Chemical messengers secreted by endocrine glands. Hormones travel through the blood and control the function of cells elsewhere in the body
Steroid hormones
· made from cholesterol
· soluble in fat
· examples: male and female sex
hormones, cortisol
How they work…
1. Steroid hormone diffuses capillaries à interstitial fluid à target cells
2. Hormone binds with receptor cells in cytoplasm which create hormone-receptor complex.
3. Hormone-receptor complex moves into nucleus.
4. Hormone-receptor complex attaches to segment of chromatin with complimentary shape.
5. Hormone activates gene.
6. Gene sends message to ribosomes (in cytoplasm) to begin producing a specific protein. / Protein hormones
§ made up of chains of amino acids
§ soluble in water
§ examples: insulin, growth hormone
How they work…
1. Protein hormone binds with receptor on cell membrane, creating hormone-receptor complex.
2. The creation of the hormone-receptor complex activates the production of the enzyme adenylyl cyclase.
3. Adenylyl cyclase causes cell to convert ATP* (adenosine triphosphate) into cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate).
4. cAMP works as a messenger and activates enzymes in the cytoplasm to carry out their normal functions.
*ATP is the primary source of energy for the cell.