Tutorial questions March 2015
- Justify the need for diagnostic, technical and human skills by managers at all levels in an organization.
- Citing practical examples assess the notion that Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is not relevant to the current Zimbabwean work environment.
- If money is removed as an incentive people are not going to show up for work. Therefore money is a major motivator for most working people. Discuss.
- Henry Fayol believed that management is a skill that could be learnt or taught. Identify and explain in detail the principles of management he developed in relation to the above statement.
- Critique Max Weber’s classical bureaucracy management theory from a 21st century Zimbabwean manager’s point of view.
- In his two factor theory, Herzberg concluded that the opposite of satisfaction is not dissatisfaction. Argue a case for his conclusion basing on the theory.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of any management theory in use by an established organisation of your choice.
- Planning in a turbulent environment is a waste of time. Discuss.
- Describe in detail the PEST and SWOT factors that impact on the work of today’s manager in Zimbabwe.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of an established matrix designed Zimbabwean organisation you are familiar with.
- Most managers fail to delegate for fear of losing accountability. Discuss
- “All conflict is bad, must be avoided at all cost as it shows a manager’s failure to solve problems within a group.” Adapted from Stoner J. A. Comment on this statement in light of the other views of conflict.
- Discuss the notion that top management’s leadershipstyles play a critical role in encouraging ethical behaviour in business organisations.
- Control of any kind should target lower level employees since they are responsible for decision implementation. Discuss.
- Describe the key stages in the control process and discuss the characteristics of an effective control system.
- Decision making is the essence of a manager’s job, it is synonymous with managing. Discuss.
- Critically analyse the notion that ethics may defy the business objective of profit making.
- Corporate Social Responsibility is nothing but a marketing gimmick. discuss
- Most organisations in Zimbabwe engage themselves in Social Responsibility. Of what benefit is social responsibility to these organisations?
- Changes are organizational realities; explain in detail how a modern manager can keep abreast with changes within and outside their organizations. Suggest any 5 techniques that can be used to assess the probable impact of change in any organization of your choice.
- The Directors of an upcoming family business are in a dilemma whether to put aside resources to change the business environment to suit their organization or change themselves to suit the environment. Advise