Tuition Revenue Bond Request
Please note: A separate request is required for each project. Combined projects are not acceptable (e.g., renovate Science building, construct Library, and purchase property at 1 North Street, would require three separate applications).
I. Project Description(one per request)
Institution:Project Name: TRB Project Number: CB Assigned
System Rank: Institution Rank:
Status:(Pending, Sent to SYSTEM, Sent toTHECB, Last Updated:(Internal use)
Denotes the item is required.
Denotes the item is only required if another question determines need for it to be answered.
(EXAMPLE – The question before is a yes or no question and the your answer is question states, if yes. The following question would require a response.)
No highlight means it is not required.
ALL FIELDS are 1,2500 characters except for #6, #7, #8, and #49 – these are 21,500 characters.[nes1]
Blue Bold are internal notes.
2. Project Type: (Real Property, Construction, Real Property and Construction)
3. Project Description:
Please describe the project being proposed and include as much detail as possible.
(1,500 characters remaining until full)
4. Anticipated Impact of Project
Explain the significance of the proposed project to the institution’s mission.
(1,500 characters remaining until full)
5. Anticipated Consequence of Non-funding
Explain the impact on the institution if the proposed project is not funded with Tuition Revenue Bonds.
(500 characters remaining until full)
63. Estimated Start Date: Estimated Completion Date:
74. Would the proposed project be located on the main campus?
If no, where would the proposed project be located?
(250 characters remaining until full)
85. If no, dDoes the institution have legislative authority to perform the proposed project?
If yes, provide information oncite the authority and its source to perform the proposed project.
(250 characters remaining until full)
6. Project Description:
Please describe the project being proposed and include as much be as detailed as possible.
(1,500 characters remaining until full)
7. Anticipated Impact of Project
Explain the significance of the proposed project to the institution’s missionand provide details of the proposed project’s impact on the institution’s mission..
(1,500 characters remaining until full)
8. Anticipated Consequence of Non-funding
Explain the impact on campus institution if the proposed project is not funded with Tuition Revenue Bonds.
(500 characters remaining until full)
If this is a Construction or Renovation project:
9. Construction Type:(New Construction, R&R, Addition, Infrastructure, Other combinationos)
If Other, please explain:
10. Building Number: (require’d if R&R, ;NEW if new construction)
11. Primary Facility Type:(27 types need to exclude auxiliary)
12. Secondary Facility Type: (27 types need to exclude auxiliary)
13. If parking, number of spaces:
If this is a Real Property Acquisition:
14. Type of Acquisition:(Purchase, Lease, Lease-Purchase, Rental, Undecided)
15. CIs the purchase price confidential? [nes2]
16. Would the Real Property Acquisition add E&G space to the inventory?
17. Number of Acres:
18. Address, City, State
19. Would this acquisition break up a residential neighborhood?
20. If yes, explain why the break up is necessary and the steps taken to solicit neighborhood input.
(XXX characters remaining until full)
21. Would eminent domain be exercised for the proposed project?
22. If yes or if required, explain.
(XXX characters remaining until full)
Have appraisals been completed on this property? (yes or no)
- I
- If yes, provide appraisal values.
Current Fall 2005 Space Deficit/Surplus:
(from 2005 Space Model) / Automatically generated box. Cannot be altered.
Projected 2010 Space Deficit/Surplus:
(based on 2010 Enrollment Forecast)
Source: MP1 report excluding all TRB projects and unknown source of fund projects. Any buildings or needs not included in the MP1 that could affect the calculations are not reflected in the calculation. Any projects included in the MP1 are included and may result in the projected space deficit/surplus.) / Automatically generated box. Cannot be altered.
Space Need Status: (See right)
Extremely Severe Deficit / -800,000 and larger / -60% and higher
Very Severe Deficit / -500,000 to -800,000 / -45% to -60%
Severe Defict / -200,000 to -500,000 / -30% to -45%
Significant Deficit / -100,000 to -200,000 / -15% to -30%
Projected / -100,000 to 100,000 / -15% to 15%
Surplus / 100,000 and higher / 15% and higher
/ Automatically generated box. Cannot be altered.
Two statuses will appear based on table to the left.
Percentages will also be used here.
