Columbia Christians for Life
P.O. Box 50358, Columbia, S.C. 29250 * (803) 765-0916 *
“… I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18
Friday, December 22, 2006
For further information: contact Steve Lefemine, (ph.) 803-765-0916;
Governor Sanford plans Inaugural Prayer Service
in Pro-sodomite Episcopal Church's Building
In spite of repeated requests for a change in venue, South Carolina Republican Governor Mark Sanford
is reportedly still moving ahead with plans to hold his Inaugural Prayer Service in the cathedral building of
pro-sodomite Trinity Episcopal "Church" on January 10, 2007. This is Sanford's second 4-year term of office.
Letter to SC Governor Mark Sanford, Re: Jan. 10, 2007 Inaugural Prayer Service - Dec. 20, 2006
Letter to SC Governor Mark Sanford, Re: Jan. 10, 2007 Inaugural Prayer Service - Dec. 15, 2006
(both letters are available on-line at click on "News")
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral's lead cleric, Dr. Phil Linder, has openly and publicly expressed his apostate,
pro-sodomite beliefs in an Op-ed printed in Columbia's daily newspaper: "… we believe in the full inclusion
of gays, lesbians and women within the life of the Episcopal Church." (The State, 7/6/06). According to the Executive Director of Governor Sanford's Inaugural Committee, Dr. Linder is scheduled to give a "Welcome"
message to the assembled attendees at the Inaugural Prayer Service on January 10 at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral.
It is shameful to so honor such a cleric whom Jesus Christ would call a wolf in "sheep's clothing" (Matthew 7:15).
Op-ed article by Dr. Phil Linder, Dean of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, "Debate over the soul of the Episcopal Church,"
The State (Columbia, SC), July 6, 2006 ()
Trinity Episcopal "Church" has an unrepentant, openly homosexual man (Doak Wolfe) on the "Trinity Staff" () as their "Assistant Organist & Choirmaster." While Doak Wolfe will reportedly not be personally involved with the presentation of the music or singing at the Governor's Inaugural Prayer Service,
it is apparent that Mr. Wolfe's homosexual behavior is known and accepted by Dr. Phil Linder and the leadership
at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral. In an article in the pro-sodomite Columbia weekly newspaper, the Free Times, homosexual Doak Wolfe and his partner in sodomy, Gordon Smith (a professor at the University of SC), were reported to "wear wedding rings; they exchanged vows in a private ceremony…" Free Times, Oct. 11-17, 2006.
Article from the Free Times, "Real People, Real Pain - Proposed Amendment Major Setback to Gay Equality,"
by Dan Cook, October 11-17, 2006 issue (
All this with a backdrop that Mark Sanford is Governor of a state which codifies sodomy as a state felony under the SC Code of Laws (SECTION 16-15-120, condemning acts of sodomy as an
"abominable crime," and requiring those convicted to register with the Sex offender registry (SECTION 23-3-430).
Furthermore, the people of South Carolina, voting in a referendum Nov. 8th, just approved an amendment to the
SC State Constitution defending Biblical marriage (Genesis 2:18-25) by a vote of over 77% in favor of passage.
Sodomy is a Crime. It is a Crime: 1) Against the Laws of God (e.g., Leviticus 18:22; Romans 1:26,27; and
1 Corinthians 6:9,10), and 2) Against the Laws of Nature, and 3) Against the Laws of South Carolina.
Governor Sanford is the "Chief Magistrate of the State" of South Carolina. He has a duty to uphold the moral and statutory law of our state. George Washington said that "Religion and morality are indispensable supports" of "political prosperity." By scheduling his Inaugural Prayer Service inside the building of a publicly, openly, professedly sodomite "church," Governor Sanford is in effect subverting the true Religion (Biblical Christianity) and Morality of the State of South Carolina. Most importantly, it is a Reproach to the Name of Jesus Christ, Who is Governor of All Nations (Psalm 22:28). Office of the SC Governor: Ph. (803) 734-2100 / Fax (803) 734-0546 / 9413. Office of the SC 2007 Inaugural Committee: Ph. (803) 779-2972.
No King but King Jesus!
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