Poll №2: «Migration potential of youth»
2162 U-reporters aged 14-35 and older yearsparticipated in this poll.
Total number of respondents is 2110 aged 14-34.
The small age group 35 and older (52 people)was excluded from the analysis. The answers
U-reporters who did not indicate their gender, age and region of residence were also excluded from the analysis unless they have significant differences in their answers to those who indicated their gender, age and region.
Percentage of answers isgiven among those who answered to a question.
The purpose of the poll is torevealthe readiness of young people for migration, determine the level of patriotism, as well as the readiness of young people for integration and to define the level of tolerance to other nations, ethnic groups.
"Having a choice, I would prefer to live in Ukraine rather than in any other country in the world"
Accordingtotheresults of poll, 38% of U-reporters, iftheyhaveachoice, wouldprefer toliveinUkraine, rather thaninanyothercountryintheworld. Thesameproportionofrespondents (38%) would notprefer toliveinUkraine, havingtheopportunitytogoabroadforpermanentresidence. Everyfourth U-reporterundecidedonthisissue.
There are more patriotic-minded U-reporters among men and adolescents aged to 14 years than among women and other age groups. Youth of 20-24 years, compared with other age groups, more supports the idea of living abroad if such opportunities occur. (Рiс.1).
Рiс. 1. Proportion of U-reporters who answered to the question about the choosing the country of residence, by gender and age, %(N=2110)
According to the regional distribution, the biggest number of patriots among residents of Northern and Eastern parts of Ukraine. Compared with other regions, youth from Central and Western regionsmore supports the idea of traveling abroad for permanent residence. (Рiс.2).
Pic. 2. Proportion of U-reporters who answered to the question about choosing the country of residence, by region, %(N=2110)
"Should Ukraine open their borders to refugees from other countries?"
Most U-reporters (64%) donotsupporttheideathatUkraineshouldopentheirborderstorefugeesfromothercountries. EverythirdU-reporter agreeswiththatstatement. There are no differencesinanswerstothisquestionby gender. Moreradicaltothat statement isyouthaged 20-24, andmoreloyal – teensof 14 years and younger(Рiс.3).
Pic. 3. Proportion of U-reporters who answered to the question about opening the borders by Ukraine to refugees from other countries, by age, %(N=1983)
U-reportersfromWesternUkraineandthecapitalincomparisonwithotherrepresentativesofmacroregions less supporttheideaofopeningborderstorefugees. Youth from SouthernandCentralregionsis more loyaltothisissue(рiс.4).
Рiс. 4. Proportion of U-reporters who answered to the question about opening the borders by Ukraine to refugees from other countries, by region, % (N=1983)