March 1, 2018
We are planningfor the 2018-19 school year. We are all looking forward to working with your children and you during the upcoming school year.
Registration will take place on Sunday, May 6, from 8:00 a.m. until noon. Tables will be set up in the library, so we can access the internet to process the new online registration and tuition payment through the FACTS management program. Please come prepared with your physicians’ phone numbers, emergency contact information, etc. All families are required to go through this final registration. If you are unable to attend, please call me at school to make other arrangements. This is a new process for us this year, we hope this new online system will streamline and be a quicker way to register. We will still have stations to check emergency card information and student and family demographics, for the hot lunch payment, to buy sweatshirts, fill out athletic forms and medical forms.
Please be prepared to sign up to pay tuition when you come through registration. All parents have the option of paying fees in full or pay monthly.Monthly payments will be set up on the FACTS management program online that will allow for a withdrawal from your checking or savings account or on a credit card. We will be able to help with the online payment set up at registration.
You will need be prepared toset up online payments on the day of registration:
Tuition - $1,200 per child for parishioners (contributing more than $600/yr.)
$2,800 per child for non-parishioners
Administrative Fee - $40.00 online tuition per family
Home and School fee - $20.00 per family
Diocesan Fee - $25.00 per child
Please see the enclosed letter and tuition information sheets.
Lunch Fees – you can put money into your lunch account for 2018-19
Sports Activity Fee - $75.00 per child per sport. You can pay the Volleyball fee now.
The uniform exchange will be available at registration – you can bring in old uniforms or buy used uniforms. Cash only please for the uniform exchange.
There will be a table to purchase the school sweatshirts. Payment is required at the time of ordering.
Kindergarten and new students must provide copies of birth and baptismal certificates prior to the first day of school. Please bring them to registration.
Nebraska State Law requires that students be immunized in order to attend school. All students must have an updated immunization record on file at school on or before the first day of school. Kindergartners and new students cannot attend school until this record is on file in the office. There are also new regulations for the varicella (chicken pox) vaccine for all students. Students cannot attend school until the varicella series is complete.
All kindergarten, seventh grade, and new out-of-state students are required to have health physicals. School physical forms will be available at registration or in the school office prior to the final registration. The completed physical forms must be submitted on or before the first day of school.
Students who plan to participate in school-sponsored sports are required by law to have a completed physical on file at school prior to the first day of scheduled practice.
St. John the BaptistSchool will offer its own hot lunch program. This will be a prepaid program. Parents need to make payment on hot lunch accounts at the time of registration.
We are now required by the Nebraska Department of Education to hand out the free and reduced forms to all families. Wewill be asking all parents to fill out a free and reduced lunch form. The families that qualify for free and reduced lunches help our school with our Title I funding through the public school. Title I helps those students who need additional help in reading or math. If you do qualify for free and reduced and don’t choose to accept it, that is your choice.
Those who qualified for free or reduced lunches last year will need to reapply by, FridaySeptember 14, 2018. Forms will be at the orientation on August 16, 2018 or in the school office August 1, 2018.
The first day of school will be Monday, August 20. It will be a full day with Mass scheduled for 9:00 A.M. Students need to arrive that morning by 7:55 A.M. and meet in the gym. Kindergartners will meet in their classroom the first day of school and in the gym beginning on Wednesday, August 22. After the first day of school, morning Mass will begin at 8:10 A.M.
20 service hours per family, 15 community and 5 spiritual, you will need to fill out a stewardship form at the Home and School table. We have many tasks that can be and need to be done. We can accomodate those working at home and away from home. Volunteer jobs include, but are not limited to, lunchroom, library, clerical, instructional, catering, and building and grounds. Spiritual hours are hours that are spiritual in nature, ie. Adoration, bible study, a retreat, helping with the Wee Worship, etc. We need and appreciate the help we get from our volunteers and look forward to seeing you at school again this year. Please fill out the form at registration. We need to have a completed form from each family. Please help us out.
Students in grades 5, 6,7, and 8 are invited to join the band program.
This school year we will be offering childcare from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. From 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. students dropped off between these times will go to the gym and sign in. This will be a $5.00 fee per day for kids who come to school early. School age children will remain in the gym and supervised by a school employee after 7:30 a.m., children needing only the childcare will be taken to the childcare rooms downstairs from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The cost for the childcare for the 2018-19 school year will be $4.00/hr. Every family will be required to fill out the childcare paperwork at registration. Even if you do not intend to use the childcare you will need to fill out the forms in the event that you would need to utilize the childcare. You will not be required to pay the registration fee if you don’t intend to use the service but if you would use it the registration fee will be added to your first bill. Those who have been in the childcare previously will not have to pay the registration fee again. Child care will be available on non-school days with the exception of holidays including, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, and Memorial Day.
Uniforms can be purchased at Dennis Uniform Company in Omaha. This year we will allow red cardigans and the burgundy will not be part of our school uniform. There will be a uniform exchange program during registration and during the first week of school, from 7:45 to 8:15 a.m. and from 2:45 to 3:15 p.m. If interested in participating please bring your presentable clothing to the gym during registration. Anyone interested in helping, please contact Donette Koelzer at or call the school at 402-296-6230. CASH ONLY PLEASE!
Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing you at registration.
Linda Monahan