1.Projected – Less than (100,000)
2.Significant – (100,000) but less and (200,000)
3.Severe – (200,000) but less than (500,000)
4.Very Severe – (500,000) but less than (800,000)
5.Extremely Severe – (800,000) and larger
235. Proposed Project Space:(N/A if Unimproved Real Property AcquisitionLand Purchase only)
GSF / NASF / E&G / Efficiency / Standard
New Construction / Meets/
Does Not Meet
Repair and Renovation / Meets/
Does Not Meet
Addition / Meets/
Does Not Meet
Real Property Improvements / Meets/
Does Not Meet
Clinical E&G Space / Meets/
Does Not Meet
Amount Added to Inventory by Proposed Project:
Amount Removed in Inventory by Proposed Project: / Drop down of Buildings to be removed
Resulting Space from Proposed Project:
Resulting Fall 2005 Surplus/Deficitresulting from pProposed pProject:
(from 2005 Space Model) / Automatically generated. Cannot be altered.
2010 Resulting Projected Surplus/Deficit resulting frompProposed Pproject:
(based on 2010 Enrollment Forecast)
MP1 report excluding all TRB projects and unknown source of fund projects. Source: MP1 report. Any buildings or needs not included in the MP1 that could affect the calculations are not reflected in the calculation. Any projects included in the MP1 are included and may result in the projected space deficit/surplus.) / Automatically generated. Cannot be altered.
Resulting 2010 Project Space Need Status:
Extremely Severe Deficit / -800,000 and larger / -60% and higher
Very Severe Deficit / -500,000 to -800,000 / -45% to -60%
Severe Defict / -200,000 to -500,000 / -30% to -45%
Significant Deficit / -100,000 to -200,000 / -15% to -30%
Projected / -100,000 to 100,000 / -15% to 15%
Surplus / 100,000 and higher / 15% and higher
/ Automatically generated. Cannot be altered.
Two statuses will be displayed here based on table to the left. Percentages will also be used here.
Projected – Less than (100,000)
Significant – (100,000) but less and (200,000)
Severe – (200,000) but less than (500,000)
Very Severe – (500,000) but less than (800,000)
Extremely Severe – (800,000) and larger
264. If the proposed project results in a space surplus, describe why the institution believes it is important to add space to the campus five years from the first year of the authority for the bonds.
(XXX characters remaining until full)
275. Would the proposed project help meet one or more of the Closing the Gaps goals?
286. If yes, which goal:
Participation Success Excellence Research
279. Describe in detail how the proposed project would help the institution meet the specified goal(s).
(XXX characters remaining until full)
If Success:
3028. Would the proposed project help addressgenerateadditional graduates in critical fields identified in Closing the Gaps (Nursing, Allied Health,Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, Math, or Teaching)?
310. If addressing specific program(s) or field(s), describe in detail how the proposed project would support the institution’s goals for the particular program(s) or field(s)?
(XXX characters remaining until full)
312. Is the proposed project required for the institution’s accreditation or a specific program’s accreditation?
332. If yes, describe in detail how the proposed project would address accreditation issues. Include the full name of the accrediting body.
(XXX characters remaining until full)
343. MP Type: (Drop down menu of most recent MP1 & MP2 and NONE.
(Ex. MP1 – Project Name – Rank)
354. If not listed on the MP1 or MP2, please provide an explanation for not including the proposed project on these reports.
(XXX characters remaining until full)
Current Deferred Maintenance
$ Amount / Ratio to
Rep Value / Meets or Does Not Meet Standard
Fall 2005 Current Deferred Maintenance:
(Fall 2005) / Automatically generated box. Cannot be altered. / Automatically generated box. Cannot be altered. / Automatically generated box. Cannot be altered.
Fall 2005 Current Critical Deferred Maintenance:
(Fall 2005) / Automatically generated box. Cannot be altered. / Automatically generated box. Cannot be altered. / Automatically generated box. Cannot be altered.
365. Would the proposed project address Deferred Maintenance? 376. Would the proposed project address Critical Deferred Maintenance?
IF NO to both– go to following question. IF YES, skip & go to Project Impact on Deferred Maintenance.
38. If the proposed project addresses deferred maintenance, describe in detail how the proposed project would reduce deferred maintenance and critical deferred maintenance on the campus.
(XXX characters remaining until full)
37. If the institution does not meet one or both of the Board’s standards for Deferred Maintenance Board standards, please provide an explanation why how the institution does notplans to meet the Board’s standards for Deferred Maintenance.
(XXX characters remaining until full)
389. Proposed Project Impact on Deferred Maintenance
MP2 Project / $ Amount
Amount of Deferred Maintenance the proposed project would address: / Drop down menu with MP2 list and Amount. Also include ‘Not on list.’
