,Alentejano
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated / Monitoring – implementation data
Evaluation - Link to the EC website concerning the Monitoring and Evaluation of Rural development programmes (in EU languages):
Source/Further Information / Link to the specific website of the Portuguese Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries (in Portuguese only):


Matrix Classification:
  • Country: Portugal
  • Environmental Objective(s): Soil quality, Water resources, Landscape
  • Type(s) of Measure: Payments based on land retirement

Policy /

Afforestation of agricultural land (RURIS)

Agency / Financial Institute to Support Agricultural and Fisheries Development (IFADAP); National Institute of Agricultural Guarantee (INGA)
Relevant Legislation
Overall Objective / Afforestation of marginal agricultural land in order to prevent desertification by improving soil fertility, hydrological regularisation and establishment of environment adequate woodlands
Delivery Mechanism / Payments covering 50% to 100% of afforestation cost
Compensation payment to farmers for income losses
Payment for maintenance costs.
Targets / 140000 ha of UAAto be transformed in new woodland
25% of SAU with high risk of desertification
75% of new woodlands to be coniferous
Farmers - 75% of the beneficiaries
Collective areas - 10%
When Applied / 2000-2006 (a similar programme was in place in 1994/1999)
Coverage/Eligibility / Continental land
Voluntary participation;
Eligibility: farmers, local communities with collective land, public administration and other owners of agricultural lands
Costs / Public Budget – €63600 million (per year)
EU - €47700 million
Private– €11509 million
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated / Monitoring – implementation data
Evaluation - Link to the EC website concerning the Monitoring and Evaluation of Rural development programmes (in EU languages):
Source/Further Information


Matrix Classification:
  • Country: Portugal
  • Environmental Objective(s): Water resources
  • Type(s) of Measure: Payment based on farming practices

Policy /

Integrated Pest Control and Integrated Production (GroupI - Agri-environmental Measures RURIS)

Agency / Financial Institute to Support Agricultural and Fisheries Development (IFADAP); National Institute of Agricultural Guarantee (INGA)
Relevant Legislation / Link to relevant legislation (in Portuguese only):

Overall Objective / Protection of water quality
Delivery Mechanism / Integrated pest control – payment 59 – 500 €/ha
Integrated protection – payment 71 – 500 €/ha
The payments per hectare are fixed for specific crops according to the level of incomes and/or production costs. The Integrated Production requirements are fixes specifically for each specific crop (e.g. olive trees, horticulture crops). The beneficiary must comply with the requirements such as integrated pest management, soil protection, specific fertilisation and water use rules, etc..
When Applied / 2000-2006 (started in 1995)
Coverage/Eligibility / Continent
Voluntary participation
Farmers practising Integrated Pest Control and/or Integrated Production
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated / Monitoring – implementation data
Evaluation– Link to the EC website concerning the Monitoring and Evaluation of Rural development programmes (in EU languages):
Source/Further Information / Link to the specific website of the Portuguese Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries (in Portuguese only):


Matrix Classification:
  • Country: Portugal
  • Environmental Objective(s): Organic farming
  • Type(s) of Measure: Payment based on farming practices

Policy /

Organic farming (Group I - Agri-environmental Measures RURIS)

Agency / Financial Institute to Support Agricultural and Fisheries Development (IFADAP); National Institute of Agricultural Guarantee (INGA)
Relevant Legislation / Link to relevant legislation (in Portuguese only):

Overall Objective / Protection of the resource base used by agriculture
Delivery Mechanism / Payment 76 – 625 €/ha
The payments are differentiated by crop and farm size. For livestock the payments are provided per hectare of organic pasture land
When Applied / 2000-2006 (started in 1995)
Coverage/Eligibility / Continent
Voluntary participation
Participation/Results / In 2001: 983 farms on 70857 hectares
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated / Monitoring – implementation data
Evaluation - Link to the EC website concerning the Monitoring and Evaluation of Rural development programmes (in EU languages):
Source/Further Information / Link to the specific website of the Portuguese Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries (in Portuguese only):


Matrix Classification:
  • Country: Portugal
  • Environmental Objective(s): Soil quality
  • Type(s) of Measure: Payments based on farming practices

Policy /

Direct seeding, minimum tillage, cover of inter-row and extensive forage systems (Group I - Agri-environmental Measures RURIS)

