
As you probably know, the Internet is a collection of various computers and networks with millions of users across the world. An emoticon is a sequence of ordinary characters you can find on your computer keyboard. Emoticons are a form of communication on the Internet used in e-mail, chats, and other forms of communication using computers. Since ASCII text is the common denominator among Internet users, some creative users began using emoticons to communicate. The basic emoticon looks like this :-) which is a grin and connotes cheer or good humor.

Below is a collection of emoticons. Just tilt your head 90 degrees left and key the following emoticons. Your teacher will assign you a partner to help you guess what each “emoticon” means. After you and your partner identify the meanings of the emoticons, key in the list of “emoticons” with the meaning of each.

1. ;-)

2. :-I

3. :->

4. :-(

5. @:-)

6. 8-)

7. :-D

8. :-/

9. :-7

10. :’-(

11. :-o

12. :-*