Amount of Critical Deferred Maintenance the proposed project would address: / Drop down menu with MP2 list and amount of CDM only. Also include ‘Not on list.’
Recalculation of Institution’s Deferred MaintenanceBased on the Proposed Project
$ Amount / Ratio to
Rep Value / Meets or Does Not Meet Standard
Impact on Deferred Maintenance from Proposed Project, if applicable: / Automatically generated box with amount or N/A. Cannot be altered. / Automatically generated box with amount or N/A. Cannot be altered. / Automatically generated box with amount or N/A. Cannot be altered.
Impact on Critical Deferred Maintenance from Proposed Project, if applicable: / Automatically generated box with amount or N/A. Cannot be altered. / Automatically generated box with amount or N/A. Cannot be altered. / Automatically generated box with amount or N/A. Cannot be altered.
40. If the institution does not meet one or both of the Board’s standards for Deferred Maintenance, please provide an explanation how the institution plans to meet the Board’s standards for Deferred Maintenance. INSERT PLAN OF ACTION HERE?
(XXX characters remaining until full)
39. If the impact of the proposed project on Deferred Maintenance would not help the institution meet the Board’s standards, please provide an explanation why how the institution does notplans to meet the Board’s standards for Deferred Maintenance.
(XXX characters remaining until full)
40. If the proposed project addresses deferred maintenance, describe in detail how the proposed project would reduce deferred maintenance and critical deferred maintenance on the campus.
(XXX characters remaining until full)
41. Would the proposed project address life safety/ADA concerns?
42. If yes, describe in detail how the proposed project would address life safety/ADA concerns.
(XXX characters remaining until full)
UTILIZATION: Automatic N/A if HRI to all questions pertaining to Utilization
Utilization / Guideline / Rank
Fall 2005Current Classroom Utilization
(Fall 2005) / Automatically generated. Cannot be altered. / 38 / Automatically generated. Cannot be altered.
Fall 2005 Current Class Laboratory Utilization
(Fall 2005) / Automatically generated. Cannot be altered. / 25 / Automatically generated. Cannot be altered.
43. Would the proposed project add classrooms?
44. Would the proposed project add class laboratories?
45. If yes, describe in detail why the institution would benefit from adding these classrooms and/or
class laboratories.
(XXX characters remaining until full)
46. Would the proposed project address a national interest such as bioterrorism or homeland security?
47. If yes, describe in detail how the proposed project would address a national interest such as bioterrorism and homeland security.
(XXX characters remaining until full)
48. Provide any additional relevant information that would support the evaluation of the proposed project and/or would address any issues that were not listed above.
(XXX characters remaining until full)
49. What is the compelling reason why the state should provide tuition revenue bonds to fund the proposed project?
(1,500 characters remaining until full)
50. What percent % of theof the total proposed project amount would the be funded by the institution? fund: Institution fills in
501. Total Proposed Project Costs
Construction Costs
Building Cost (New Construction) $ Must have NEW CONST OR
Building Cost (Repair & Renovation) $ R&R OR
Real Property or Site Acquisition $ SITE ACQUISITION
Site Development $
Other Infrastructure Costs $
Parking $
Construction Services $
Fixed Equipment $
Furniture & Moveable Equipment $
Total Construction Costs$ (Automatically generated)
Professional Services Fees
Architectural/Design Services $
Project Management(System) $
Project Management(Contract) $
Other Professional Fees $
Administrative Costs $
Property Acquisition Fees/ Closing Costs $ Required if Site Acquisition
Total Professional Services Fees $ (Automatically generated)
Additional Costs
Eminent Domain $
Environmental Development $
Contingency $
Other Costs $
Total Additional Costs $ (Automatically generated)
Total Project Cost: $ (Automatically generated)
512. ExplainProvide details for ‘Other Costs’ or any unusual costs.
(XXX characters remaining until full)
Calculated Cost Summary for Proposed Project
Building Cost per GSF / Board Average / BoardRange / Measure of Cost
TotalBuilding Cost (New Construction): / Automatically generated. / Automatically generated. / Automatically generated. / High, Low, Typical
TotalBuilding Cost (Repair & Renovation): / Automatically generated. / Automatically generated. / Automatically generated. / High, Low, Typical
Total Site Development Acquisition Cost: / Automatically generated. / Appraisal #1 (Institution provides) / Appraisal #2 (Institution provides) / High, Low, Typical
Parking Cost per Space: / Automatically generated. / Automatically generated. / Automatically generated. / High, Low, Typical
What percent of the proposed project cost would address Deferred Maintenance? / Automatically generated percent or N/A.