Agency / Financial Institute to Support Agricultural and Fisheries Development (IFADAP); National Institute of Agricultural Guarantee (INGA)
Relevant Legislation / Link to relevant legislation (in Portuguese only):

Overall Objective / Soil erosion control
Delivery Mechanism / Payments per hectare for specific practices preventing soil erosion:
Direct seeding(18 – 75 €/ha)
Minimum tillage (10 – 69 €/ha)
Cover of inter-row (42 – 104 €/ha)
Extensive forage systems (44 – 109€/ha)
When Applied / 2000-2006 (Extensive forage systems started – 1995)
Coverage/Eligibility / Continent (Extensive forage systems is regional)
Voluntary participation
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated / Monitoring – implementation data
Evaluation - Link to the EC website concerning the Monitoring and Evaluation of Rural development programmes (in EU languages):
Source/Further Information / Link to the specific website of the Portuguese Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries (in Portuguese only):


Matrix Classification:
  • Country: Portugal
  • Environmental Objective(s): Landscape
  • Type(s) of Measure: Payments based on farming practices

Policy /

Douro terraced vineyards, Traditional horticulture in the South and Vineyard system of Colares (Group II - Agri-environmental Measures RURIS)

Agency / Financial Institute to Support Agricultural and Fisheries Development (IFADAP); National Institute of Agricultural Guarantee (INGA)
Relevant Legislation / Link to relevant legislation (in Portuguese only):

Overall Objective / Landscape maintenance
Delivery Mechanism / Payments per hectare for traditional methods of vine production and horticulture:
Douroterraced vineyards(75 – 374 €/ha)
Traditional horticulture in the South (238 – 397 €/ha)
Vineyard system of Colares(420 – 525 €/ha)
When Applied / 2000-2006 (started: Douroterraced vineyards in 1995, the others in 1999)
Coverage/Eligibility / Local
Voluntary participation
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated / Monitoring – implementation data
Evaluation - Link to the EC website concerning the Monitoring and Evaluation of Rural development programmes (in EU languages):
Source/Further Information / Link to the specific website of the Portuguese Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries (in Portuguese only):


Matrix Classification:
  • Country: Portugal
  • Environmental Objective(s): Landscape, Biodiversity
  • Type(s) of Measure: Payments based on farming practices

Policy / Polycultural traditional system, Montado, Lameiros and other grassland, traditional olive orchards, traditional fruit orchards and Castro Verde Scheme (Group III - Agri-environmental Measures RURIS)
Agency / Financial Institute to Support Agricultural and Fisheries Development (IFADAP); National Institute of Agricultural Guarantee (INGA)
Relevant Legislation / Link to relevant legislation (in Portuguese only):

Overall Objective / Preserve agriculture habitats of high natural value
Castro Verde scheme – maintenance of extensive cereal farming for otis tarda protection
Delivery Mechanism / Payments per hectare of traditional farming methods:
Polycultural traditional system (135 – 226 €/ha)
Montado(19 – 94 €/ha
Lameiros and other grassland (67 – 220 €/ha)
Traditional olive orchards (78 – 131 €/ha)
Traditional fruit orchards (65 – 109 €/ha)
Castro Verde Scheme(22 – 108 €/ha)
When Applied / 2000-2006 (started in 1995)
Coverage/Eligibility / Regional
Voluntary participation
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated / Monitoring – implementation data
Evaluation - Link to the EC website concerning the Monitoring and Evaluation of Rural development programmes (in EU languages):
Source/Further Information / Link to the specific website of the Portuguese Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries (in Portuguese only):


Matrix Classification:
  • Country: Portugal
  • Environmental Objective(s): Landscape, Biodiversity
  • Type(s) of Measure: Payments based on farming practices

Policy /

Preservation of bosquets and rice fields (Group IV - Agri-environmental Measures RURIS)

Agency / Financial Institute to Support Agricultural and Fisheries Development (IFADAP); National Institute of Agricultural Guarantee (INGA)
Relevant Legislation / Link to relevant legislation (in Portuguese only):

