From 1986 until 1993, I was part of a weekly prayer-praise class in Fort Worth. The little lady who led it was a little Cherokee woman we called “momma June”. Momma June had learned practical Scriptural ministry--quiet, firm boldness under Abba’s authority-- from another little Cherokee woman named Venetta Copeland, mother of Kenneth Copeland. Venetta was poor, but alsopoor in spirit andhumble--a focused woman whose only ambition in life was to see people set free from the power of darkness, including her son. Everywhere she ministered, people started prayer meetings in their homes. There was no flamboyance in Venetta. She was only bold as the Spirit of Yahuweh moved through her to minister to His people. She was bold in prayer.

Being 1/4th Cherokee myself, I identified with her in all ways. We became very good friends. June, like myself, had a left hip that was turning inward, preventing her from walking well. Yet, she supported herself financially for years by working as the all-night hostess for the Old South Pancake House. We saw so many miracles in that prayer-praise class. Well-known ministers would come to June for prayer. I don’t remember her ever raising her voice. She just had authority, and the gifts of the Spirit. I call her my mentor in ministry, because through her example I learned “hands on ministry” that was Scriptural, so it worked. I learned from her how to lead others to the baptism in the Spirit the Scriptural way. A pastor-friend, Allen Shook, once said: “If you do things the Bible way, you get the Bible results”. In other words, if you follow Messiah’s example, and the examples of the Apostles in their ministering, then you get the same results as they got. But, they had Abba’s 100% backing, and so must we, or we can get into demonic witchcraft and jezebel spirits, and minister in deceptive spirits of the enemy.

One day June asked me to sit back in my chair for Abba wanted to heal me. My legs had never been straight. If I lay on my stomach on the floor, my feet would overlap inward, my ankles would not bent outward.

As she commanded my left hip to straighten out, I felt vibrations going up and down my left leg into my hip, for about 30 minutes. I went home and lay down on my stomach on the bed. My husband came home and saw me, and the first thing he said was, “what happened, your legs are straight”. I could never turn my feet out to do a ballet position, but after that I could. Friends came from California to visit us. They had me walk out in front of them so they could stare at me, seeing my healing.

To this day I can still do a ballet position. This is the power of the Spirit of a loving Father. June taught me how to minister in that, and I have seen many miracles happen as I’ve prayed for other people. Messiah was Torah-

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guarding. The Apostles were all Torah-guarding. Their disciples were all Torah-guarding. So, in ministering to others, we must make sure that they know that it is the Elohim of Israel who is doing the work in them.

One night momma June was in the warehouse at Old South Pancake House in the middle of the night. A demon possessed street bum came in. He was probably looking for food. The warehouse had been dark. He had a make-shift torch in his right hand, which he lit. Then he saw her. He proceeded towards her with that lighted torch. She stood her ground. He advanced slowly towards her and told her he was going to light her on fire. She never moved. She stood silent and just looked him in the eyes. She took her stance and trusted Abba. When the man got right in her face, she looked right in his eyes as he lifted the torch to burn her. All of a sudden he dropped it and ran out.

June told us that she knew that if she backed up one step, she would show fear, and in doing so he would have burned her up. If the demons smell fear, they will attack. If they see faith they run. Got that! I love that woman.

She was a very poor woman, but she was powerful.

Ya’cob 2:5: “Harken my brothers, has not Elohim chosen the poor of this world, rich in faith, and heirs of the Kingdom, which He promised to them that love Him?” Love is not a gooey fleshly feeling in Scriptural understanding--love is submission, yielding to the authority, to the one loved. It is the love of the spirit, not the love of the carnal soul.

Ephesians 6:10-14a: “Finally my brothers be strong in the Master and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of Elohim that you might be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Therefore take unto you the whole armor of Elohim that you may be able to withstand the evil day, and having done all to stand, stand therefore …”

We stand in the garments of the High Priest – Yahushua Yahuweh!

In the summer of 1999, I was teachinga week of meetings in the “bush country” of the Serengeti Plain of Tanzania. We were so far back into the bush that we were in very primitive conditions. The hyenas would come up at night to kill the sheep, so the pastor and his family had to put the sheep in closed pens. It took hours by rickety bus to get down there, from where I had been staying in Musoma--north Tanzania.

We had the meetings in a schoolhouse about 1 mile walk from where we were staying. People from all over that region came to hear me teach on the

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Holy Spirit. I was preparing them to receive the infilling, the baptism into the Spirit. Messiah facilitates our mikvah into the Spirit (Matthew 3:10-12; Luke 3:16).

