Tumeric Extracts Containing Curcuminoids Prevent Experimental Rheumatoid Arthritis

J Nat Prod. 2006 (March): Funk et al ,69 (3): 351 – 355

Department of Medicine, Pharmacology, Phytomedicine & Cell Biology University of Arizona,

Tucson, USA.

In Vivo Anti Arthritic Efficacy IntraperitonealCurcuminoid Treatment on Lewis Mice.
Purified curcuminoids (4 mg curcuminoids/kg/d) or vehicle aloneip injections were begun 4 days prior to SCW (Streptococcal Cell Wall Induced Arthritis) administration (n=11 animals/group) and
continued on a daily basis until 10 days after SCW injection at which time treatment frequency
decreased to 5 days/week. * p < 0.02.
(Accelerated Study on Curcumin with inducement of arthritis and injection of compound)
Item / Lewis Mice n = 11 / %Inhibition of Acute Phase Inflammation / %Inhibition of Chronic Phase Inflammation / 0 % Inhibition
1 / Control / -75% / -68%
2 / Placebo / 0

Drug Induced Suppression of Phosphorylase Kinase Activity Correlate with Resolution of Psoriasis as assessed by Clinical Histological and ImmunohistochemicalParametres.

British Journal of Dermatology 2000: M.C.Y Heng et al 143: 937 – 949.

Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine UCLA San Fernando Valley Program.VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, CA 91343 USA.

Phosphorylase Kinase is known to integrate multiple calcium/ calmodulin dependent signalling pathways that involved in cell migration and cell proliferation.
This study shows elevated Phk activity correlated with psoriatic activities and evaluates the significance of drug induce suppression of PhK activity on psoriasis activity.
Item / Patients n = 10 / % Improvement / % Improvement
1 / Active Untreated Psoriasisare patients not responding to steroidscalcipotriol / 0% / 0%
2 / Treatment with Curcumin Gel 1% for patients not responding to steroids, calcipotriolmethrotraxate / 90% after 2 – 6 weeks
n = 5 / 50% - 85% after
3 – 8 weeks
n = 5
3 / Treatment with Calcipotriol for patients not responding to steroids & tars / 70% - 80% after 4 – 6 months
n = 3 / 50% – 65%
6 – 18 months
n = 7
4 / Patients with normal skin condition / 0% / 0%

A. Clinical Improvement Results for 2 groups of 10 active Psoriatic patients, treated with Curcumin (C) or calcipotriol (Cp).

  1. Expression of Transferrin Receptors and Parakeratosis in Untreated and Treated Psoriasis

Phosphorylase Kinase Activity in Untreated and treated Psoriatic Epidermis

Density of Epidermal T-Cells per hpf (high power field) in Untreated and Treated Psoriasis

JPEN J Parenteral Enteral Nutr: 2008 Jul-Aug; 32(4):389-402. Epub 2008 Jun 9.

Efficacy of parenteral nutrition supplemented with glutamine dipeptide to decrease hospital infections in critically ill surgical patients.

Estívariz CF, Griffith DP, Luo M, Szeszycki EE, Bazargan N, Dave N, Daignault NM, Bergman GF, McNally T, Battey CH, Furr CE, Hao L, Ramsay JG, Accardi CR, Cotsonis GA, Jones DP, Galloway JR, Ziegler TR.

Glutamine, the most abundant amino acid in the body, is thought to become conditionally essential in critical illness.Glutamine act as a carrier for inter-organ N (nitrogen), a preferred fuel for enterocytes and cells of the immune system and a precursor for glutathione.
Mechanisms by which glutamine could improve recovery include attenuating oxidant damage and inflammatory cytokine production, reducing gut bacterial translocation and improving N(nitrogen) balance.
Study was to determine whether glutamine-supplemented parenteral nutrition differentially affects nosocomial, blood stream and pneumonia infectionrates in selected subgroups of SICU patients.



1.0g + 0.5g/kg/d Glutamine enriched Parenteral Nutrition given


1.5g/kg/d Standard Parenteral Nutrition given

/ % Improvement



Nosocomial Infection n = 13


Nosocomial Infection n = 36

/ -63%



Blood Stream Infection n = 0


Blood stream Infection n = 7

/ -100%



Pneumonias Infection n = 6


Pneumonias Infection n = 16



American Journal of Therapeutics 14, 442-446 (2007)

Oregon Holly Grapes/Mahonia Aquifolium, rich in Psorberines, for the Treatment of Adult Patients With Atopic Dermatitis

Howard Donsky, MD and Don Clarke, MD, American Journal of Therapeutics 14, 442 – 446 (2007)

Study was conducted to determine the efficacy and safety of Oregon Holly Grape rich in psorberine extract cream in patients with Atopic Dermatitis for 12 weeks on 42 patients.
Efficacy and safety was assessed using Eczema Area and Severity Index scores and a subject Reported Evaluation Treatment.
Oregon Holly Grapes rich in psorberine inhibits the release of proinflammatory cytokines
interleukin – 8, tumour necrosis factor α and interleukin – 2 that help reduce inflammation.
The EASI scores decreased by 75%, 91% and 97% after 4, 8, 12 weeks of treatment with 30 respondents completing the study.
Questions / Much Worse / Worse / Same / Better / Much Better / Better & Much Better
Effectiveness / 0 ( 0%) / 0 (0%) / 2 ( 6.7%) / 9 ( 63.3%) / 19 (63.3%) / 28 (93.3%)
Itching / 0 ( 0%) / 0 (0%) / 5 (16.7%) / 11 ( 36.7%) / 14 ( 46.7%) / 25 (83.4%)
Rash Appearance / 0 ( 0%) / 1 (3.3%) / 1 (3.3%) / 10 ( 33.3%) / 18 ( 60%) / 28 (93.3%)
State of Mind / 0 (0%) / 1 (3.3%) / 12 ( 40%) / 7 (23.3%) / 10 ( 33.3%) / 17 (23.3%)
Social Activities / 0 (0%) / 1 (3.3%) / 22 (73.3%) / 3 (10%) / 4 ( 13.3%) / 7 ( 23.3%)
Work Activities / 0 (0%) / 1 (3.3%) / 20 ( 66.7%) / 5 ( 16.7%) / 4 (13.3%) / 9 (30%)
Sleep / 0 (0%) / 1 (3.3%) / 16 (53.3%) / 7 ( 23.3%) / 6 ( 20%) / 13 (43.7%)