Overall Objective / Preserve natural ecosystems on agriculture area
Delivery Mechanism / Payments per hectare:
Preservation of bosquet (75 – 195 €/ha)
Rice fields (73 – 122 €/ha)
When Applied / 2000-2006 (started: Preservation of bosquets – 1994, Rice field - 2000)
Coverage/Eligibility / Bosquets – continent; Rice fields – local
Voluntary participation
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated / Monitoring – implementation data
Evaluation - Link to the EC website concerning the Monitoring and Evaluation of Rural development programmes (in EU languages):
Source/Further Information / Link to the specific website of the Portuguese Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries (in Portuguese only):


Matrix Classification:
  • Country: Portugal
  • Environmental Objective(s): Generic/Broad spectrum; Landscape
  • Type(s) of Measure: Technical assistance/ Extension

Policy /

Agro-rural services (AGRO – Measure 10)

Agency / Financial Institute to Support Agricultural and Fisheries Development (IFADAP); General Direction of Rural Development(DGDR)
Relevant Legislation / Link to relevant legislation (in Portuguese only):

Overall Objective / Development of agro-rural services at national level aiming, among other objectives, environment protection and agricultural landscape maintenance
Delivery Mechanism / Payment for the cost of service delivery (45% or 65%, according to quality) with a maximum level
When Applied / 2000-2006
Coverage/Eligibility / Continent
Voluntary participation
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated / Monitoring – implementation data
Evaluation - Link to the EC website concerning the Monitoring and Evaluation of Rural development programmes (in EU languages):
Source/Further Information / Link to the specific website of the Portuguese Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries (in Portuguese only):


Matrix Classification:
  • Country: Portugal
  • Environmental Objective(s): Generic/Broad spectrum; Landscape
  • Type(s) of Measure: Technical assistance/ Extension

Policy /

Development of other services to agriculture (AGRIS – Action 4.2)

Agency / Regional Direction of Agriculture (DRAgricultura)
Financial Institute to Support Agricultural and Fisheries Development (IFADAP)
Relevant Legislation / Link to relevant legislation (in Portuguese only):

Overall Objective / Development of regional and local agro-rural services aiming among other objectives environment protection and agricultural landscape maintenance
Delivery Mechanism / Payment for the cost of service delivery (45% or 65%, according to quality) with a maximum level
When Applied / 2000-2006
Coverage/Eligibility / Regional, local
Voluntary participation
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated / Monitoring – implementation data
Evaluation - Link to the EC website concerning the Monitoring and Evaluation of Rural development programmes (in EU languages):
Source/Further Information / Link to the specific website of the Portuguese Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries (in Portuguese only):


Matrix Classification:
  • Country: Portugal
  • Environmental Objective(s): Water resources
  • Type(s) of Measure: Technical assistance/ Extension; Research/Education

Policy / Irrigation centre (COTR)
Agency / COTR
Relevant Legislation
Overall Objective / Improve rural development through improved irrigation management.
Delivery Mechanism / Training, technical advice, research and dissemination
When Applied / 2000-2006
Coverage/Eligibility / Continent
Voluntary participation
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated
Source/Further Information


Matrix Classification:
  • Country: Portugal
  • Environmental Objective(s): Soil quality, Reduce water pollution
  • Type(s) of Measure: Technical assistance/ Extension; Research/Education; Inspection/Control

Policy / Risk and environmental impact reduction in the use of pesticides
(AGRO Measure 8 Action 8.2)
Agency / Financial Institute to Support the Agriculture and Fisheries Development (IFADAP) and General Direction of Crop Protection (DGPC)
Relevant Legislation / Link to relevant legislation (in Portuguese only):

Overall Objective / Prevent water and soil pollution with pesticides
Delivery Mechanism / Risk reduction on the use – training and equipment
Risk reduction on commercialisation- training and modernisation of selling structures
Capacity building on pesticides residues monitoring
Improvement of the national warning service on pest control
Payment of 70% - 100% of eligible expenses
When Applied / 2000-2006
Coverage/Eligibility / Continent
Voluntary participation
How Programme is Monitored/Evaluated
Source/Further Information / Link to the specific website of the Portuguese Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries (in Portuguese only):


Matrix Classification:
  • Country: Portugal
  • Environmental Objective(s): Generic/Broad based
  • Type(s) of Measure: Cross compliance mechanism

Policy /

Good agricultural and forestry practices