52. What percent of the total proposed project amount would be funded by the institution? Institution fills in
53. Source of Funding
$ Amount / Type / Source / Revenue Stream
1. / Bonds / TRB / Legislative Appropriations
TOTAL / Generated
Percent TRB / Generated
54. Provide any additional details about the source of funds.
(XXX characters remaining until full)
55. Are one or more of the proposed project’s source of funds dependent on matching funds from TRB proceeds?s?
56. If yes, what percent of the project cost is already pledged?
57. If yes, are the source of funds in hand? [nes3]
58. If yes, explain describe the matching federal or funding sources to be used.
(XXX characters remaining until full)
59. If the project was funded with Tuition Revenue Bonds, would matching funds through federal or other funding sources become available?
60. If yes, what percent of the proposed project could becould be is anticipated to be funded after the Tuition Revenue Bonds are were awarded? Required if yes. N/A if no.
61. If yes, explain the matching federal or funding sources that could be could beare anticipated should Tuition Revenue Bonds become available.
(XXX characters remaining until full)
62. If the proposed project is wereis not funded with Tuition Revenue Bond funds, what other sources of funding are available for the project?
(XXX characters remaining until full)
63. Does the institution have HEAF or PUF funds that are unallocated?
64. If HEAF or PUF funds are unallocated and the institution would not use these funds for this project, provide information onexplain the institutional impact on the institution if HEAF or PUF funds wereare used for this project.
(XXX characters remaining until full)
65. If HEAF or PUF funds are allocated for this project, provide information onexplain the impacteffect on the institution if HEAF or PUF funds are were used for this project. (e.g., what projects would be shifted to a lower priority if these funds were used for the proposed project?)
(XXX characters remaining until full)
End of Page. Must select Update or Clear Changes here to make changes. Can also use the menu on the right.
Tuition Revenue Bond Request
II. Project Evaluation
Institution:Project Name: TRB Project Number: CB Assigned
System Rank: Institution Rank:
Status: Last Updated:
Pull over General Project Description Items in a report format (#1-24)
Second section is Criteria.
Criterion 1 – State Goals
The state should use Tuition Revenue Bonds to fund this project because:
Pull information from impact question #4, negative impact question #5, Compelling reason #49
Criterion 2 – Closing the Gaps Goals
If #27 is NO - This project does not directly affect the Closing the Gaps goals.
If #27 is Yes - This project directly affects XXX and XXX (from #28) Closing the Gaps goals by Pull information from Question #29.
If Success is chosen on #28 and #30 is yes – This project would affect the goal of Success by generating additional graduates in critical fields identified in Closing the Gaps (Nursing, Allied Health, Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, Math, or Teaching).
Details of the program(s) or field(s) this project would address: (pull from #31)
If Success is chosen on #28 and #32 is yes – This project would be required for the institution’s accreditation or a specific program’s accreditation by: (pull from #33)
If Success is chosen on #28 and #32 and #30 are no – The institution reports this project would affect the goal of Success, but would not address critical fields identified in Closing the Gaps nor would the proposed project be required for the institution’s accreditation or specific program’s accreditation.
Criterion 3 – Space Need
If #16 is NO – This is a property purchase and will not add E&G space to the institution’s inventory.
1. Standard: Space Need / N/A / [A4]Meets / Does not meet / Making Progress
17.30(2(A)) The project shall not create a campus space surplus, or add to an existing surplus, as determined by the Coordinating Board’s space projection mode report.
Real Property Improvements / Demolition / Repair & Renovation / Addition / New Construction / Total New Space in the Project
GSF / [A5]
NASF / [A6]
Fall 2005 Space Model: current E&G NASF / Deficit / Surplus
2010 Enrollment Forecast: current E&G NASF
Source: MP1 report. Any buildings or needs not included in the MP1 that could affect the calculations are not reflected in the calculation. Any projects included in the MP1 are included and may result in the projected space deficit/surplus.) / Deficit / Surplus
Current Space need Status:
- Projected – Less than (100,000)
- Significant – (100,000) but less and (200,000)
- Severe – (200,000) but less than (500,000)
- Very Severe – (500,000) but less than (800,000)
- Extremely Severe – (800,000) and larger
- Surplus