The response of Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI) scores of patients treated with Oregon Holly Grapes/Mahonia Aquifolium, rich in Psoberines, for 12 weeks.

The lower the EASI score indicates better patient response to medication.

Patient responses to the subject reported evaluation of treatment form completed after 12 weeks of treatment with Oregon Holly Grapes/Mahonia Aquifolium, rich in Psoberines.

Treatment of Mild to Moderate Psoriasis with Oregon Holly Grapes/Mahonia Aquifolium, rich in psoberines – A double-blind, placebo-controlled study.

Steven Bernstein, Howard Donsky, American Journal of Therapeutics 13, 121 – 126 (2006)

Study was conducted to determine the efficacy and safety of Oregon Holly Grape rich in psorberine extract cream in patients with Mild to Moderate Psoriasis for 12 weeks in a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled clinical study involving 200 patients.
Both control and placebo apply cream twice daily but placebo is without psorberine.
Oregon Holly Grapes rich in psorberine inhibits the release of proinflammatory cytokines
interleukin – 8, tumour necrosis factor α and interleukin – 2 that help reduce inflammation.
Efficacy and safety was assessed using Psoriasis Area and Severity Index Scores (PASI) and Quality of Life Index (QLI).
The PASI scores was evaluated base on Erythema (redness), Infiltration (thickness) and Desquamation (scaling). Control has 97 and placebo has 74 patients completing the study.
Item / Description / Control / Placebo / % Improvement
1 / PASI Score / -3.58 / -2.22 / + 61%
2 / QLI Score / + 25.5 / + 15.1 / +68%

PASI (Psoriasis Area & Severity Index) scores intent to treat population.

Reduction in average PASI scores after 12 weeks Tx.

QLI (Quality of Life Index) scores intent to treat population.

Effect of BETA 1, 3/1, 6 GLUCAN on upper respiratory tract infection symptoms in marathon athletes.

Shawn Talbott©Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2009) 8, 509-515

A placebo-controlled, double-blind study designed to evaluate the effect of Beta Glucans derived from yeast on upper-respiratory tract symptoms (URTI). Seventy-five marathon runners (35 men, 40 women) will self administerplacebo, 250 mg or 500 mg of BETA 1,3/1,6 GLUCAN daily during 4 weeks post-marathon trial period.
Heavy exercise is a physical stressor that results in measurable immune challenges with reductions
in key immune system components such as neutrophils, natural killer cells, T cells and B cells.
Beta Glucanhave positive effects on leukocyte activity, which has been suggested to contribute to the increased resistance against infections.
Item / Duration / Placebo number of patients with URTI / Beta Glucan 250mg & number of patients with URTI / Beta Glucan 500mg & number of patients with URTI
1 / After 2 weeks / 17 / 8 / 7
2 / After 4 weeks / 6 / 2 / 2

Superoxide dismutase (SOD), along with Catalase and Glutathione Peroxidase constitutes part of the body’s front line in antioxidant defences.These antioxidants help to maintain the physiological oxidant antioxidant balance to reduce oxidative stress.

However, this balance can be disturbed by different factors, including aging, smoking, pollution, exposure to sunlight, infection and the subsequent immune response putting the body under oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress can significantly contribute to the process of inflammation, which underpins autoimmune condition like rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation, metabolic syndrome and diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases.

Superoxide Dismutase was studied in a trial utilizing induced oxidative stress in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial involving 20 men.
Muth et al.assigned the volunteers (average age 31) to receive a daily dose of 1000 International Units (IU) of Superoxide Dismutase bind with wheat gliadin polymer(for better bioavailability) or placebo for 14 days prior to being exposed to hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) – pure oxygen at a pressure of 2.5 atmospheres – for 60 minutes.
DNA damage that results in exposure to HBO was measured using the comet assay, and found to have significantly increased in the placebo group, while no significant changes were observed for the Superoxide Dismutase supplemented group.

The Protective role of Glutathione against oxidative DNA Damage Induced in Rat Kidney by Potassium Bromate (KBro3).

Kimie Sai, et. al. Japan, Journal Cancer Research, 83, 45 – 51, January 1992.

National Institute of Hygienic Science, 1 – 18 -1 Kamiyoga, Tokyo.

The role of Glutathione in preventing Oxidative DNA damage in rat kidney after administration by potassium Bromate (KBro3) in male Fischer 344 rats. Potassium Bromate (KBro3) is a food additive known to induce rat renal cell tumour.
Saline were use in Control, Glutathione (GSH) and Potassium Bromate (KBro3) to be intravenously administered in n =5 rats for each group.
Rats’ Kidney were being analysed after 48 hours for the levels of Lipid Peroxidation in each group. Lipid peroxidationrefers to theoxidativedegradation oflipids. It is the process in whichfree radicals"steal" electrons from the lipids incell membranes, resulting in cell damage.
Glutathione demonstrated to protect against KBro3 induced oxidative DNA damage with no increase in Lipid Peroxidation Level.