TTIPS Cycle5Pre-Implementation
Monday, February 27, 2017
Topic / Notes / TimeWelcome/Opening
TCDSS: April Willis /
- Welcome
- TTIPS history
- Training logistics
Being a TTIPS Grantee
TEA: Leticia Govea /
- What does being a TTIPS grantee mean?
- What’s to come?
- What about my model?
1842 Breakouts
- Discuss 1842
- Developing a plan, implementing it, and not being exempt from the turnaround plan
Passing time
Models Breakout
- Discuss model
- Model requirements
- Timeliness
Lunch / Karyn Gukeisen-TEA Grants
Use of funds, grant timeline, NOGAs, carryover / 11:45
TEA: Charlotte Coffman /
- Cover all components of the portfolio
- The purpose (state plan to USDE)
- Timeline for submission and how to submit
TTIPS Reporting
TEA: Charlotte Coffman /
- Review theTTIPS tab, APGs, and EOY Part 1 and 2
- How do we make these connect to meet the grant requirements? What is the agency looking for?
TEA Monitoring
TEA: Charlotte Coffman /
- Discuss variousannual visits (Site, Support, Desk audit, MAPSS, MAPSS survey)
- Review case manager year-at-a-glance calendar. Review Grant spending EOY, ISAM submission dates, and dates to remember (ECHS, Summer Training)
- Explain PSP reporting and hours
Table Work
- Review TTIPS pre-implementation activity list
- Where are we on each one? Are we meeting all the model requirements?
- Are we prepared to tie grant to TIP to TTIPS tab to APGs?
Wrap Up
TEA: Leticia Govea /
- What to expect for tomorrow
- Final thoughts
Time to Talk
TEA: Leticia Govea /
- Open mic for questions
- Thoughts
TTIPS Cycle 5Pre-Implementation
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Topic / Notes / TimeWelcome/Opening
TCDSS: April Willis / Review yesterday and preview what will come today / 8:30
Sense of Urgency
TEA: Charlotte Coffman /
- Describe what is meant by sense of urgency
- Understand the role of urgency in improving student achievement
- Create a sense of urgency on your campus/district and put it on the timeline
Core Values
TCDSS: Yvonne Ceynow /
- Recognize that core values form the foundation upon which an organization acts and determines what it becomes
- Understand the purpose and essential function of core values in building a supportive school culture focused on continued improvement
- Begin to define team core values which will create alignment and the basis for leadership decision making
Setting and Communicating a Vision
TCDSS: April Willis /
- Revise vision statement to embody a vision for change
- Verify alignment between core values and the previous and revised vision statements
- Review components of the change process and evaluate the campus’s current change status
- Begin to create an action plan to communicate and support the vision
Working Lunch / 11:45
Continue Portfolio Work
TEA & TCDSS / TEA & TCDSS will offer assistance as needed
Complete Timeline/Set Due Dates
TEA & TCDSS / TEA & TCDSS will offer assistance as needed
TEA & TCDSS / Reflection, Summer Training Dates, Survey / 4:00