Tsuen Wan GovernmentSecondaryTechnicalSchool Alumni Association (TWTSAA)

The 4thExecutive Committee (Ex-Com) (2008-2010)

Minutes of the 8thMeeting

Date :16 June 2009 (Tuesday)

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Venue :Conf. Rm, 5/F, TungHipComm.Bldg. 244-252, Des Voeux Rd Central, HK

Present :Mr.FAN Ying-mingChairman

Mr. CHAU Ka-tak, EricVice-Chairman (Internal)

Ms.FU Sau-lin, Cindy Vice-Chairman (External)

Mr. CHIU Kim-kanTreasurer

Ms. CHAN Wai-lan, Winnie Deputy Treasurer

Mr. CHUI Wai-sing Secretary

Mr. CHAN Chit-wai, StephenChairman, HUCMS

Mr. CHEUNG Kwok-chung, Raymond

Mr. CHEUNG Kwok-ying

Mr. CHUNG Kwok-yiu, Compton

Mr. LEUNG Tung-sing, Christopher,

Mr. MAK Hoi-wah

Mr. TANG Wing-hong

Absent with apology:Mr. CHEUNG Kwok-ying

Mr. LO Fu-man, Herman

Ms. YAU Wai-ha, Iris

1. /

Confirmation of the minutes of the last meetings

1.1 / The minutes of the 7thmeeting, which had incorporated with comments from Mr. Eric CHAU, were confirmed without amendment.
2. / Matters Arising
2.1 / Update of Membership Database
Mr Compton CHUNG said the new membership particulars received from the AGM had been updated.
2.2 / AGM on 25 April 2009
The Chairman said that the AGM was successfully held on 25 April. The AGM was attended by 133 participants includingteachers. He invited feedback from members on the AGM.
Mr. KK CHIU reported that the expenditure just matched with the revenue this time. Mr. Compton CHUNG appreciated the presence of live band which promoted the atmosphere in theevening. The Chairman thanked Mr. Stephen CHAN for initiating the idea and inviting Mr. William Wong to the AGM.
Mr. Stephen CHAN said that it was a bit disappointed that the HUCMS members, after a year’s hard work, were not invited as guests in the AGM. The meeting also noted that Jason Fong’s group could not turn up in our AGM because thedate crashed with their university activity.
2.3 / Photo Album of Mr. CHEUNG Chun-tung
Cindy FU briefed members the latest health situation of Mr. CHEUNG Chun-tung. The way forward to proceed with the photo album was discussed and the following was agreed :
An application to seek sponsor from Hong Kong Arts Development Council (藝發局)would be made before 30 June 2009.
As a fall back option, the Alumni would finance the publication, and the finance could be in the form of donation or sponsorship by members.
A separate account would be set up to record all the expenditure and revenue related to the Photo Album.
The Chinese titles of the album were proposed to be one of the following subject to the choice by Mr CHEUNG or his family. / Winnie Chan
2.4 / Proposal of Honourary Chairman of HUCMS
The proposed “Honourary Chairmen” from HUCMS was discussed in the meeting.The titles of “Honourary Chairman”and “Honourable Chairman” were discussed. The committee was of the view that the word “Honourable”would mean someone deserving honours, and would normally be applied for highly esteemed persons, whilst the latter would mean a person holding an unpaid or volunteered position. After thorough discussion, the committee considered that “Honourable Chairman” would be more than what the Alumni or HUCMS could confer, and agreed unanimously to adopt the title of “Honourary Chairman”. In addition, as the person could be gentleman or lady, a neutral title of “Honourary Chairperson” was suggested and agreed.
With regard to the forfeiture clause, the committee considered that should any Honourary Chairperson forfeit the title, he or she may do so, but subject to theacceptance by the Committee.
The proposal of “Honourable Chairman”as proposed by HUCMS was endorsed by the Committee subject to the above amendments.
3. / Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s report as at 16 June 2009 was tabled in Appendix I.
4. / HUCMS
4.1 / Mr Stephen CHAN reported thatin the meeting on 18 May 2009, HUCMS endorsed the proposal to re-build Da Ban Xiao Xue (大湴小學) at an estimated cost of 160,000 RMB. The payment would be made by 3 installments.
4.2 / He said that HUCMS newsletter would be ready by early July, and the newsletter would be issued together with the newsletter (荃情) of the Alumni.
4.3 / He further reported that HUCMS would organise a hiking for fund raising purpose. All membersof the Alumni would be invited, and details would be announced in Aug/Sept 2009. / HUCMS
5. / Publication and IT Sub-Committee
5.1 / The meeting noted that the next newsletter would be issued in July 2009. The issue would include the AGM (by CHUI), article from Ms. LI Siu Har(by Eric), plus updated news about our ex-teachers (by Winnie). The draft articleswould be submitted to Mr Compton CHUNG by end June, and the newsletter would be scheduled for distribution in early July together with the HUCMS’s newsletter. / All
6. / Recreation Sub-Committee
Mr. Chirstopher LEUNG proposed a hiking on 22 November, and another activityduring the Christmas Holidays. Further details would be worked out.
7. / Any Other Business
7.1 / Mr. Eric CHAUenquired whether the HUCMS notes of meeting should be posted to the web page of the Alumni. The Chairman advised that it would not be necessary for HUCMS, as a sub-committee of the Alumni, to post the notes of meetings to the Alumni’s web page.

8. Date of Next Meeting

8.1 / The meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm. The next Ex-Com Meeting would be held at 7:00 pm on 24August 2009(Monday) at TY’s Office.
The tentative dates for the forthcoming meetings in 2009/10 are scheduled as follows :
Meeting No. / Time / Day & Date / Venue / Remarks
10 / 7:00 pm / Mon 12.10.09 / TY’s Office / Tentative
11 / 7:00 pm / Mon 14.12.09 / TY’s Office / Tentative
12 / 7:00 pm / Mon 8.2.10 / TY’s Office / Tentative
13 / 7:00 pm / Mon 19.4.10 / TY’s Office / Tentative
AGM 2010 / Sat 24.4.10 / YYC Club / Tentative
/ All tonote

FAN Ying Ming


Encl. Appendix I - Treasurer’s Report

Distribution :

All Present (by e-mail)

Mr. Hung Tam Yuen (by e-mail)