That area was highly filled with demonic spirits. It was where those steeped in witchcraft worshipped the black river god. They sacrificed goats to it. In one of the meeting, five young men came in as I finished my teaching and was going to ask people to come up if they needed prayer. I had asked the people to stand up. These men went to stand in the back row. They looked at me with mocking grins, and they walked as if they were king of the heap. I knew they meant no good. So, in His bold authority I walked back to those young men who were starting to act naughty, disturbing others around them. I got right in the face of the one I knew was their leader. I just looked at him--the love of Abba looking at him. I told him through my African-Director translator that God loved him and wanted him to submit his life to Him. As I talked in a firm but kind voice, he began to cry. They all started crying. They all bowed their heads to receive salvation (yeshua).

“Those THAT KNOW THEIR ELOHIM will act, and do exploits”. (Daniel 11:32) He will not use anyone who He does not know, who is not contrite, trembling at His Word (Isaiah 66:1-2), who is not tested and tried and found worthy after much time in the crucible of faith-learning. “It is not what you know that is the most important, but Who you know”.

I was an ordained minister in the “charismatic church” system. I know that most all of what they call “intercession” is not backed by Yahuweh. That’s why they draw so many demons to themselves and their families.

He is light, and no darkness is found in Him. He calls us to be set-apart AS HE IS set-apart, and to be blameless before Him in His love. If He is to use us with bold authority to stand against the enemy in these last days, then He has to know us and know us well enough to trust us. It is a mutual relationship of trust, based on much interaction.

The servant must be humble, contrite, and pure of heart, and set-apart unto Yahuweh alone. They must be taught by Yahuweh’s Spirit, led by His Spirit, filled and empowered by His Spirit, so that what flows through them is all Him, and none of self!

In February of 2009, while sitting in my youngest daughter’s house, reading a novel about the coming uniting of the 52 ancient crystal skulls, to bring back the Dragon--a common New Age theme picked up from the ancient people of Central and South America. I had been doing research on these skulls via documented books, and other sources, like the Indiana Jones movie, “The Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls”. Of course these 52 skulls are from pre-Flood Nephillim, who put their knowledge into them for these last days. Crystal retains vibrations of the spoken voice.

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I paused in my reading, and Abba spoke to me: “You will walk into the face of the Dragon and come away unscathed”. I didn’t know what “unscathed” meant, so I looked it up in a dictionary. It means “totally unharmed”. I figured it meant something like that. Abba used a big word.

In February of 2010, I literally was walking the face of Baphomat, the goat head pentagram representing Satan, in Washington DC. -- from the White House to the House of the Temple – headquarters of the Scottish Rite 33rd Degree Freemasons – the headquarters of the Grand Master who controls Washington DC. The form of Baphomat is laid out in the streets, and it is well known by the Washington elite hierarchy that he is represented there. The beard of Baphomat touches the White House.On his head, between his horns, sits a lighted candle, which reaches to the House of the Temple.

As I began my journey, I had a good friend next to me praying. I was going to do spiritual warfare over my family, so I thought, while walking this head of the goat-head. The male heads of my mother’s family were 33rd degree Masons, and very powerful in politics in North Carolina. I knew from Tom Horn’s Apollyon Rising 2012, the power that this “Temple” has over everything done in Washington.

As I stepped off the curb to begin the journey up the beard and head of Baphomat, instead of the usual “coming against the devil” form of spiritual warfare as I thought it would be, a different kind of warfare welled up out of my mouth. I began singing praises to Yahuweh in tongues, rejoicing--the spirit of victory hit me and His anointing began to flow through me. As Abba instructed me, we walked up 16th street, on March 16th, 2010 (3-7-3 or #13).The number 16 is a highly occult number, as is #13.

I walked the face of the Dragon and was so not affected that I was filled with the joy of my Master and had super strength. When we got into the House of the Temple, there was a man who said he would take us on a tour, for $3.33 each – equaling $6.66. I know that in this Temple, with every President they enact the Egyptian (Osiris) “ceremony of the rising”. (“Google” the “Apotheosis of George Washington”) We went into the room where they do this. Since earliest times in America our illustrious “fathers” have been preparing for the rising of Nimrod/Osiris/Apollo once again to come and rule the world. The plans and intents of that House are 100% Luciferic. Their grandmaster, Albert Pike, whose remains are in a column in the Temple, wrote of the god of Freemasonry: “Our god is Lucifer”. He said Yahuweh was the dark God who kept illumination from Eve, and that Lucifer, the light

bearer, came to give through her illumination for mankind. There are quotes from Presidents that they can make no decisions unless they first consult the Grand Master of the House of the Temple up the street.

