"Tuff" Stuff Collage
Ponyboy explains the meanings of a few words Greasers use so that we, as readers, will know exactly what he means when he uses them.
"Tough and tuff are two different words. Tough is the same as rough; tuff means cool, sharp---like a tuff-looking Mustang or a tuff record. In our neighborhood both are compliments." Pg. 12
What do you think is tuff?
YOUR TASK: Make a collage about what you think is tuff. You may use magazine pics, clip art, handdrawn pics, etc. Your paper used for the collage must be covered completely. You may use construction paper, copy paper or cut poster board in half. It does NOT need to be a large poster board.
3 Requirements must be on your poster:
*Your Name
* “Tuff”
*The pictures must represent a variety of “tuff” things you like. It cannot have several pictures representing the same thing.
This assignment is to be completed outside of class. It is due on Wednesday. You will present your poster in class that day.
“Tuff” Stuff Collage Rubric
1. Title “Tuff”/ Name: 10 ______
2. Covered with pictures/items
Collage: 30 ______
3. Pictures reflect variety of
categories: 30 ______
4. Creativity: 10 ______
5. Presentation: 20 ______
Total Score: 100 ______