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In late March of 2010, Abba sent Sharon and I to Tihuanaco, Boliva. It is the oldest known city on earth – 13,000+ feet up in the Andes Mountains. It was built by pre-Flood Nephillim. Its 600-ton stones were moved from a quarry 200 miles away through the oxygen-starved air to be fitted into massive temples with massive gates.

He sent me in 2010 on a seven-point assignment right into the face of “that old Dragon” of Revelation 12, and his fallen ones, to repeat the message of Enoch I to the Nephillim and the fallen ones who are returning today to accompany the Beast in his rise to power. Enoch took this message of Yahuweh to the fallen ones before the Flood, at a time when the Nephillim were starting to increase on the earth. The fallen ones who bred with human women to produce the Nephillim and the Repha’im (giants) came down on Mt. Hermon in the “days of Jered”. Jered was the father of Enoch.

This message came in response to a plea by the fallen ones who requested mercy from Yahuweh an even a chance to return to His favor. Yahuweh, through Enoch, responded to them that their request was denied, that they would have no peace forever, they would see their offspring scattered as

dung on the earth, and they would spend their eternity in the lake of fire with their chosen leader, Lucifer (Halel). This time before the Flood began the last age of the five ages of an era, before the taking back of the earth by Yahushua Yahuweh. I was to take this message at the near end of this age and era to the fallen ones to reiterate to them the message of Yahuweh.

He sent me literally to seven places of Abba’s choosing in 2 months, from February 25th to May 25th, in which I was to speak to these ancient spirits directly. Abba allowed me three companions for 5 of those seven, for which I praise Abba. And stranger than anything was His manner of confirmation that linked each point with each other. Oh the joys of serving Him!

But, the sixth point on the “tour” was a surprise to me from Abba because I did not know it existed until I got there by His strange leading. In Ashkelon, Israel, at the oldest known arched Canaanite gate ever found, I was alone. I sat in front of the gate and Abba instructed me to pull out my list of Scriptures that He had instructed me to use in proclamation to these

“spirits”. As I began speaking the Psalms and proclamations, “they” came out from the stones and stood between the stones and me and listened. I had an audience. I can imagine how Enoch felt with his audience.

In November of 2011, Abba literally had me walk to the gates of Hades, to proclaim His victory in the face of the opening of the pit. He had me proclaim not only His Word, but who I was in Him before the mighty ones of the underworld.

I was on an intercession assignment with a family, going across the North of

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Israel to its peak. I was dressed in a long skirt, a blouse with sleeves to the wrist, and had on a head-scarf tied in Jewish manner. We went to “Banias”, Arabic for “Panias”--ancient Caesaria Philippi--the center of the worship of the god Pan in his Temple, and the worship of the god Zeus in his Temple, and the worship of the Emperor of Rome in his Temple. The river that ran under the Temple of Pan was considered the opening of the pit of Hades. Human sacrifice was made in the temple and the bodies of the victims thrown into the river. Hades was a Nephilim, and bound with other Nephilim in the pit of Tartaros until the day of their reappearing, which is very soon. (II Peter 2:4; Jude 1:6; Revelation 9:11, 11:7)

This was where, in Matthew 16:13-26 Messiah made His proclamation that “the gates of Hades” would not prevail over the assemblies of His people. It was there that the Apostle Kepha (Peter) made his famous statement “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living Elohim”

The anointing of Yahuweh – Elohim of Israel – Elohim of Abraham, Yitzak, and Ya’cob – was powerfully on me with His strength to do intercession for His people right in the entrance-way of the ancient temple of Pan.

After those proclamations and the reading of the Scriptures to the fallen ones, I went to sit on a rock by some rock steps that went between the entrance of the temple of Pan and the temple of Zeus. I took my Bible and opened it to Psalms that He had given me for proclamation in the face of the Dragon in places like Tihuanaco, Bolivia – Psalm 97-100 in particular. Then He took me to Psalm 86:13: “For Your loving kindness is great towards me, and you have delivered my soul from the depths of She’ol” (Hades).

As I finished proclaiming this verse, an American tourist came up to me and said sweetly: “You look like you are one who serves in this temple”.

Her statement made me mind-numb. I did not answer her. She leaned over and said, “Do you speak English?” I said: ”Yes”. And, then, from my inner most being I looked at her under the power of His anointing, and said slowly, with calm but firm boldness: “I only serve Yahuweh, Elohim of Israel”. She was so shocked she grunted, and walked off quickly. As I went down the hill to wait for my friends, I asked Abba what that was all about. He let me know that I needed to make that proclamation right in the face of the gods of the ancient world—the fallen angels who had mated with human